Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 531 Huo Miao Jiao Jiao Learning Culture

Chapter 531 Huo Miao Jiao Jiao Learning Culture

"Miss Su wishes you a safe journey."

Uncle Zhang opened his mouth, but didn't say the next sentence. He was afraid that the boss would feel unlucky. He wanted to say, good luck, and don't meet star robbers, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it back. The boss is a girl. It's not good if it scares her.

"Qingqing, go early and come back early. If you pick up grandma, don't waste too much time. Come back quickly."

Bai Qian and Su Qing have developed some feelings over the past few years. If they don't get separated soon, they will definitely be missed. That's why they let her go early and return early.

It takes two months for the spaceship to reach Mengyuexing. Su Qing plans to come back in half a year, but Bai Qian thinks it's a waste of time. It would be nice to come back immediately after picking up her grandmother.

After all, the conditions of the medium galaxy are good. Su Qing can rely on her status as a supernatural master to transfer Zhu Xiuyun's household registration to her own name, and Zhu Xiuyun can enjoy all the benefits of the medium galaxy. This is the preferential treatment policy of the empire for the relatives of supernatural masters , now Su Qing's household registration is still in Venus, and she doesn't have a planet she wants to transfer to, so she will land there for the time being.

Zhu Xiuyun's household registration has come over, and she can enjoy preferential treatment in various aspects such as medical care and pensions. Why don't she come back sooner to save herself from suffering in the mountain village.

Su Qing boarded the aircraft and soon arrived at the Fuchunxing Space Port. It took another hour for the public spacecraft to enter the port.

Su Qing was sitting in the hall waiting with her pet bag in hand, staring at the news on the wall of the Star TV to find out what happened to the Empire.

A lot of news is reporting that the fleet is going to the front again to fight the Zerg. Looking at the young faces of those soldiers, I don’t know how many of them will survive. Fighting the Zerg is fighting each other. Victory is always exchanged with life. of.

Faces flickered in the camera lens, huh?Su Qing saw an acquaintance standing in the ranks of officers, isn't this His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?Did he also go to fight the Zerg, or did he represent His Majesty the Emperor to see off the soldiers?
Su Qing didn't know what the royal family of the empire looked like before, or Wang Lu always sent some information about the royal family members, Su Qing's memory must be vivid.

It's really His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I remember that Su Qing watched his engagement ceremony on Star TV six years ago.

Back then, young people in their early twenties still had an immature face, but now there is more determination on their faces. The whole person is as tall and straight as a pine, and has matured a lot. His military uniform has the demeanor of an imperial prince. The only downside is that he looks a little too It looks good, but it's a bit lacking in momentum, it's too easy to be eye-catching.

Wang Lu seems to have said that a few years ago, the crown prince went to serve in a space fleet and became a mecha division. He was the absolute main force in the fleet, and his combat effectiveness was very strong.

Su Qing has never cared much about the royal family, but when she participated in the graduation competition, she happened to see Yang Xue in the Imperial City and knew her identity, so Yang Yu's identity was clearly revealed.

I haven't heard any news of the prince's wedding in the past few years. He is a few years older than Meng Yan. Why don't you rush to get married and join the army?However, most of the people in the central galaxy of the empire marry late, and it is normal for the prince not to be married.

The members of the royal family are so noble, who would let them go to the front line to die, but the prince's talent is very good, if he can catch up to half of Meng Hao's combat effectiveness after some hard work, he will be considered a leader among the younger generation, as a mech master Fighting the Zerg is definitely no problem. The crown prince of the empire went to the front line and took the lead, which is more inspiring and improves the morale of the army.

Su Qing glanced at it and didn't pay too much attention. Now the imperial army and the Zerg are still in a stalemate in the border area. Several types of Zerg have appeared. Both sides are in the process of getting familiar with their opponents, and it is not yet time to show all their cards.

Su Qing turned on the communicator and looked at the chat content of everyone in the group of friends.

