Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 529 Su Qing's Spirit Medicine Field

Chapter 529 Su Qing's Spirit Medicine Field
Su Qing and Bai Qian went home, and only Lao Zhang and his wife were left working in the field. They were busy picking vegetables and sealing boxes, putting them into the flying car, and pulling them to the field, waiting for the receiving speed car to take them away.

Then connect the water pipes and start watering the vegetable fields. The planting robot is suitable for heavy physical work, and some fine work is better done manually, otherwise the thinking mode of the robot will not be adaptable.

As the sun rises higher and higher, the temperature gradually heats up. Lao Zhang’s daughter-in-law keeps wiping sweat. Although it’s hard work, the couple is very satisfied. Unstable, that is, enough for two people's expenses, or Ms. Su's place is comfortable, with food and shelter, and the work is not tiring.

Ms. Su planted a large area by herself without their help. They did less and less work, which made it easier, but she was worried that Ms. Su would fire them soon.

From this day on, Su Qing lived a life of clothes, hands, food, and mouth. Bai Qian arranged everything well, and Su Qing could just enjoy it.

In addition to not being able to give birth to spiritual plants, Bai Qian has helped Su Qing play with spiritual medicines and learned a lot of planting techniques over the years.

It may be that Bai Qian has a deep mind and has long been aiming at learning, but the monk's ability is easy to learn. For several years, she has not learned it when she sees Su Qing making alchemy every day. At most, she knows some low-level elixir. Planting pills and prescriptions, but not alchemy at all, and he can't even figure out how to control fire.

Even so, Bai Qian worked very hard and learned all the skills she could learn. The dissatisfaction with Su Qing, the master, was gone, and she concentrated on being Su Qing's maid.

With Bai Qian around, Su Qing was able to get rid of the daily chores and concentrate on doing her own business, especially learning from her ancestors and concentrating on cultivation.

Luo Zilan was a great monk back then, and she knew as many things as stars. Even if Su Qing studied for a hundred years, she still couldn't learn all of her knowledge, and as her cultivation level increased, the difficulty of the flower rain formation would also increase , like the few simple formations used before, it will not work.

Su Qing has entered the golden core stage, and ordinary formations are not suitable for her. They are not powerful enough, and she needs to learn more powerful formations. In the past, Su Qing practiced in the jade pendant space at school, which always felt inconvenient.

The environment in Fuchunxing is really great, few people, quiet, everyone is busy farming, without the hustle and bustle of the city, the night is quiet like a sleeping planet,

Su Qing was free to practice however she wanted, with Bai Qian as her partner, the two of them were tossing and turning in the clouds, the turbulent clouds cleared and the mist cleared, and the moonlight shone on the ground,
Sen Han's sword light formed an encircling formation, no matter how Bai Qian tried to break through, she couldn't get out.

With a soft scold, Bai Qian showed her original shape. Under the silver moon, a white fox with nine tails was standing in the air.

Su Qing also withdrew the aura of maintaining the concealment technique at a glance, showed his true face, and began to take it seriously, fighting a nine-tailed sky fox, what can he do if he doesn't use his full strength.

Like a silver light, Bai Qian faced Su Qing with one paw, the sharp claws shone coldly, it was very dangerous to watch,
With Su Qing's face as beautiful as a fairy, she calmly raised her hand and swung the sword. Luoying is a fairy sword, so sharp, how could Bai Qian not know, so she could only change her moves and attack from a different direction. Fight without fear in the sky.

After fighting for an hour or so, Su Qing has mastered the newly learned formation skillfully, and the two of them flew down the clouds together,
This match was really fun. It is more rewarding to meet the opponent in the battle, and to continuously improve the fighting ability, otherwise you will always fight against opponents who are weaker than yourself, and you will never be able to improve.

Under Luo Zilan's urging, Su Qing put most of her mind on cultivation, and only went to the planting field during the day to move some spiritual plants out of the space and plant them.

