Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 530 Prepare Zhang Township

Chapter 530 Prepare to Return Home
The cultivation of the national teacher is in the foundation building stage. It is estimated that there are no spirit stones and no pills. It is difficult to enter the golden core stage with one's own cultivation. The 200-year-old Shouyuan in the foundation stage is not as good as a supernatural teacher. will reject his request.

After the elixir field was finished, Bai Qian was only responsible for watering the elixir and changing the formation spirit stones. Daniel was in charge of guarding it, and Bai Qian took care of it.

Bai Qian has truly become the chief manager of Su's farm. Apart from Su Qing, she is the biggest in the whole farm.
Lao Zhang and his wife were also Bai Qian's subordinates. For almost a month, Lao Zhang saw that Miss Su had never mentioned the matter of dismissing them when the contract expired, so he didn't dare to ask.

Now that Miss Bai is in charge of the house, the boss seldom takes care of things. At most, she goes to the field every day to see how her Lingzhi is growing. Except for Miss Bai, the boss does not let the couple manage the medicine field. It is because they can manage Lingzhi, the boss It's right not to let them go in and make trouble, but I'm a little disappointed that I haven't learned how to grow spiritual plants.

A month later, Lao Zhang was surprised to find that the vegetables grown in their farm became more and more valuable, and he could buy a lot more interstellar coins every day, and the energy was much higher during the test.

Lao Zhang's wife also babbled, "A farm with an owner is different from one without an owner. When the owner comes back, not only the vegetables grow well, but also the energy contained in them is high."

Lao Zhang nodded in agreement, he thought it was Su Qing's ability as a planter.

How did they know that wherever Su Qing was, as long as it belonged to plants, they would grow crazily. The vegetables didn't grow very fast because the farm house was far away from the vegetable fields.

The trees and weeds around the farm yard, and the flowers planted in the yard, grow very fast. Lao Zhang and his wife didn't pay much attention to it. They thought it was a natural growth. When they saw that the weeds were too tall, they pulled them out.

They pulled it out every day, and after a long time, the grass didn't grow at the door, but the weeds grew taller in the corners they didn't often go to. After withering, the grass seeds took root and sprouted, and another crop grew. When it arrives, it will be pulled out by hand and used as food for the big cow. Not to mention, the big cow eats deliciously, and it will also solve its forage problem.

Su Qing lived in Fuchunxing for more than a month, improved her cultivation base and combat effectiveness, sorted out the things in the jade pendant space, and transplanted all the elixir with serious energy loss to the outside. The panacea that has been planted in the past one or two years.

After setting up the formation of the elixir field, she taught Bai Qian to be familiar with the habits of each elixir, how to water and fertilize the elixir.

Su Qing felt relieved, and told Lao Zhang and his wife to take good care of the remaining vegetable plots, and to hand over any unresolved problems to Bai Qian.

Fuchunxing is a peaceful and quiet place. Spaceships transporting vegetables, fruits and food come and go every day. There are not so many disputes, and there should be no major incidents. Even if Bai Qian can't make the decision, you can still contact Su Qing and ask her. How to deal with it,

Although the countries in the interstellar world span several galaxies, communication is still very convenient, but when you reach Mengyue, you have to go down several steps, and only the capital, Mingyue City, is more developed.

Su Qing thought that she would come back in half a year at most, and there should be no major problems. She has been delayed in Fuchunxing for more than a month, so she should go back to pick up grandma early!

I don't know why, but she's always been terrified recently, feeling that something bad happened. Could it be that the Zerg began to break through the human defenses, and the imperial army was defeated again? Could it be that Meng Hao is about to go to the battlefield?
As a monk, intercepting the energy of the world's resources to practice, in order not to be backlashed by the heavens, one must try to integrate oneself into the world and understand the origin of the world, so many monks will have some omens about what will happen, Su Qing is like this, and feels that there is no further delay , she will leave Fuchunxing immediately and go back to pick up her grandmother. After Mengyuexing came back, there is also news about which fleet Meng Yu will serve in.

When the time comes, mail him a batch of pills, one or two of each is fine, what if you lose them all?Or give him two at a time, and send it to him after eating.

Su Qing had a good idea, one or two would be enough to save Meng Xiang's life, but Su Qing didn't understand soldiers at all, let alone the meaning of Zepao in the army,
It is impossible for Meng Hao not to take out the elixir and watch his comrades die in front of his eyes. If he has the ability to save him, he will never stand on the sidelines in cold blood, and he will not care how precious the elixir is, because life is more precious.

Of course, this happened a long time later, and now Meng Hao is still practicing driving the mecha in space strictly according to the commander's instructions!
Ever since Su Qing felt that something bad was about to happen, she couldn't sit still in Fuchunxing. She was about to clean up and went back to Mengyuexing. It's like returning home in good clothes. I must thank my teachers, classmates, friends, and everyone who has helped her. No one can be left behind, and gifts are absolutely indispensable.

Especially my two first teachers, Principal Mei and Zhou Peilan, who worked hard to teach me back then, and Teacher Meng and his lovely daughter, Meng Xiaoyu, who are probably married and have children.

Thinking of those familiar people, Su Qing can't wait to go back to Mengyuexing to meet everyone, talk and feel the passage of time.

Do you know what Yang Wei is busy with?Originally, there was still contact between them. When Yang Wei encountered problems in refining medicine, he would ask Su Qing how to solve them in the video.

Su Qing will also teach him the latest way of refining medicine that he learned in the past. Unlike martial arts, refining medicine is not like martial arts. There are many rules. Medicine refining is purely based on talent and hard work. There is no special skill, and even if there are, some pharmacists are used to it Special techniques may not be suitable for others to use.

Therefore, it is still possible for Su Qing to hand over the method of refining medicine that he learned in the Department of Pharmacy to Yang Wei.

But since Su Qing contacted Yang Wei for the last time before the graduation exam, Yang Wei never took the initiative to look for her again. No matter how Qing wants to pay a visit.

Thinking of the Yang family, I realized that Yang Wei hadn't contacted me for several months. What the hell is he doing?Could it be that he was researching some weird formula again, hehe, he was careful to poison himself to death, medicine is not without danger, Yang Wei has been tossing a lot in recent years.

Su Qing thought of the last time Yang Wei contacted him, he seemed very excited, and said that if he had the opportunity, he would visit him in the medium galaxy. Galaxies?
Su Qing just went through Yang Wei's matter in his mind, and he was not very worried. He is such an adult that he can't lose it. Besides, Grandpa Yang didn't send him a message saying that something happened to Yang Wei, so he was safe and sound, no problem.

Su Qing booked a spaceship ticket on the star network. He wants to rush to another planet in a medium-sized galaxy. Where is the transit station for public civilian spaceships? Only the spaceship can reach Mengyuexing.

After buying the boat ticket on, Su Qing handed over the affairs of the farm to Bai Qian and Lao Zhang and his wife, and brought Huo Miao and Jiaojiao to go home.

As for Bai Qian's management of the farm, is it reliable?Su Qing had no idea, but Fu Chunxing didn't have any serious problems, and he didn't see many people usually, so there was no chance of conflict, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

As long as her elixir field is safe and sound, Su Qing doesn't care much about other things, even if Bai Qian and Daniel knocked down the house, it can still be rebuilt.

Standing at the cabin door of the aircraft, Su Qing turned her head, "Bai Qian, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, I'm leaving. You take good care of the farm, and I'll be back in half a year at most."

(End of this chapter)

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