Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 543 Exhausted

Chapter 543 Exhausted
Even Mr. Meng went down to enjoy a massage service at the urging of his wife, and Zhou Peilan took her son and husband to go swimming.

Su Qing and the Yang family walked around, seeing that everyone was having a good time, Zhao Mei gave Yang Xue a wink, Yang Xue grabbed Su Qing and said that she wanted to go dancing, there were many young people there, let Su Qing accompany her. go with her.

Su Qing's task today is to accompany the guests, where can she go dancing!Let Yang Xue go by herself, Yang Xue ran away happily, Yang Dayong couldn't even shout.

Su Qing: "Grandpa Yang, I have paid for all these services. If we don't enjoy them, we will lose money. You can go too. I can go around by myself. You don't have to accompany me."

Yang Dayong disagreed, "How can I do that?"

Su Qing continued to persuade, "Grandpa Yang, you are not familiar with everyone, you really don't need to stay with me all the time, your whole family is also my guest, go, it's a rare opportunity, enjoy it."

"Yeah, we rarely have the opportunity to come to the hotel. I will also go for a beauty treatment, and you can go for a massage." Zhao Mei also persuaded, they have already helped Su Qing a lot, and they have done enough.

Yang Dayong thought so too. Su Qing booked the hotel for 24 hours. It was a long time. The couple had been with Su Qing for more than two hours.

Yang Dayong was also very excited about the entertainment facilities in the hotel, the gym, bath, and body massage that he usually doesn't want to go to. If he can enjoy them all, he will definitely be very comfortable.

Now that Su Qing had spoken, most of the guests were playing, and the couple also went to relax.

Only a few classmates who wanted to have a good relationship with Su Qing still followed Su Qing, warmly helping to greet the guests, and flattering Su Qing by the way.

Su Qing responded with a good temper, but actually didn't care about the other party at all. As the host, Su Qing walked around the hotel and found that everyone was having a good time, so she was relieved.

Time passed quickly, and it was noon in a blink of an eye. The hotel waiter reminded all the guests that it was lunch time and invited the guests to the hotel restaurant for lunch.

Everyone has long wanted to see what delicious lunches are prepared for you in luxury hotels.

Su Qing accompanied several elderly people, including Grandpa Meng, Mrs. Yang, the principal of the first intermediate class, etc., and walked to the restaurant together.

Because it is a buffet, you need to choose by yourself. When some elderly people are getting old, Su Qing asks some classmates to help, ask them what they like to eat, and bring them back.

While Su Qing was busy delivering food to the old man's table, she didn't forget to take care of Zhang Cheng's family.
"Uncle Zhang, don't be restrained. All my teachers and classmates are here today. You know many of them. You can eat whatever you like. Don't be too polite. I paid a lot of money."

Su Qing deliberately approached Zhang Cheng and whispered, with a mischievous smile on her face.

Zhang Cheng nodded knowingly, "Understood, Qingqing, you go to work, don't entertain us specially, we will take care of ourselves."

Most of the teachers and students who came today were supernatural masters, and Zhang Cheng's family was deeply involved. Su Qing was afraid that they would be uncomfortable, so she greeted them specially every time.

In this way, when others see that Su Qing is very polite to their family, they dare not neglect and say some inappropriate words.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng has a large family, and his son, daughter, and grandson are all brought along. They alone form a table, and they don't have to squeeze together with others to make them feel disgusted.

Zhang Cheng was invited by Su Qing to a hotel party yesterday, and it didn’t take long before he received the invitation card. When his sons came back in the evening, the family was so excited. A supernatural master invited them to a big hotel to enjoy a day. God, it’s so happy up.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Miss Su has become a remarkable person, and she has not forgotten that her father once gave her a little help.

Zhang Cheng's two sons and one daughter immediately asked the boss for leave, and they didn't even go to the odd job for their grandson.

Early in the morning, the whole family put on their best clothes, came to the hotel happily, and were welcomed in by Su Qing.

The Zhang family was in a luxury hotel, and everything was new. They also knew that the guests who came today were all supernatural masters. In order not to be rejected by others, the family deliberately found an inconspicuous corner to sit down.

Fortunately, the waiters in the hotel are very considerate. They will come forward to ask what they need, and then deliver it to the guests. Even if they go to experience it everywhere, the staff will also provide meticulous and thoughtful service, so that the whole family does not feel contemptuous.

Every time Su Qing came here to talk to him, although Zhang's family looked different among the crowd, no one gave them any embarrassment. After all, everyone knew Zhang Cheng, and many of them had eaten at his restaurant.

Su Qing was like this, but several teachers praised her for not forgetting her roots, because of a little help from the owner of the snack bar back then, she has not forgotten it until today.

After the meal, some elderly people found the waiter in the hotel and opened a room to rest and experience those services after a night of sleep. The young people were full of energy and continued to play games, dance, and sing without fear of being tired.

As the host, Su Qing had to go around and talk a few words with this one and that with that one, and it turned out that it was almost the same. Anyway, there are people in the hotel, and I have done enough for today.

Su Qing has endured to the limit, if only the teacher is okay, after all, she is old, likes to be quiet, and speaks and acts very rationally.

Her classmates, who hadn't spoken to her a few words during school, are now approaching her with the tone of a close friend, which makes her very tired.

Of course, not all students are like this. After all, there are a few geniuses in their class. They come from a good family background and are not bad in their studies. It's full of arrogance and jealousy.

Su Qing came forward to say hello, and was still acting weird, so Su Qing didn't care, and there was no need to take it to heart when he would never see someone again.

Originally for this gathering, Su Qing just wanted to get together with some people with good relationships. Later, it was too difficult to invite someone who was not to be invited. She went there only once if she had a good relationship. People say that as soon as you have some achievements, you become arrogant and look down on your former teachers and classmates.

That's why there was a big party with a large number of people, and the hotel was covered for a whole day. Even so, the total expenses did not exceed 10 million interstellar coins, and the gifts for the Zhou family, the Meng family, and the others were not expensive. Su Qing felt that It's a good deal, it's not a lot of money.

After lunch, some people went to the open room to rest, some continued to play and enjoy the service, Su Qing also went back to the room to rest for a while, although she was in good health, but she was tired and her face was stiff when she smiled. If this was her six years ago, She must be about to collapse, her old problems are not all healed yet!

After six years of hard work, Su Qing has gained a lot of experience, and her social phobia has almost healed. Thanks to her six years of life in the college, Su Qing has become able to communicate with people normally. Qing Zao ran away with her head in her arms.

In the past, she was surrounded by acquaintances, and Meng Hao was always with her. Su Qing's spirit was fairly stable, but now she was left alone, facing hundreds of people alone, most of them were strangers who were a little familiar, and she felt really unhappy .

Su Qing pushed open the door of her room, took a few quick steps and threw herself onto the big soft bed.

Just greeting guests is more tiring than fighting a group of monsters in the hopeless secret realm.From now on, I will never do this kind of thing again.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao looked at the master blankly, what's the matter, I've never seen the master look so exhausted, what did she do?
"Master, what's the matter with you?" Jiao Jiao asked beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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