Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 539 The Future Retreat

Chapter 539 The Future Retreat

The hotel is located in a downtown area, and the surrounding vegetation is sparse and empty, so the impact will not be great. It is a bit strange, and the people in the hotel will also attribute it to her ability as a planter.

Su Qing felt that she really had the foresight to apply for the Lingzhi Department back then. As a planter, no matter how much influence she had on plants, she could have a good excuse. As for why other planters would not do this, who knows, their talents The level is low! !
The concentration of aura in Mingyue City is not low, and it can barely support Su Qing's cultivation. The aura accumulated for many years engulfs the entire room like a tornado with supernatural energy.

All the plants in the hotel are growing crazily, especially the green belt on the roadside, the flower garden at the entrance of the hotel, and even the flower arrangements in the guests' rooms are so moist that they seem to be sprouting again.

Fortunately, there are not too many plants in the hotel, otherwise, the whole hotel will be tightly wrapped by plants when Su Qing finishes his work the next day.

Even so, after dawn, the guests and hotel staff who woke up were shocked by the spectacle in front of them, thinking that something mysterious had happened.

Soon the strange things about this hotel spread, and all the major news media and internet platforms came to the hotel to film this strange scene and interview the guests and staff who discovered the strange plant phenomenon.

When Yang Dayong arrived at the hotel by car, he was startled when he saw the speeding cars parked at the entrance of the hotel, as well as reporters and cameramen. He thought that something happened to the hotel, and Qingqing lived here. He anxiously sent a video to Su Qing and asked What's the matter with her?

Su Qing said calmly: "Grandpa Yang, I'm fine. It seems that something strange happened in the hotel. It has nothing to do with our guests. Wait for me to get off, and I'll come out to find you right away."

Only then did Yang Dayong rest assured, as long as Qingqing didn't have an accident, everything else had nothing to do with him.

Su Qing walked out of the chaotic hotel gate, found Yang Dayong,

"Grandpa Yang, I'm sorry to trouble you again. You are usually so busy, and you still have to worry about my affairs."

Yang Dayong: "You finally came back, can I not help? You didn't say that when you were young, but when you grow up, you know how to be polite to me."

Su Qing chuckled, "No way, I feel like I'm always bothering you, I'm sorry."

Yang Dayong waved his hand, "Don't bother, don't bother, Qingqing, Grandpa Yang knows that you are an amazing child, and I know many things in my heart, so I won't talk about it. Yang Wei and I will support and help you at any time, you Grandma Zhao and Yang Xue is a woman, less knowledgeable and petty, not as grand as you, don't worry, they will spend their whole lives in Mengyuexing, but you have seen the vast world, and you will definitely become someone we look up to in the future, in case our family dies Something happened, for Grandpa Yang's sake, give our family a hand."

Su Qing didn't understand why Yang Dayong said this, could it be because of the Zerg, "Grandpa Yang, don't worry, the Zerg is really going to invade the original galaxy, I will find a way to save you, and take your family to a safe place."

Su Qing thought, if it is impossible, all relatives and friends will be sent to the hopeless secret realm to survive for a period of time. As long as there are more people with enough weapons, human beings will definitely be able to gain a foothold in the secret realm. They can also go to Fox Mountain and be with the fox clan. Now, the two sides will coexist peacefully.

But that is also a method of last resort when human beings are defeated and all planets fall.

I have a lot of relatives and friends, plus their family, although the Secret Realm of Hopelessness is very large, it is hard to say how many people will be able to enter at that time, so it seems that I will buy a military warship in the future, that is an astronomical sum, several billion What about the interstellar coins!

Su Qing's head hurts when he thinks about it. Why did the hateful Zerg appear at this time? It's better to be ten years later, and he will be prepared to further improve his strength and earn more money.

