Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 544 Midnight Horror

Chapter 544 Midnight Horror
Su Qing closed her eyes, and directly conveyed her meaning through the contract, "I'm fine, but I've been in contact with too many people, and I can't bear it. I'll just rest for a while."

Su Qing closed her eyes, emptied her mind, and thought of nothing, to soothe her spirit that was about to collapse.

Luo Zilan quietly floated out from the space of the jade pendant. Ever since she left Fuchunxing, Luo Zilan had been hiding in the space and didn't want to come out. She was boring on the spaceship, and after getting off the spaceship, she kept visiting people. Luo Zilan felt very boring.
It's just difficult for this child. Originally, there was Meng Rong around to help him. After Meng Rong joined the army, only Su Qing faced it by himself. The pets were all idlers, and none of them could be of great help.

After all, what the Yang family can do is limited, and it will all depend on Qingqing herself in the future. Fortunately, the nine-tailed sky fox is still interesting, and will be Qingqing's good helper in the future, and five hundred years is enough.

Su Qing didn't show up until dinner, mainly to accompany a few important guests.

After the meal, a few people went home directly because they had something to do at home or were not used to staying in a hotel. Su Qing respectfully sent them to the hotel door.

For example, the principal of the school, Mr. Meng and the old couple, and the couple of the Yang family. They are old and not used to the outside environment. They still go home and sleep comfortably. Young people don’t care, and playing for three days and three nights is no problem.

Some people also said goodbye one after another and went back. One-third of them left immediately, and the rest were people who didn’t have to go to work and had nothing to do at home. They still had a whole night to play, so how could they give up.

The teachers at the school were on vacation, most of them were fine, and those who could afford it didn't leave.

Many of Su Qing's classmates happened to have just graduated and hadn't started looking for a job, so they must not be busy, and many of them still wanted to get close to Su Qing, so that if something happened that day, they could ask Su Qing Help, it seems that Su Qing is the strongest in their class.

No matter what, the elders Su Qing cared about, the teacher went back early, and stayed in the hotel for a day, saying that it was enjoyable, and even a few old people couldn't bear it after a long time, so it was better to go home and feel comfortable.

Now that the heavyweights have all gone back, Su Qing stopped torturing herself, walked around, and went directly to her room to meditate and practice.

The turmoil of the day made her very uncomfortable, so she should practice hard.

After Su Qing returned to the room, she didn't care about Jiaojiao and Huo Miao, just sat cross-legged on the bed, and simply put a layer of restriction in the room, so that ordinary people can't get in, and don't care about other things, just start practicing.

But as soon as Su Qing practiced, how could the huge momentum not be noticed. After all, the party held by Su Qing was attended by supernatural masters, and there were a few people who were sensitive to energy.

Su Qing has a classmate named Ye Fan, who was also admitted to a college of a medium galaxy, but not as high as Qinglan College, with a great reputation and a good teaching level. His supernatural ability has grown rapidly during school.

A lot of energy surged above the hotel. Ye Fan, who was enjoying the massage with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly. After careful feeling, there was indeed a surge of energy, but why was it so strong?Who is this practicing?
Ye Fan asked the classmate next to him, and the man said in a daze that he didn't feel it, so Ye Fan didn't want to talk to him anymore, he couldn't feel such a strong fluctuation, and the six years of college were wasted.

Ye Fan closed his eyes and felt the energy carefully. It was indeed caused by someone in the hotel practicing. Who was it?Whoever absorbs the power will cause such a big commotion, that person must have reached the level of a grand master, right?But which great master would come to the remote planet Mengyuexing?

Forget it, such an expert is not something I can get acquainted with, I still enjoy the moment, the masseur's technique makes people feel comfortable and want to sleep.

Not only Ye Fan felt that someone was practicing, but several teachers also felt it, but they didn't take it seriously. It's time to have fun, it's time to have fun, it's not easy for everyone to get together, and it doesn't cost money.

Su Qing used to be a bit restrained when she practiced, but the tossing and tossing all day made her very unspirited. After entering the cultivation state, she couldn't stop, and she didn't have the consciousness of control. Start practicing.

Mengyuexing's spiritual energy was not as sufficient as Fuchunxing's, so Su Qing let go of it completely, wishing to absorb the energy of the entire Mingyue City.

Originally, it wouldn’t cause too much impact. At the first hotel, everyone just woke up and saw the plants around them changed, which was a little shocking. After all, supernatural masters often perform, making a plant The spell that took root and sprouted in an instant, the hotel blamed it on a magical master who was practicing to give birth to the spell.

But no one manipulated it. When a potted flower, a piece of grass, or a tree grows crazily in front of people's eyes, what a terrifying thing it would be!
At the beginning, no one noticed that the plants were growing slowly, because the plants were growing slowly and could not be seen.

Time passed slowly, and the older ones had gone back to their rooms to sleep, only the energetic young people were still playing around, and the hotel staff had already started changing shifts.

After midnight, the energy gathered in the hotel became more and more abundant, and only then did it show its real effect.

Originally, the hotel didn't have so many staff members on the night shift, but for Su Qing's party, Jiang Fei specially arranged the night shift. The number of night shift staff increased several times, and all departments were operating normally.

After 12 o'clock, there was a scream, and someone discovered the strange phenomenon of the plant.

The lady at the front desk is watching a small video boredly, and there will be no guests at this time, but the hotel is open 24 hours, and there must be someone at the front desk at all times.

The receptionist suddenly felt itchy on the back of her neck, and something was slowly moving there. She thought it was a colleague joking with her, so she reached out and touched a handful of grass leaves, and said lazily:
"Who is it, it's late at night, what are you kidding, take it away quickly."

But the silence behind her didn't look like there was anyone, she turned her head abruptly, there was no one there, but a pot of ornamental plants with green leaves on the flower stand behind was slowly growing, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a piece of new buds stretched out and grew rapidly Big, a new bud was being pulled out, and after a while, the plant fell from the flower stand more than one meter high, and the ones that hit her neck were those hanging branches and leaves.

In the middle of the night, the surrounding area was silent. The security personnel of the hotel were all off work, and only the intelligent robot security guards were there. A potted plant grew wildly behind her inexplicably. Could the little girl not be terrified?

"Ah!!" A terrified scream resounded throughout the hotel.

"What's going on, what's your name?" The staff member on duty ran over and asked.

The little girl at the front desk pointed at the potted green plant in horror, "It's growing. It's growing crazily. It used to be only one foot long, but now it's grown so long, it's scary."

Others saw it too, and were shocked. What's going on, is it a supernatural event?

Fortunately, the manager on duty responded quickly, "Go, you guys go outside, and all the places where plants are placed in the hotel, to see if this is the case."

Several people agreed and ran to check.

The duty manager found a quiet place, opened the contact directory of the communicator, found a name and typed it out.

"Hey, buddy, don't lose your temper. I'm wrong to disturb you so late, but a supernatural event happened to me. I want to ask, is the same happened in your hotel yesterday? Have you found any clues? Hmmmmmm !yes?"

While talking, the manager on duty stared at the green plant and swallowed his saliva. After a while, the green plant was about to fall to the ground, and the growth rate was too scary.

If it is transformed in the hands of a supernatural master, no one will be afraid, but it will grow continuously out of thin air, and no one has seen it in the entire empire, so everyone thinks about supernatural events, and the more they think about it, the more afraid they become. The more I thought about it, the more terrifying it became, and my mind began to think wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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