Chapter 545

The manager on duty chatted with his friend, and several people sent out came back one after another and reported to him what they saw.

"Manager, it's not good. The lawn in front of the hotel has grown two feet high and is still growing slowly."

"Manager, I found that all the potted plants in the hotel have changed."

"Manager, the flower arrangement in the guest room seems to have a few more leaves..."


The news sent back by everyone made the manager on duty very frightened. What is the reason for this phenomenon?Did it come down from heaven?
The little girl at the front desk saw a lot of people at this time, so she was not afraid anymore, and instead said a way, "Manager, don't we have many supernatural masters in our hotel now? Can you ask them what's going on?"

The duty manager's eyes lit up, that's right, they couldn't tell, those supernatural masters must know what was going on.

Regardless of assigning tasks, he rushed directly to find people, and other clever people were not far behind, and went everywhere to inform the ability masters they had served and who came to the party.

Ye Fan was sitting in the coffee shop, drinking coffee leisurely and enjoying the music. He was usually busy studying, and thanks to Su Qing, he also had time to enjoy it.

When the hotel manager approached Ye Fan, he was already drowsy, thinking about opening a room to sleep, even if the room was overtime, he could pay the extra fee himself.

After he listened to the manager's words, he immediately regained his energy. There are such interesting things, so what are you waiting to see!
When the manager on duty said, there were other students present. They also heard that the plants were growing crazily, and they all ran away. Not only the guests at the party today wanted to watch the fun, but many hotel service staff were also curious, so they followed along. ran forward.

There were only twenty or thirty supernatural masters staying in the hotel. The older generation had all left, and the rest were basically Su Qing’s classmates. Even Yang Dayong and his wife brought their parents back home. There were old people at home. You can't stay outside at will, but Yang Xue stayed.

All that remain are young people, especially curious.

Soon everyone gathered in the lobby of the hotel as soon as they entered the door. Everyone stretched their necks, stared at the pot of green plants, widened their eyes, and showed a look of surprise on their faces. Oh my god, no one is controlling, and the green plants can grow by themselves. Amazing.

"What's so strange about this, don't you feel that the supernatural powers in the hotel are very strong? The supernatural powers are strong, and these plants absorb a lot of energy and must grow quickly. What's the difference between being born by a supernatural master?"

Ye Fan said lightly, he was still his classmate, he didn't understand this bit of common sense, what did he do in school.

It was only then that the other students discovered that the supernatural powers in the hotel were indeed very strong, "God, the supernatural powers are so strong that they are almost as strong as the school's professional training room. What's going on here?"

Ye Fan frowned and pondered, he didn't understand why, but it must have something to do with the cultivation of some senior.

Someone asked: "Ye Fan, you go to school in a medium galaxy, have you heard of such a situation?"

Ye Fan shook his head, and just about to express his inference, someone exclaimed, "Where are you looking!"

It turned out to be a large lawn in front of the hotel, and in the decorative flower bed in the middle, various flowers are slowly blooming, one after another, fragrant and beautiful, like a spring day.

Originally, many flowers and plants were withered and yellow in this season, but now those flowers are full of vitality, growing branches and leaves more than one meter high, slowly pulling out buds and blooming, so it is not surprising.

At the beginning, everyone paid attention to the plants in the hotel. After the brilliant flowers bloomed in the flower garden outside, it was still very strange to see green grass and flowers in this season when it should be snowing, so some people exclaimed when they saw it One sound.

Ye Fan calmly said to the manager on duty: "Okay, it's not a supernatural event, it's just that you have an expert living in your hotel, and a master of supernatural powers is practicing, and a lot of supernatural powers have been absorbed, maybe the wood-type supernatural power is particularly high. .So it’s not a big deal to cause this imagination.”

"Ah!!" The manager on duty was stunned for a moment, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Many of the guests who came today were supernatural masters, but Miss Su Qing was the only one who moved to live in their hotel from the hotel where the vision was discovered. That supernatural master is Ms. Su?
The manager quietly called someone and asked her to find out where Miss Su was?Something happened, why didn't she show up.

Because Ye Fan explained the reason, some people muttered, "Is it a person of the wood system? It will be very cool to practice at this time."

Immediately, several wood-type supernatural masters in the crowd flashed their gazes, and slowly backed away. The new thing had nothing to do with them. They should go back to the room and meditate. How about the effect?
Ye Fan could also see what those people were thinking, and it happened that he wanted to try it too. After a while, the group of supernatural masters disappeared, and they all went back to the room to practice.

The result must be that people with wood-type abilities are ecstatic, and people from other departments don't feel any difference from their usual practice.

The manager on duty sent someone to find Su Qing and report to him: "Manager, Miss Su has been back to her room since dinner and hasn't come out."

The manager on duty nodded, "I see, you go and get busy. There is no need to spread the word about our hotel. Mr. Ye just said that there is a senior who is practicing. We should feel honored and tell everyone not to talk nonsense. Once I arouse that master's disgust, I can't keep you, you all understand!"

All the staff nodded, returned to their posts, and continued to work. The little girl at the front desk also resumed normal work, but the pot of green plants was moved to the side, far away from her.

The cleaning staff would come over every once in a while to trim off the excess branches and leaves, otherwise they would grow too fast and affect the environment of the hotel.

Su Qing didn't know that after she entered the deep cultivation, the people in the hotel would panic. Fortunately, Ye Fan explained the reason, so there was no panic. The manager on duty also handled it very well, so this time the plant incident did not cause trouble. Everyone knows it, and it hits the headlines.

The strange incident that happened at Jiang's Hotel late at night was covered up silently like this. Later, after Jiang Fei knew what had happened, he felt that there was no need to make it public. It's not worth it to cause her dissatisfaction and offend a great master.

When Su Qing opened his eyes, he realized that it was already dawn. After practicing for a night, he was much more energetic, and he no longer felt upset.

I casually glanced at a pot of green radish on the window sill, and it was almost overflowing. If the pot wasn't so big, I don't know how many new shoots would grow.

Su Qing blinked her eyes and shouted in her heart, Oops, I forgot to set up the formation. This time the cultivation time is longer than last time. It is estimated that some wonderful changes will take place in the plants in the hotel. Forget it, whatever you like. , whatever they think.

Su Qing tidied up, changed into clothes and took Huo Miao and Jiaojiao, first went to the restaurant to see how many people were still there, unexpectedly there were not many people eating,
After inquiring with the waiter, I found out that the plants grew wildly in the middle of the night last night, and her classmates all went back to practice after watching the fun at first.

Su Qing secretly thought that they were all smart people, they did the right thing, she attracted a lot of aura, mixed with supernatural energy, if she practiced at the same time, she would definitely get some benefits, especially wood supernatural masters, one night's practice can The effect of practicing for a month is better than usual, because the energy is extremely pure.

Su Qing sat down and started to eat breakfast, and asked the waiter to bring some food for the two cats,

(End of this chapter)

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