Su Qing thought that the imperial army would not be so helpless, and the supernatural masters also have many powerful methods. The army's mech masters, fighter planes, and warships are not made of mud, and they will definitely be able to block the Zerg for at least five years. Let's see the situation. There are still five years before it can be opened, and some people can be sent in first to take refuge.

She is working hard to cultivate now, accumulating strength, and can protect the relatives who want to protect, if she does not have the strength, it is not an option to escape blindly.

When Yang Dayong heard Su Qing mention the Zerg, he shook his head, "Qingqing, I'm not talking about the Zerg, you said yesterday that if Yang Wei can't refine the elixir that the master wants, will it be dangerous, I am also worried, I think If something happens to Yang Wei, can you think of a way to save him?"

Su Qing didn't expect that Yang Dayong would pay attention to what she said casually yesterday, so she said: "No problem, if Uncle Yang really has an accident, I will definitely help to solve it. I also know a few noble people from the Imperial Capital Star, so I can ask them to help."

Su Qing is not worried about Yang Wei, after all, she still has a hole card in her hand.

Yang Dayong was very happy to hear that, he knew that Qingqing was an extraordinary child, and she would definitely be able to do what she promised, Yang Dayong's heart was so blocked that a stone finally disappeared.

The two got in the car and went directly to the hotel under the Jiang Group. Jiang Fan's eldest brother, Jiang Fei, had already been sitting in the lobby waiting for them.

Jiang Fei is a middle-aged man in his forties, a little fat, with a strong businessman's temperament, humorous and polite, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

Su Qing feels that people who do big business are all eloquent, just like Chen Hongfei, who has been in contact with businessmen since he was a child, so he can speak with one mouth except for eating, and Meng Hao can't match it.

Jiang Fei is very respectful to Su Qing. Although Su Qing is just a little girl, who is Jiang Fei?Having worked in shopping malls for more than [-] years, he has a good eye for people.

The little girl is not very old, she looks delicate and tender, but her eyes are cold, and she doesn't have too much emotion when she looks at herself. This is a calm and assertive girl, with a light and agile temperament worthy of being a supernatural master. Just different.

Their Jiang family has a large business scale in spiritual plants, pharmacies, and elixir. It is always good to make friends with the future master planters. Of course, Jiang Fei should be more respectful.

Yesterday Jiang Fan told himself in detail what happened to this girl named Su Qing during her school days.

The excellent grades made him speechless. It turned out that there are really geniuses in this world. He didn't even dare to think about being admitted to Tsinglan College at the age of 12.

Jiang Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, Ms. Su, this is the process arrangement I wrote last night. Take a look and see if there is anything that needs to be modified. We provide guests with several items such as guest rooms, catering, and entertainment. Lasting 24 hours, guests can enjoy these services at any time, if you can, please sign here directly, I will take you to the scene, and you can experience it in advance.”

Yang Dayong opened the file, placed it between the two of them, and looked through it with Su Qing.
Yang Dayong felt very good after watching it. He had everything to eat, drink, have fun, sing and watch videos, and even included the swimming pool, which was enough for the guests to play comfortably and happily.

Yang Dayong nodded, "Yes! Very good, what do you think, Qingqing?"

Su Qing: "I also think it's okay, let Mr. Jiang bother."

Jiang Fei said modestly: "Miss Su, you are welcome. It is our hotel's honor to serve you. You are the pride of our whole Mengyuexing. When Miss Su becomes a great master in the future, every one of us in Mengyuexing will be with you. Proud."

Su Qing smiled, as expected of a businessman, his words are always so pleasant to listen to, flattering makes people happy, not annoying at all.

Su Qing happily signed the contract and paid the full amount directly.
Then Jiang Fei took Yang Dayong and Su Qing around, and let them experience the services first, which made Su Qing even more satisfied.

 Come on, come on, come on, work hard, work hard, there are still two days in this month, full attendance must be obtained, persistence is victory, and every day is hovering on the verge of breaking.

  Thank you for your support, and thank every friend who rewards, votes, and reads.

(End of this chapter)

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