Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 538 For the Daughter's Good

Chapter 538 For the Daughter's Good

When eating, Yang Dayong asked: "Why didn't Yang Xue come back, Qingqing finally came here, why didn't she come back earlier to meet."

Zhao Meicai exclaimed, "Oops, I forgot to tell her. It's my fault. I'll send Yang Xue a message right away."

Anyway, at this time, Yang Xue would not be able to come back in time, so Zhao Mei sent a message to her daughter.

Yang Xue is a big girl now, and she will graduate from college in two years. Many students will find a good partner in school and get married after graduation, so as to determine where the husband and wife will develop in the future, so that they will not be separated.

I didn’t look for a good partner during school, and after graduation, there would be no suitable people around me. For a supernatural teacher from a family like Yang Xue, it’s difficult to find someone who suits her needs. Can Zhao Mei not worry?

Yang Dayong is a careless man, and Yang Xue is a girl. Her affairs are basically taken care of by his wife. He only needs to provide the children with sufficient resources to go to school.

Yang Xue studied in the Artifact Refining Department, and plans to be a jewelry designer in the future. Girls don't like refining weapons such as swords, and Yang Dayong also follows her.

After Yang Xue graduates, she will definitely stay in Mingyue City and won't marry far away, so she has to step up her search for a partner.

What Yang Dayong is most proud of is that both his sons and daughters are supernatural masters. The dreams of their Yang family have come true in their children, and the wishes of the three generations of the Yang family have finally been fulfilled.

After dinner, Su Qing discussed with Yang Dayong that she came back with great difficulty. The teachers at the school only visited Zhou's and Meng's homes, and she didn't have much time to visit all the teachers and classmates, so she planned to book a hotel the day after tomorrow. Invite everyone to eat, drink and have fun for a day, is it too late to book a hotel now?

Yang Dayong nodded, "In time, we asked Jiang Fan for help. Their family has opened several hotels, but it is too wasteful to book the hotel to eat and play for a day, and it will cost a lot of money."

Su Qing said indifferently: "Grandpa Yang, it's okay, I'm rich, and it's nothing to spend a few million, otherwise I'll treat everyone to dinner if I come back stingy, and they will still gossip, why don't you be more generous. Food, drink and fun are all included, when you are tired, go to the room to rest, wake up and continue to play, I will take care of the whole day, and stay in the hotel at night, when the time comes, you all have to go."

"OK then!"

Hearing Su Qing's tone, Yang Dayong felt that the child must have made a lot of money, and it was also in the small place of Mengyuexing. Qingqing was able to provide for himself and Meng Xiang to go to school, and he could also afford expensive spaceship tickets. Galaxies must be making a lot of money,
In terms of earning ability, Qingqing is better than her own son. Don't look at Yang Wei's old age and dead-headedness. After signing a contract with Jiang, he only cooperates with Jiang. There is no chance of earning extra money. The money earned in these years is not as good as a There are many children.

To book a hotel, you have to say it a day in advance, and ask if the hotels under the Jiang family can be vacated, even if it is enough to vacate a lobby.

Jiang Fan has already taken over all the business of the family's medicine refining business. He is not too young. After years of experience, he has become a shrewd and capable businessman.

Jiang Fan received a video communication from Yang Dayong. He heard that Su Qing was back. He wanted to treat guests and wanted to book a hotel for him to help. He immediately agreed, saying that it would be reserved for them the day after tomorrow. Shi's.

Jiang Fan hung up the video and immediately called the eldest brother in charge of the family business to explain the situation and specifically stated that Su Qing's request must be met.

The graduate of Tsinglan College, the first in the history of Mengyuexing, will use this as a gimmick in the future, can the business in the hotel be bad, and Su Qing may not be able to achieve much in the future, it is always right to have a good relationship.

Jiang's family are all shrewd businessmen. As soon as Jiang Fan said, his brother knew what to do, and he would come to Yang Dayong's contact information immediately to contact Yang Dayong directly.

