Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 537 Mrs. Yang is a little floating

Chapter 537 Mrs. Yang is a little floating

Su Qing was a little worried. Yang Wei's refining technique was born out of alchemy. Others couldn't see it, so he was afraid that the national teacher would see it. I hope that the national teacher didn't understand alchemy, and Yang Wei would be fine.

Yang Dayong nodded, "Yes, that's what Yang Wei said when he left. He also knew that he might not be able to refine the elixir that the national teacher wanted. With my level of refining medicine, if I have a chance to take a free spaceship to the Imperial Capital, why not go and have a look."

Although Yang Dayong said this, he was still concerned about Su Qing's strangeness, and his son hadn't contacted them for a long time, and his heart was a little vague, but he couldn't say it out, causing panic at home.

Su Qing couldn't reveal all of his own secrets, and he could only hope that Yang Wei would be lucky enough not to be discovered by the national teacher about the secrets of the refining technique. In order to change the subject, Su Qing took out all the gifts he bought for the Yang family.

She didn't leave behind everyone in the Yang family, everyone got a share, not counting some special products and cakes and tea for the old couple, high-end wine for Yang Dayong, jewelry for Zhao Mei, and a few pearls for Yang Wei The precious elixir is prepared and can be stored for a long time. The clothes I bought for Yang Xue are high-end dresses.

When Zhao Mei saw the exquisitely packaged gifts, she knew they were all good things. Mengyuexing didn't have such a luxury, it must be very expensive. I didn't expect Qingqing to be willing to spend money to buy such expensive gifts for you.
"You kid, you still say I'm being polite. You come back from a long distance, visit us and buy things. You and Meng Xiao go to school outside. It's not easy to earn money. We are content with this intention. We can't spend money in the future." gone."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Grandma Zhao, these things are not expensive, they are just some local specialties, clothes and accessories, you can try them on, I bought them according to the size, I don't know how tall Yang Xue is now, do the clothes fit you well?" ?”

Zhao Mei unpacked, took out the clothes and gesticulated on her body, and said happily:

"The material of the clothes is so good, you can't buy them at Mengyuexing, Yang Xue! It's still the same as before. If you can't wear it, just change it a little bit, ouch! Look at the material, style, and color of this dress. , is it Lao Yang?"

Yang Dayong nodded with a smile, scolding Su Qing for spending money, but he was very satisfied in his heart.

Zhao Mei unwrapped the presents one by one, and she was amazed by everything. The lives of people in the medium-sized galaxy are too rich, so I can't complain that everyone yearns to live in an economically developed area. To develop.

But it doesn't matter, her son is not bad, he will make some achievements after arriving in the Imperial Capital, and his family will move to the Central Galaxy in the future, that would be awesome! !
Zhao Mei's spirit was getting higher and higher, and as Yang Wei's reputation improved, she trembled unconsciously.

Yang Dayong smiled. He was very happy that Su Qing could come to visit him. The little girl who came out to sell goods with Sister Zhu had grown up and became a very powerful supernatural master. When she saw the little girl for the first time feel her extraordinary,
The old couple of the Yang family got up for their lunch break, and they recognized Su Qing immediately when they saw it, and the old man was sure. The gift Su Qing bought for them, the two old people happily accepted, and praised Su Qing for being sensible with a smile.

Without Yang Wei, Su Qing couldn't test his level of refining medicine. After chatting with Yang's family for more than an hour, Su Qing wanted to leave. Zhao Mei and the old lady refused to let her go.

"Qingqing, you used to come to our house, but you were very comfortable. You were never polite. Why are you leaving? The food in the hotel is not as good as home-cooked food. Let's have noodles with fried sauce for dinner. Let's see if my skills have improved."

Seeing what Zhao Mei said, Su Qing had no choice but to agree to stay for dinner. Yang Dayong never regarded her as an outsider, and always took good care of her and Meng Hao, so there was no need to be too polite.

