Chapter 533

There was no need to rest, so I left Huomiao and Jiaojiao at the hotel, rented a speeding car and went to the gate of the first intermediate class school, because it was the holiday period, and there was no one in the school,

Su Qing said her student registration number in the intermediate class, and the guard let her in. There are many former students who came back to visit the teacher, and they would usually let them in.

Su Qing knows where Teacher Zhou's home is, and has been here several times before. Teacher Zhou has been living in the staff dormitory of the school. Occasionally, she will contact Teacher Zhou to exchange new technologies in pharmacy at Qinglan College.

Su Qing raised his hand and pressed the doorbell, and soon there were footsteps inside, the door opened, and a ten-year-old boy leaned out, looking at Su Qing in surprise, "Who are you looking for?"

Su Qing smiled and said, "Xiao Zhaozhao, you've grown up, don't you know me? I'm Sister Qingqing, and I'm back to see your mother."

Zhaozhao opened his eyes wide, let out a cry of surprise, ran inside, and shouted loudly: "Mom, mom, look who's coming, aren't you talking about it every day!"

Su Qing looked at it funny, the little one back then had grown up, walked in, closed the door casually,
Zhou Peilan was cleaning, and was baffled by her son's exclamation, "Who's here?"

Seeing Su Qing standing in the living room, she rubbed her eyes and shouted: "Qingqing, you are back, why didn't you send a message in advance, look at the big girl, not the little bean sprouts back then."

Zhou Peilan happily stepped forward to hug her best student.

Su Qing also jumped into the arms of her mentor, and shouted excitedly: "Mr. Zhou, I am back, and I have finally graduated."

"Well, okay, come on, sit down, and tell me about your future plans."

Zhou Peilan pulled Su Qing to sit on the sofa, and Xiao Zhaozhao served Su Qing a cup of tea in a sensible way, and said mischievously, "Sister Qingqing, drink tea."

Su Qing patted his head, "Thank you Xiao Zhaozhao, you have grown up in a blink of an eye."

The little boy was a little shy and smiled. After all, Su Qing is also a little beauty, with a beautiful face and fair skin. After several years of training in Qinglan College, her temperament is more light and elegant.

Su Qing took out the gifts for the teacher from the storage, from clothes and jewelry to food, and toys for Zhao Zhao.

Su Qing brought back several kinds of toys, Mengyuexing didn't have any at all, but Zhao Zhao was so happy that he opened the package and started playing.

Zhou Peilan didn't blame Su Qing for wasting money. Pharmacists are generally not short of money. The interstellar coins Su Qing earned when she was in the intermediate class were enough for her and Meng Xiang's expenses. When she arrived at Venus, the environment is better and she can earn money. Absolutely indispensable, so she happily accepted it.

Seeing her beloved student, Zhou Peilan couldn't stop asking, how many levels has the ability reached, is it easy to take the test as a trainer?Has pharmacy given up?
Su Qing said everything Yiyi said, and when Zhou Peilan heard from Su Qing, she had already bought a farm in Fuchunxing, and this time she came back to take her grandma to live in Fuchunxing.

Zhou Peilan nodded approvingly, the standard of living in medium galaxies is better, suitable for the elderly to provide for the elderly, Qingqing is very filial, and her conduct is not to be questioned.

Su Qing talked about going to the Imperial City to participate in the competition, and Zhou Peilan immediately said excitedly:

"Qingqing, back then you were able to enter our school from a backward mountainous area at such a young age. I knew that you would be extraordinary in the future. I watched all your games and it was amazing. Many of our teachers didn't know the answers to those questions. , the level of education at the graduate school is high.”

Su Qing smiled, this is of course, if he can be reborn in a medium galaxy, it will not be a problem to be admitted to Tianlong Academy.

The teacher and the student sat together and had endless topics to talk about, but Su Qing's time was very tight. She planned to stay in Mingyue City for only three days, so I can only make a long story short, and I will briefly describe many of them.