Wang Lu returned to the family and officially started to contact the family business, either refining medicines, or buying and selling medicines and spiritual plants. After a while, she must become a strong woman.

Zhou Ya is the worst, her good days are coming to an end, she is urged by her parents every day to go to work in her own farm, grow vegetables, food and spiritual plants every day, becoming a real landowner.

Chen Hongfei changed the most, because he graduated from the Department of Lingzhi. The Chen family was rich and powerful and directly opened a company that bought and sold Lingzhi. High energy, really superb means of birth.

When I am not busy at work, a few friends will share their experiences and complaints in the discussion group, both happy and troubled, revealing the incompatibility of entering society for the first time.

Su Qing likes to watch everyone's chat records the most, it's like a lively scene where friends are still around and everyone gathers together again.

Looking at the scrolling subtitles in the group, Su Qing felt that her flustered mood had improved a lot, so she called Zhu Xiuyun again and told her grandma that she had set off from Su's Farm and was waiting for the spaceship. Moon can return to Mengyuexing.

When Zhu Xiuyun heard the news, she smiled very happily, and told her to be careful all the way, take the spaceship alone, don't talk to strangers, and don't walk around on the spaceship.

Although Zhu Xiuyun had never built a spaceship, she had seen what it looked like inside the spaceship on Star TV, and told her worriedly for a long time. Even if she knew that Su Qing was very powerful, she would still be worried. Being an elder is all about the same thing.

Su Qing said a few words to her grandmother, hung up the video, and the time was about the same. Su Qing looked at the information displayed on the light screen, the spaceship had arrived, and boarding would be possible in ten minutes.

In the backpack, Huomiao and Jiaojiao showed their two small heads, looking at all kinds of people, don't look at the two of them who have been following Qingqing, but they have never been to other places except staying at school in the past ten years. This time Su Qing didn't put them into the space, the two cats were so excited, seeing everything was new.

The broadcast sounded, and Su Qing’s spaceship could board with a ticket. She carried two cats on her back, entered the ticket gate, turned on the light screen, and asked the staff to scan the barcode of the electronic ticket, passed through smoothly, entered the spaceship, and found her room to sit So fasten your seat belt and wait for the spaceship to take off.

When they arrived at the transit planet, the spaceship would have to sail for two days. Su Qing looked at the jade slips when he had nothing to do. Not only did he read them by himself, but he also asked Huomiao and Jiaojiao to turn on the learning machine that Bai Qian had not used for a long time to learn knowledge. , how old are they, it's time to start learning some cultural knowledge, Daniel can read and write, but the two cats are still illiterate, and they have been playing for more than ten years.

On the spaceship, they couldn't go anywhere, so Huomiao and Jiaojiao had to start studying with their tails drooping. I don't know if they remembered it. Anyway, after watching it, God knows if they can hold the content in the video in their minds.

Life on the spaceship is boring, Su Qing doesn't care, she is very used to this mode, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao can't bear it, she is used to it, she is locked in a small space, she is all wilted, if she knew it, she would It's better to sleep in the master space.

As for the content in the learning machine, I feel dizzy after listening to it. Is it strange that I can remember it?
Su Qing looked up and knew that the two cats couldn't sit still, and snorted coldly: "After studying hard, I will take an exam. If you don't know the word and can't write it, you will be fined to write it a hundred times, no If you are obedient, I will let you taste a very ecstasy."

Su Qing's expression showed a stern look, and they can't indulge them anymore. They are monsters, not pet cats. When the Zerg appeared, anyone could face the Zerg. The training of Huo Miao and Jiaojiao was also a great help. The fighting power is not bad.

So let's start with the study, correct their personalities, and it's time for them to suffer. When they come back from Mengyuexing, the two cats will be handed over to Bai Qian for training. Anyway, foxes and cats are similar, so they will definitely be able to Teach them both well.

(End of this chapter)

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