Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 534 Mr. Meng's Strange Disease

Chapter 534 Mr. Meng's Strange Disease
After Zhou Peilan finished speaking, she changed her clothes and shoes, called her son to greet Su Qing, and walked out of her house together.

The housing conditions for teachers and staff are very good. Each house has a small two-story building with a courtyard. Anyone who is a school teacher can apply.

The three of them arrived at Meng's house by coincidence. Meng Xiaoyu took her husband and son back to her mother's house, but Meng Zhitao and his wife were not at home. Only Meng, grandpa, grandma, old couple, and Meng Xiaoyu were at home.

When Meng Xiaoyu opened the door to let the three of them in, she asked suspiciously: "Mr. Zhou, who is the little beauty behind you? She looks familiar."

Zhou Peilan joked, "Guess who it is?"

Meng Xiaoyu let him sit in the living room, he laughed and said, "Teacher Zhou is not your student, is he? I may have met once by chance."

Now Su Qing showed an expression of disbelief. What kind of eyes did Meng Xiaoyu see? Meat?"

Meng Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the girl in front of her carefully. She was tall and slender, with long black hair, beautiful and pleasant, with a natural and generous temperament, with a sense of spirituality, and her facial features were really familiar. The girl sent her off.

"You are Qingqing?" Meng Xiaoyu asked hesitantly.

Su Qing nodded, "It's me, Sister Xiao Yu, you don't even recognize me, it seems that you are living too happily and forget about me."

"Ha, you still talk about me, look at yourself, when you left, you were still a skinny girl with no flesh, but now she looks like a flower and jade, with a slender figure, how can I recognize her?"

Meng Xiaoyu blamed, went to hold Su Qing's hand, and took a good look at this amazing little girl, um, she really grew up,

"Grandpa and grandma, do you still remember Qingqing? We used to eat the bacon sent by Qingqing in those years, it tastes delicious."

Mr. Meng was not in a particularly good spirit, so he nodded slightly, but Grandma Meng chatted with Su Qing kindly, asked her about her experiences over the years, and praised Su Qing well.

Su Qing is the only genius in Mengyuexing. Now that she is back, it means that she has graduated. Graduates from prestigious schools are better than each of them. She will definitely become a great master in the future. Mrs. Meng doesn't mind saying more A good word, a good relationship.

Su Qing took out the gift for Meng's family and greeted each other politely. Everyone sat on the sofa and continued chatting. Everyone was curious about Qinglan College and kept asking.

Su Qing slowly talked about her school career in the past few years, and told novel stories on campus.

Speaking of the special features, Meng Xiaoyu was amazed. They chatted very enthusiastically. They were all from the education circle. The most talked about was the gap between Mengyuexing's education level and the middle galaxy.

Finally, when it came to Mr. Meng's body, Mrs. Meng sighed and said helplessly:

"I have tried all kinds of methods. The doctor said that it is the natural aging of the body. No matter how much medicine you drink, it is useless. People are still getting weaker day by day. The medical level in the outer galaxy may be better, but he is too old to bear the fatigue of the journey. , it’s better to rest at home, birth, old age, sickness and death, natural long-term love, try to leave it for a few days, the old man’s spirit is better these days, otherwise he won’t sit in the living room and chat with you.”

Mr. Meng sat on the sofa and said unhappily: "What are you talking about? I am over eighty years old, and I am content. I have lived longer than many people."

Meng Xiaoyu retorted: "Grandpa, you are a supernatural master, you shouldn't be at your limit now, there must be something wrong with your body,"

Everyone knows that supernatural masters have better health than ordinary people, and their lifespan must be much longer. Although not all of the Meng family are supernatural masters, there are more than half of the children with good talents. They have successfully introduced supernatural energy to practice and become superhuman capable teacher,

Most of the Meng family are engaged in education work, and they don't pay much attention to cultivation. They spend most of their attention on teaching students, but Mr. Meng, who is only in his eighties, shouldn't be so weak.

Zhou Peilan glanced at Su Qing, saw her nodding, and said, "Uncle Meng, although Su Qing majored in spiritual planting, she also audited pharmacy at school, let her show you the body." What went wrong."

Mr. Meng waved his hand, "No need, so many pharmacists can't see it, so don't make things difficult for the little girl."

What Mr. Meng means is that Su Qing's major is not right for her, and she probably won't be able to tell anything. Don't make things difficult for her.

Zhou Peilan said, "Uncle Meng, just try it. Su Qing is very talented in pharmacy. If it wasn't for financial problems, she wouldn't have applied for the Department of Spiritual Planting."

Mrs. Meng was moved when she heard it. It would be nice if her husband could live for a few more years. If there is hope, try it. After all, Su Qing graduated from a college, so she might be able to see the problem. As long as she knows what's going on, the old man can be saved.

Seeing that his wife was also persuading him, Mr. Meng nodded, "Okay, please trouble Qingqing and show me what's going on. Over the past year, my body suddenly began to feel weak and tired, and my energy was low."

Su Qing walked into the old man's side, "Grandpa Meng, put your hands on the table, and I'll give you the pulse first."

Everyone wants to ask what is pulse, do famous schools still teach this?But no one spoke.

Su Qing stretched out her fingers to press the pulse on the old man's wrist, so this is the pulse!

Su Qing stretched out a wave of spiritual energy and looked for the wrist veins, and began to check what was wrong with the old man's body. Sure enough, the blood, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs all showed signs of decline. It is said that a supernatural master's body should not be so weak.

Continue to check the major meridians of the body, and suddenly found that there is something wrong with the old man's dantian, and there is even a trace of spiritual energy, what's going on?Could it be that Mr. Meng is also a cultivator? It's impossible.

But where did the aura in the old man's dantian come from?Spiritual energy and supernatural power cannot coexist, even with Su Qing's genius, only by sealing the dantian can the supernatural energy be introduced into the body for cultivation.

The aura and supernatural power in the old man's body conflict with each other, and even the best body can't stand it. It's not uncommon for people to practice with two different energies, and they all need special exercises.

For example, the Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Gong practiced by Meng Hao is a special kind of skill, but Meng Hao's absorption is still based on aura, which is converted into two kinds of energy and then entrenched in the dantian, while the energy core of the supernatural master is in the brain. department.

The two kinds of energies conflict with each other in the old man's body every day, consuming his energy and spirit, so it's no wonder his body is in good shape.

Su Qing also didn't want to know why the aura in Mr. Meng's dantian came, so he directly melted the aura in his dantian and sealed it up, so that even if he ate any food and medicine with high aura in the future, he wouldn't lose his mind. something.

Su Qing used spiritual energy to moisten the withered meridians of the old man, then removed his fingers, looked at everyone and said, "Grandpa Meng's body is fine, but he just ate something inappropriate. I just used my supernatural power to dissolve it, and I will be fine in the future." Alright, Grandpa Meng should spend more time on cultivation in the future, and his health will be better."

"Really?" Meng Xiaoyu and Mrs. Meng asked together in surprise.

Mr. Meng felt a lot lighter on his body. He stood up without anyone's support and walked a few steps. It's amazing!The body is much more relaxed, the previous feeling of depression is gone, and the spirit is better.

"It's really healed, Su Qing, you are so powerful, you just pressed your wrist casually, and cured my grandfather's illness. What kind of superb method is this?"

Meng Xiaoyu was overjoyed, and told her husband loudly to go shopping quickly and leave Su Qing at home for a meal.

(End of this chapter)

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