Su Qing and Su Qing were unaccompanied when they went to school in Mingyue City, and received a lot of care from the Yang family, especially the father and son of the Yang family. They sold their first pot of gold with the help of Yang Wei.

She is very grateful to the Yang family, and when she receives favors from others, she cannot forget to repay them. The gifts she bought for the members of the Yang family cost tens of millions of interstellar coins. The things looked inconspicuous, and they were all low-key luxury. It's very classy, ​​Zhao Mei can't tell.

The Yang family has always been very kind to them. Yang Dayong has always regarded themselves as their elders. How could he go back without having a meal when the child comes!So as soon as Zhao Mei spoke, Su Qing stayed behind.

Su Qing thought that she hadn't come back for six years, and it would not be good to alienate the Yang family without Yang Wei, so she immediately proposed to cook with Zhao Mei,

Although the living standard of the Yang family has improved, they are not willing to buy a home robot. They have bought a lot of smart devices, and the housework is much easier and easier. The supermarket has hired a clerk to watch over it, and the family is much more relaxed.

Zhao Mei happily agreed, Su Qing's attitude was very in line with her, that's right, Qingqing came to visit them and left after a while, it seemed that the relationship between the two parties was not as cordial as before,
Their family took good care of the two children. If Qingqing came back from school and her status improved, her attitude would change drastically and she would alienate her family. It would seem a little ungrateful. This is the right way.

Su Qing wanted to stay for dinner, Yang Dayong went downstairs to look at the supermarket,

The old couple of the Yang family sat in the living room, watched Su Qing and Zhao Mei busy in the kitchen, and thought of the scene when the child came to make dumplings for the first time more than ten years ago. .

Su Qing wanted to make noodles, but Zhao Mei refused, saying that there were ready-made noodles at home, so there was no need to bother to make noodles, and fried noodles were very simple to make, as long as there were meat, noodles and side dishes.

Prepare the diced meat and vegetables, and make them directly before eating. You don’t need to roll out the ready-made noodles in the refrigerator. Su Qingke can do whatever he wants, and of course he won’t object.

In the past few years, Zhao Mei has become pampered. Her son is promising. She is honored as Mrs. Yang when she goes out. She doesn’t want to make meals that are too troublesome. She buys ready-made meals. If it weren’t for Yang Wei’s departure, she would not be able to support her financially. At home, Zhao Mei has already bought a household robot.

After all, she is also the wife of the Yang family, and her son is a pharmacist!It's a pity that my son has been away for half a year, and he didn't return the interstellar coins to his family. Doesn't the national teacher pay him a salary?
Fortunately, the family business is not bad. It was right to have a good relationship with Jiang Fan back then. With the Jiang family, their business is doing very well. The small factory has been expanded again and again, and now there are hundreds of people. The Yang family has money and social status. All of a sudden, he jumped into the ranks of the small family.

Zhao Mei became a little flustered, and even Jiang Fan, who looked like a wealthy son-in-law in the past, didn't care so much anymore, and asked Yang Xue to choose a boyfriend at school every day in Yang Xue's ear, and choose a boyfriend with better conditions.

But for Su Qing, she can't be negligent, after all, she is a graduate of a famous school. Although the status of a planter in Mengyuexing is not as high as that of a pharmacist, who knows how far Qingqing girl has learned, that child is amazingly talented in learning, Maybe he will be even better after graduation, so he must not be neglected.

The old couple of the Yang family, how can they not know what their daughter-in-law is thinking, and they don't expose it. After seeing her son's success, she has been drifting away in the past few years. , let her go, the son has no objection, there is no need for the two of them to be annoying.

During dinner, Yang Xue didn't come back, so Zhao Mei should send a message to inform Yang Xue that Su Qing came home.

But Zhao Mei knew that Yang Xue was going to play with a classmate from a wealthy family today, and she might meet the noble young master. This opportunity is rare, but it is more important than meeting Qingqing when she comes back. That is a major event in her daughter's life. Zhao Mei deliberately ignored this question.

(End of this chapter)

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