Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 547 Of course it's me

Chapter 547 Of course it's me
Finally, she walked to the door of her own house and looked at the dilapidated courtyard gate. More than ten years ago, she was carried by Su Mingjuan. She walked in at night and started her new life. Today she came back again.

"Dong dong dong." In the silent night, there was a knock on the door, and Zhu Xiuyun, who hadn't slept yet, heard it immediately, wondering who would come to visit the house so late, it was so cold.

These days, she sleeps late, and has to check the communicator every once in a while. Qingqing hasn't sent a message. It's been more than two months. Why hasn't Qingqing come back? Sleeping at night makes her feel uneasy.

As soon as the knock on the door rang, she heard it, immediately put on her shoes and coat, went to the yard and asked, "It's so late, who is it?"

Standing outside the door, Su Qing laughed, stepped lightly on her feet, and leaped into the courtyard in a flash.

"Grandma, of course it's me, aren't you surprised?"

Su Qing stood pretty in front of Zhu Xiuyun. Zhu Xiuyun rubbed her eyes, thinking that she missed her granddaughter too much and had hallucinations.

Su Qing seemed to know her grandmother's doubts, and stepped forward to hug Zhu Xiuyun tightly.

"Grandma, I'm back, I miss you so much."

The girl's warm body hugged her, and Zhu Xiuyun realized that Qingqing really came back, and said excitedly: "Qingqing, it's really you, you're finally back."

A trembling hand touched the granddaughter's white and tender cheeks. The child had grown up, and was only 12 years old when he arrived. He was still a budding little spore, and he would become a big girl when he came back.

"Yes, grandma, I'm back."

Zhu Xiuyun's eye sockets became moist immediately, and the child finally came back.

"Qingqing, you are finally back. I look forward to it day and night, and I hope you will come back soon. Why didn't you send me a message when you arrived in Mingyue City?"

Su Qing supported her, "Grandma, it's cold outside, let's go inside and talk."

"Hey, look at me, let's talk about it, why are you wearing so little, not even a cotton coat, go into the house quickly."

Zhu Xiuyun saw that her granddaughter was wearing a thin long silk dress, which was of no use except to freeze the child.

He hurriedly dragged Qingqing to the house, first to the east room. Although the west room had been tidied up, it had been unoccupied for several years and it was a bit cold. Today I wanted the child to sleep in the same bed with her, so that the grandparents and grandchildren could talk.

"Come on, Qingqing, let grandma take a good look at you."

Zhu Xiuyun opened her presbyopic eyes wide and looked carefully under the light. The girl who has grown up has a graceful figure a little thinner, taller, and her eyebrows and eyes are still the same, but they are opened, showing the beauty of a girl ,
"We Qingqing have grown taller and more beautiful. In Mengyuexing, my granddaughter is the most beautiful."

In Zhu Xiuyun's mind, Qingqing is the most beautiful, but there is one thing, she is too similar to the Li family, so people can recognize her at a glance, and this cannot be changed.

Su Qing stayed beside her grandma, "Grandma, I'm finally back. I miss you. If it wasn't for visiting the teacher and Grandpa Yang, I would have been back a long time ago."

Zhu Xiuyun nodded, "You should visit the teacher and the Yang family. Without their help, how could you and Meng Hao go so smoothly during school? Yang Wei helped you a lot back then."

Su Qing told Zhu Xiuyun about the past two days,
Zhu Xiuyun nodded. Although what Qingqing did was inappropriate in some places, she was still young, and it was very good to be able to do that. Just like the child said, except for the few people and teachers who helped her, everyone else It's a stranger, it doesn't matter if you didn't have friendship before, and you will be a stranger again in the future.

The grandfather and grandson had endless conversations when they met. Zhu Xiuyun took out a clean quilt and asked Su Qing to lie on the bed and cover her. She felt cold just looking at her.

Su Qing smiled and said, "Grandma, I'm not cold. You forgot, I'm a supernatural master. My body is so good that I can make it invulnerable."

Zhu Xiuyun said angrily, "You're talking nonsense, it's invulnerable."

But it is true that the granddaughter is not afraid of the cold. The supernatural master is not an ordinary person, but a superman beyond the scope of ordinary people. Over the years, Su Qing has been sending her money, and Zhu Xiuyun's account already has tens of millions of interstellar coins.

She didn't dare to tell anyone, and no one would believe her, so Zhu Xiuyun also thought about it. The child can earn money, so what do she do? , Even the Internet access function of the communicator has been activated, so she is not afraid of spending money.

Ever since she was able to watch star TV and surf the Internet every day, Zhu Xiuyun learned a lot about supernatural beings and gained a lot of knowledge. Although her thinking is still like that of a peasant woman, she has changed a lot about many things.

It is certain that the supernatural master is in good health. She has great strength, does not suffer from cold and heat, and has a long lifespan. These are all basic, so she said that she was afraid of Su Qing being cold, but she knew that her granddaughter was not cold at all.

The grandfather and grandson were lying on the bed, talking about their experiences after parting. Of course, Su Qing would never tell Zhu Xiuyun about those thrilling and unpleasant things, not even Su Qing who went to sell goods on the black market.

Grandma just needs to live a good and happy life, and I will take care of those dark side things by myself.

Zhu Xiuyun listened to Su Qing's talk about Su's farm, and she yearned for it very much. The whole farm belongs to her own family!There are also robots for work, as long as you do some easy work, it is an ideal farming mode.

After chatting until late at night, Zhu Xiuyun finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.

Su Qing looked at grandma's old face and took her own elixir. Grandma shouldn't be like this. It must be because of her bad mood. When she returns to Fuchunxing, everything will be fine. Su Qing showed a happy smile, Snuggle up to grandma.

Pressing Zhu Xiuyun's wrist veins, she began to nourish her whole body's meridians with spiritual energy. During the time in the village, grandma's body must be well taken care of, otherwise the two-month trip would not be so easy to survive.

Anyone who can often travel around in a spaceship must have good physical fitness, otherwise they will not be able to bear the feeling of void.

After all, human beings have adapted to life on land. Even if a lot of land environments are simulated in the spaceship, it is not the real land. It must be different. In the void, it will still cause some damage to the body. People with poor physical fitness will have many problems. , The short-term trip is okay, I spent more than two months on the spaceship, what can I do if my body is not recuperated.

That's why Su Qing came back specially to take care of the old people of the three families, mainly the old couple of the Meng family and Uncle Su, and the others were not too young.

Only by taking good care of their bodies can they spend the boring travel on the spaceship. The reason for this situation is also because the people of Mengyuexing are born with poor physical fitness, and many empire benefits cannot be enjoyed.

Children in developed galaxies can enjoy many free vaccines and nutrients as soon as they are born. Children in primitive galaxies need medicines funded by the planetary government except for several vaccines that are free for the whole empire. The Mengyue star government only buys a few One or two, so their physical fitness is far worse than that of people in developed galaxies. All the elders of the three families need to be recuperated and supplemented with nutrition.

Zhu Xiuyun is old and doesn't practice martial arts, and her body has been exhausted for many years. If Su Qing hadn't been using pills to help recuperate, she would have passed away a long time ago. Especially after she experienced the loss of her husband and daughter, she suffered a great blow to her spirit If there is no Su Qing, he would have passed away long ago. Now Su Qing is the spiritual support for Zhu Xiuyun to live.

As for the two uncles of the Su family and Meng Xiao's father, before they went to Venus, they passed on a set of body training techniques to the villagers. If they practice regularly, their physical fitness will improve a lot, so there should be no major problems.

(End of this chapter)

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