Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 532 Homecoming

Chapter 532 Homecoming
When Huo Miao and Jiaojiao heard it, they turned around with their big round eyes, real or not, what happened to the master, the master has always been very kind to them before, and they can do whatever they want, why is it forcing them to study now? up?
Glancing at the master's gloomy face, well, isn't it learning?Huo Miao looked at the learning machine seriously, and licked her feet Jiaojiao, not paying attention. Anyway, the master loves her so much, so he will definitely not punish her.

It's a pity that Jiaojiao miscalculated this time. When the Zerg is about to invade, if she indulges them, it is tantamount to letting the two cats die. Without strong combat power, once surrounded by the Zerg, it is a certain death situation. For them Doting on him means killing two beast pets. As a monster, you must become stronger.

Su Qing has nothing to do in the spaceship, so just take good care of the two cats!
The next day, both cats failed the culture test, and Su Qing's face was gloomy, "Since you don't like to study, let's taste the punishment. You think that Da Niu is so powerful, why is he obedient, but he knows that he is not obedient The consequences are serious."

After finishing speaking, she directly launched a contract to teach them a lesson, small punishments and big warnings, otherwise the two cats would not listen at all, which is also the result of her connivance. She has never disciplined them properly. Heart, playful heart is very heavy.

"Aww!!" Two shrill cat calls, Huomiao and Jiaojiao, twitching limbs, kept touching their heads to the ground, trembling with pain, begging the master for mercy, this is the first time they felt the taste of being a pet animal, it turned out that the master really will punish them.

Huo Miao thought about the information about being scolded and punished as animal pets in the inheritance of the ancestors. The owner's doting over the years has made them forget how to be an obedient animal pet. It's just waste, I can't blame the master for letting them study hard.

In just three or two minutes, Su Qing stopped punishing the two cats, knowing that it hurts, she would remember, "Keep studying, I won't do it in the next exam, and I will be punished for one minute for a wrong word."

Su Qing ignored the two of them after finishing speaking, sat cross-legged on the bed, took out a jade slip and began to read it.

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao spread out on the ground. For the first time, they felt that cat life was difficult, and they really didn't want to study, but when they thought of the master's punishment, their bodies shivered.

In fact, Huomiao and Jiaojiao also know some commonly used characters. After all, they have been in contact with humans for more than ten years, and no matter how stupid they are, they can also know a few words.

It's just that they haven't studied systematically, let alone mathematics, history and so on. It's no wonder that cats love to study. Su Qing just wants to temper their personalities, and let Bai Qian train them well after returning home.

A few days later, Su Qing arrived at the transit planet. This is a very prosperous planet with a permanent population of more than one billion. It is one of the largest planets in the medium-sized galaxy. It is located in the middle of the galaxy, so it can be used as a transit planet for the spacecraft route.

Su Qing boarded the spaceship flying to Mengyuexing very smoothly, and it was the same spaceship that she and Meng Xiao came to Venus to go to school.

Time goes by, things are different, she finally graduated and returned to her hometown. When she picks up her grandmother and returns to Fuchunxing, Mengyuexing will only remain in her memory from now on, and they will never come back again.

With grandma, wherever is home, where my heart is at ease is my hometown.

Because he had to stay on the spaceship for a long time, Su Qing would sometimes bring Huomiao and Jiaojiao to the viewing area to sit for a long time, watching the stars flashing in the dark space from time to time.

Su Qing's mind would be full of wild thoughts, is the world like this?Did the earth in the previous life really exist?What is the relationship between the present self and the previous life?Can everyone be reborn in another world after death?
Su Qing has never been able to figure out what the relationship between past and present lives is. Is it because she forgot to drink Mengpo soup, or her soul is divided into two, and now she is complete.

Su Qing was in a daze facing the void, while Huomiao and Jiaojiao were bored licking their paws, fur, and tail. What is there to see in the dark space, the master has become more and more quiet recently.

But their brothers and sisters have always suffered. They learn mathematics and Chinese every day. It is too difficult to learn, and they have to be able to write. It is even more difficult for the cat's paw to hold the pen.

During the voyage, it was fun for Su Qing to have two cats as companions. He forced them to study every day, not only learning how to read and count for human children, Su Qing also taught them various spiritual plants and medicines.

As an alchemist's beast pet, these must be learned. When the two of them can transform into forms, the work of managing the elixir field will be handed over to them. Bai Qian will leave her eventually. Daniel is not suitable for fine work Son, it's okay to be a guard, only Huomiao and Jiaojiao who are light and agile are suitable for managing the elixir field.

So you have to learn what you need to learn. I don’t plan to accept apprentices in the Golden Core Stage, so I can only use the two of them instead. Some basic common sense must be learned. It's worse than a fox, and it's no problem to learn these.

Su Qing seems to have a talent for teaching people, even teaching two cats is no problem, she feels pretty good about herself, Gu Chou Huomiao and Jiaojiao are serious about learning.

But the feeling of the two cats is not like this, they have a lot of resentment in their hearts, can they not study hard?If you make a mistake, you will be punished for one minute, that taste is too ecstasy.

In this way, Su Qing was teaching the two pets while familiarizing himself with the classics of cultivation. Time passed in a flash. On this day, the announcement on the spacecraft was about to arrive at the terminal Mengyuexing. Passengers who need to disembark, please be prepared.

Hearing this news, the two cats jumped up happily, and finally they were about to be relieved. Hahaha, they are at home, and the owner must have no time to take care of them.

Su Qing opened the backpack, stuffed them in with each hand, and said with a sneer, "Don't be too happy, I may be busy during the day, don't forget, I don't need to sleep at night."

Looking at the two dumbfounded ones, Su Qing snickered in her heart, hehe, she's so small, she still wants to be lazy.

Su Qing walked out of the lobby of the spaceport, looked up at the bright sunshine, and sighed in her heart, I am finally back.

Standing on the land of Mengyuexing, Su Qing's flustered feeling of having nowhere to rest disappeared. It turned out that the previous restlessness was all because of homesickness.

Su Qing didn't inform her grandma that she had arrived at Mengyuexing, and she planned to surprise her grandma.

Stopped a speeding car, find a hotel to settle down first,

Then I will visit the teacher and the Yang family, and finally invite all the teachers and friends to have a meal, and we will meet and chat, maybe this meeting will be a farewell.

Today's Su Qing is different from that of the past. As a graduate of a famous imperial school, a master of supernatural powers, and a high-level cultivator, he will definitely be sought after.

Mengyuexing also has cultivators, but the cultivators trained by Xinghui Academy, said to be cultivators, can't even keep up with the lowest-ranked cultivators in prestigious schools, but they are not bad at planting low-level plants.

As a group of supernatural masters, the low-level base is very large, and the number of people becomes smaller as they go up, and there are even fewer supernatural masters who can cultivate to high-level supernatural masters. The talent and learning environment are a big obstacle. It is destined that the quality of Xinghui's students is far inferior God's prestigious school.

It can be said that Su Qing has returned to her hometown. The teachers, classmates and Yang family all looked at her with admiration. Her social status has improved a lot. Of course, Su Qing does not have that kind of arrogant attitude. She is still the girl who came out of the mountain village.

She didn't notify anyone in advance, and she was the first to visit Zhou Peilan, her pharmacy teacher. Zhou Peilan had trained Su Qing relentlessly, and Su Qing must be the first to thank her.

(End of this chapter)

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