In the end, Su Qing deliberately said to the teacher: "Mr. Zhou, I originally planned to let you all live there for a while after my farm is in operation, and take you around the planets. Unfortunately, the Zerg invaded the border of the empire, and the original galaxy collapsed." It has become the safest place, so I definitely can't go there, safety is important,
After the Zerg is wiped out, if Zhaozhao has not graduated from the intermediate class, I will take him to a school in the intermediate galaxy, where the teaching level is high. "

Zhou Peilan smiled and waved her hands and said: "Okay, I accept your wish, Zhaozhao's talent is not bad, and he can pass the exam in Mengyuexing. He can't compare with you to get into a prestigious school, and he is sure to get into a slightly worse school. As long as you can take care of him then, as long as he hasn't graduated from the elementary class yet, don't worry."

Teacher Zhou's son, who is only ten years old this year, is not in a hurry. Zhou Peilan is a supernatural master, and his life expectancy is longer than ordinary people, so it is very late to have a child. An only child will definitely be raised well, and he is confident that he will pass the exam.

Su Qingdian, if there is no Zerg invasion, Fu Chunxing's Su's farm will be on the right track, it will be absolutely no problem for her to help a few children go to school in the medium galaxy, even if the family is not rich, she can help pay all the expenses first After the child graduates and earns money, it will be returned to her.

However, the appearance of the Zerg caught everyone by surprise. The Su and Meng families had to suspend the move, let alone these relatives and friends. Su Qing couldn't bear the responsibility if something really happened.

Su Qing's words made Zhou Peilan very relieved, no matter whether it could be realized or not, she did not waste her efforts on this student, Qingqing is a person who knows how to be grateful.

"Mr. Zhou, it's getting late. I still have to go to see Mr. Meng's house, and sister Xiaoyu. I wonder how she is doing now?"

When Su Qing was studying at Qinglan College, she kept in touch with Yang Wei and a few teachers, but her relationship with Meng Xiaoyu was almost the same, and she didn't know her recent situation these years.

Zhou Peilan smiled and said: "Hehe, everyone in their family is doing well. Although the Meng family doesn't have much power in Mengyuexing, they are full of peaches and plums, and that person will give some face. Xiao Yu's girl is also a teacher. The target is still from the Ministry of Education, and his son is already four years old."

Su Qing: "Really, time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, everyone has changed a lot."

Zhou Peilan: "I also said that others have changed a lot, but you are the one who has changed the most. The little girl back then has grown into a big girl. You are the youngest student I have ever taught. Your enrollment record is probably never broken. "

Zhou Peilan felt that a talented student like Su Qing was absolutely unprecedented in Mengyuexing.

She doesn't know if there are similar people in other parts of the empire. The aura of all the heaven and earth in Mengyuexing is added together to give birth to Su Qing alone.

Su Qing just smiled, thinking to herself that if she had no memory of her previous life and was just an ordinary little girl, it would be hard to say when she would be able to activate the space jade pendant. If the ancestor didn't appear, her fate would definitely not be like this.

Su Qing was going to visit Meng Zhitao at Meng's house, so Zhou Peilan said, "I'll go with you to sit at Meng's house for a while and see Mr. Meng. I heard that he is not in good health recently. You just came back from school, so you can show him. What's going on, the old man is a treasure of the Meng family, a leader in the education field, and a senior respected by many people."

What Zhou Peilan meant was that the Meng family took good care of Su Qing back then, otherwise it would be no wonder that the children from the two mountain villages, she and Meng Xiang, could spend six years in their school safely?It was Meng Zhitao who took care of those thorny students and teachers. If Su Qing really wanted something, he would repay the Meng family.

Su Qing didn't want to understand the hidden meaning of Teacher Zhou. After all, she was very innocent back then, and she didn't realize that there was the care of the Meng family behind her. She only thought that everyone ignored her because of her own personality.

Since Mr. Zhou said it, let me take a look at Mr. Meng's body. Both Mr. Meng and Meng Xiaoyu are very kind to her. Meng Xiaoyu once emptied her own refrigerator and delivered food to Su Qing. She is a generous and enthusiastic girl.

(End of this chapter)

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