Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 546 Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow

Chapter 546 Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow
After breakfast, Su Qing checked out and left the hotel. She had already paid for all the expenses. As for those guests, they had already agreed to meet each other yesterday. .

Su Qing quietly left the hotel, and in her entire life, Su Qing never met these classmates again.

She went to school by car first, said goodbye to Zhou Peilan, and then went to Meng's house to say goodbye to Meng Zhitao. The two families had to come to say goodbye in person, because the two teachers took care of her the most during school, and Su Qing couldn't leave quietly.

After leaving school, Su Qing had to go to Yang's house to say goodbye. Except for Yang Wei, their whole family was there.

Not long after Yang Xue came back from the hotel, she was full of energy and told her family about the supernatural event of plants in the middle of the night, which was inexplicable to several people. Yang Dayong didn't believe it at all, thinking that Yang Xue was just making it up, and it happened that Su Qing came in.

Yang Xue's eyes lit up, and she immediately pulled Su Qing and said, "Qingqing, testify to me, did the plants in the hotel grow wildly by themselves last night, and they grew so long in a while?"

Yang Xue stretched out her arms and gestured, looking at her expectantly.

Su Qing blinked blankly, "I don't know. After sending away a few elders and teachers last night, I went straight back to my room. I didn't come out at all. As soon as I opened my eyes, it was dawn. I heard from the waiter that yesterday There was something new lately, but their supervisor didn’t let me say more, and I didn’t ask.”

Yang Xue: "That's right, Dad, what I said is true. I saw it with my own eyes, and you still don't believe it. It's a pity that you didn't see it, Qingqing. That scene is too weird. It's winter, and the flower garden is in full bloom."

"Hehe!! Really?" Su Qing smiled.

Yang Dayong didn't want to hear what his daughter said about the mysterious incident. He is not a supernatural master, and he doesn't know if it is true or not. Let's talk to Qingqing for a while!
Seeing the cat bag in Su Qing's hand, Yang Dayong asked: "You are going back soon, when are you going to leave Mengyuexing?"

Su Qing nodded, "I will take the aircraft back to Shanquan Village in a while, stay in the village for a few days, let grandma bid farewell to the villagers, and then we will leave. Grandpa Yang, I have said everything that should be said. When we leave, I will leave. I went directly to the spaceship with my grandma."

Yang Dayong hurriedly said: "Don't, you tell me when you leave that day, and I will go to the space port to see you off."

Su Qing shook her head, "Grandpa Yang, you have done enough for me, I don't even know how to repay you, when my grandma and I left, I didn't want to make such a big scene, otherwise there must be many people, I want to leave quietly Meng Yuexing, I don't want to attract attention, yesterday's occasion made me very uncomfortable."

Yang Dayong nodded, "Okay then, but before you leave, send me a video and let me know you're gone no matter what."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Okay, Grandpa Yang, it is a lifetime honor for me to meet you. If you encounter trouble in the future, you must tell me. No matter how far away, I will come back to help."

"Haha, fine."

Yang Dayong laughed happily. He felt that his momentary kindness back then could be exchanged for the promise of a supernatural master. .

Although Zhao Mei also talked with her, she was anxious all the time, how was Yang Xue doing last night?How many young talents do you know?

All the people who came yesterday were supernatural masters, and there were several boys from extraordinary backgrounds. Did Yang Xue leave any contact information with them?

Yang Xue was chatting enthusiastically with Su Qing, asking her about the situation of Qinglan College.

After all, everyone is curious about the high-level colleges in alien systems?There were too many people surrounding Su Qing yesterday, Yang Xue didn't feel the nerve to rush to disturb Qingqing, their relationship is unusual, and there is still a chance to talk about it in private.

Su Qing has always had a good impression of Yang Xue, she is a pure and kind girl, although she is a little bit calculating, but whoever does not calculate is a fool.

Su Qing sat at Yang's house for an hour or so, and then ordered an aircraft online to go back home.

The Yang family sent Su Qing to the door. Seeing the aircraft land, Yang Dayong hurriedly took out a few large bags of food, snacks and specialties from the supermarket, and asked Yang Xue and his wife to help them get on the aircraft. Two copies, one for her family and one for Meng's.

Zhao Mei was merciless when it came to giving things. After all, Su Qing's gifts to their family were more valuable, so their return gifts seemed very shabby.

"Grandpa Yang, Grandma Zhao, great grandpa, great grandma, Yang Xue, I'm leaving, we have a chance to see you again, contact me if you have anything to do."

Su Qing waved to a few people at the cabin door, turned around and got on the aircraft. After all, life has to face separation again and again, away from relatives and friends.

Su Qing is a very emotional person. Although she looks silent and cold on the outside, it is because she is not very good at expressing her emotions, so she can only pretend to be indifferent to prevent many people from approaching.

The aircraft flew higher and higher, and soon entered the clouds. Looking down, all the buildings became smaller, and Su Qing finally embarked on the journey back to his hometown again.

The speed of the aircraft is too slow. There is no way. The aircraft used by Mengyuexing are models that have long been eliminated from the developed galaxy of the empire. Both the speed and safety are much worse. Fortunately, aircraft accidents are still rare.

Even if there is an accident in the aircraft, there is also an emergency rescue cabin, one for the driver and one for the guests. As long as the number of passengers rides according to the number approved, their lives can still be saved.

Su Qing was eager to return home, thinking that if she flew with the sword, she would be home in a while, but it was not a last resort, Su Qing didn't want to expose some of her special abilities, just show those abilities that are suitable for high-level ability masters.

So let’s make an aircraft and return home slowly!
As the last experience, Su Qing recalled the first time he built an aircraft, the excitement of himself and Meng Hao, and there were Principal Mei and grandma by his side at that time. After six years, he finally came back, and he missed grandma so much. .

Su Qing closed her eyes and rested her mind. Time passed quickly. The driver reminded Su Qing that she was about to arrive at Shanquan Village and asked the passengers to get ready.

Su Qing looked down excitedly, and finally saw familiar buildings, familiar mountains, and familiar fields. That was Huanglong Town, that was the public train, that was Tianhu, and Shanquan Village had arrived.

Back home, not only Su Qing was excited, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao jumped up and down, missing the mountain forest where they grew up, and their little brothers.

Hahaha, your cat boss is back, isn't he very happy.

If the strange beasts in the mountains knew that it was back, they would definitely say, happy you big-headed ghost, the boss cat is coming to snatch their spiritual plants again.

The aircraft landed slowly in Shanquan Village, the hatch opened, Su Qing walked out lightly, and the two cats rushed out like lightning regardless of their care, and ran wildly into the mountains, it was a place to have fun.

Su Qing was wearing a water-blue long dress, her long hair was tied with a diamond hairpin, and she walked down empty-handed, with everything packed in the storage container.

Thinking of the scene of them returning to their hometown for the first time back then, I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Walking on the road in the village, looking at the surrounding stone houses, adobe courtyard walls, and fields in the distance, it has been a long time.

At this time, it was already dark, and the country people had nothing to do. They went to bed as soon as it got dark, and very few people wandered in the streets.

Except for the lights in some houses, most of the courtyards were completely dark, but this didn't affect Su Qing at all.

As a Golden Core cultivator, night and day are the same to her, it doesn't affect her vision at all, no matter how bad she is, she still has divine consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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