Yang Dayong felt that since he was an elder, he should help, so he naturally took over the communication with Brother Jiang Fan, and then confirmed with Su Qing about the gathering time and the approximate number of people, everything would be fine.

Su Qing stayed at Yang's house for a while, and Yang Xue didn't come back after eight o'clock. I don't know what happened. Yang Dayong called to ask, but Yang Xue didn't answer.
Su Qing had no choice but to go back to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow, she would go to the hotel to see the scene, pay a deposit, and see how the hotel's various projects are arranged.

Yang Dayong had no choice but to say: "Okay, Qingqing, you go back to the hotel to rest, I will pick you up tomorrow morning, and watch the scene together at Jiang's hotel."

Su Qing couldn't wait for Yang Xue to come back at Yang's house, she had to go back to rest too late, Yang Dayong suppressed his anger, sent Su Qing away, glared at his wife when he came back, and said:
"Let's talk about it, what's going on, Qingqing came to visit us specially, it's fine if Yang Xue doesn't come back during the day, why don't you come back after dinner."

Zhao Mei faltered, and it took him a long time to hold back a reason.
"Yang Xue went to a high-class banquet in the upper class. It was a rare opportunity. Who told Su Qing not to come earlier? As soon as Yang Xue left, she arrived on the back."

Yang Dayong: "Then why is it so late and you haven't come back yet? A girl can still be at the banquet for several hours. What are you hiding from me?"

Zhao Mei said unhappily: "I'm not doing it for my daughter's sake. She is so old, and she needs to find a good family after graduation. Our city girls, even if they get married late, they are not too young in their twenties. Even if the qualifications of a supernatural master are good, it is hard to find a suitable man. If Yang Xue has the opportunity to go to the banquet, she will definitely meet many young talents. Why come back so early? Is it important for your daughter's marriage or seeing Qingqing? , you don’t even think about it.”

Yang Dayong frowned, but in the end he didn't say anything. Although what his wife did was wrong, what she said was also reasonable. Yang Xue is in her twenties. If you don't hurry up, all men with good conditions are engaged. Forget it, wait for Qingqing to treat her That day, take the whole family with you.

When Su Qing returned to the hotel, when he opened the door, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao were both sound asleep on the bed. As for studying, they had long since forgotten about it.

"Huomiao, Jiaojiao, how's your study going today, I'm going to have an exam later."

As soon as Su Qing's footsteps approached the door, Huomiao and Jiaojiao's ears twitched, and they opened their bewildered eyes, and they immediately became excited. The master came back, and they hadn't had time to pretend to be studying hard.

The two cats quickly jumped off the big bed and rubbed against Su Qing vigorously, "Master, you are back, we have studied hard, we just have a rest, didn't you say you want to combine work and rest?"

Su Qing sneered and said: "Okay, during this period of time, I didn't study for nothing. I have learned to combine work and rest. Then I won't take the exam today. I will learn to know Lingzhi. Anyone who makes more than five mistakes will be punished."

Su Qing didn't need to rest either. When she came back to the hotel, she taught the two cats directly. She sat cross-legged on the ground and waved her hands. There were more than a dozen spiritual plants in front of her.

At the beginning, they explained the name, medicinal properties, and what elixirs are suitable for refining one by one. Although the two cats are usually playful, they are still interested in learning. Su Qing thought to herself that the strict discipline for more than two months was not in vain. It's promising, the next step is to improve their combat capabilities.

As for Jiaojiao's fire talent, she needs to practice for several decades before she can help Su Qing make alchemy, and she must reach the level of a big demon no matter what.

After Su Qing graduated, apart from cultivating alchemy, the rest was cultivating and educating Jiaojiao and Huo Miao, treating them as his disciples and experiencing the feeling of being a master in advance.

Talking until midnight, Su Qing asked the two to review by themselves and ask each other questions.

She closed her eyes and began to practice. She hadn't practiced in the spaceship for two months, and her body felt a bit heavy. Although Mengyuexing's aura was insufficient, it was fine if she didn't have fish or shrimp, so let's just practice!

(End of this chapter)

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