When Lao Zhang and his wife went to the vegetable field the next day, they saw that the new spiritual plant planted by the boss yesterday had grown to a length of one foot. In the bare field yesterday, there were seedlings this morning. It was so shocking. .

It was a miracle that the two of them had swallowed a bomb in their hearts. It was a miracle that they grew so tall just a day after they were planted.

In the morning, the couple saw that Ms. Su and Ms. Bai had placed a lot of mature spiritual plants in the flying car. They had never seen them before, let alone recognized them. They must be very valuable, right?
The spiritual plants that Su Qing transplanted to the outside are indeed very precious, and they are priceless treasures, especially the ice fire snake scale fruit tree, which has been carefully raised by Su Qing for six years, but it has not yet bloomed and bear fruit. It is estimated that there is still insufficient energy and the time has not yet come.

Many spiritual plants obtained in the secret realm have been stored in the space for nearly six years. If they are not taken out to let the spiritual plants grow naturally, the energy will be completely consumed.

Now it can be regarded as finding a suitable place. Su Qing planted more than an acre at once. The school’s planting field is very small and can’t grow a few. Su Qing has been using a magic talisman to seal up those particularly precious elixir. The place is planted.

Now Su's farm is his own territory, with Daniel and Bai Qian watching, who dares to steal her things.

Although Su Qing's jade pendant has a large space, it cannot be planted. It can only ensure that the spiritual plant will not wither. Over the years, as Su Qing has planted more and more elixir, the preservation time has been extended a lot. The air is thick, otherwise Daniel would have been suffocated to death.

Su Qing circled a few acres of land as an elixir field, and set up formation restrictions around it, and arranged a gathering spirit formation in the innermost part.

With the protection of the formation, no one can get in without her jade talisman. Unless someone higher than Su Qingxiu violently destroys the farmland, she will not be at ease if there are so many precious elixir and big thorns in the field.

Especially in a few days, Su Qing will go back to Mengyuexing, and it will take several months to go back and forth. It may not be safe to rely on the two monsters, Bai Qian and Daniel.

So Su Qing was not at ease, and placed a phantom disk on the outermost side, stuffed with several spirit stones, it is estimated that it can be used for several years without replacement, so that she can leave with peace of mind.

The elixir in the fields of Su's farm is Su Qing's painstaking efforts in planting for many years. You must be more careful. Many of the elixir in it are perennial. It is okay to make medicines. If you want to make alchemy, the year is still a few years away.

Those were all cultivated by Su Qing for several years. Only by continuing to cultivate them carefully can they mature and be able to refine some rare elixirs.

All elixir is very rare and precious, and Su Qing attaches great importance to it. Several kinds of elixirs she wants to refine rely on this elixir field, which is also a preparation for Meng Hao.

What if one day, Meng Hao is really in danger and doesn't have a few life-saving panacea in his hand?
The higher the cultivation level, the higher the level of pills that need to be taken. Those low-priced pills have little effect on monks with high cultivation bases, and higher-level panacea must be used.

That's why Su Qing paid so much attention to it. Most of these elixirs were dug up in the Secret Realm of Hopelessness. They were not sold in the Imperial Spiritual Plant Market, and the pharmacists didn't know them. They were only recorded in the classics of cultivation.

When Su Qing was taking the graduation exam in Imperial Star, Su Qing quietly put away that special spiritual plant seed, which Su Qing also planted.

After two rounds of Spring Rain Jue, it has taken root and sprouted within a few days. It doesn't need to be spawned at all. The Spring Rain Jue can make it grow well. Spiritual energy turned into rain is what the elixir likes to absorb most.

This kind of herb should be the main medicine of Jiejin Dan, and it can't be blamed that only the royal family has it. Su Qing thinks it should be planted by the national teacher, otherwise who would care about a plant that cannot be refined into a medicine.

He didn't need Jie Jin Dan himself, maybe Meng Yan would use it, he could refine some, and use it as a bargaining chip in dealing with that national teacher in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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