Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 553 What?So expensive

Chapter 553 What?So expensive

Su Qing said that she knew it, and found a large basin from the space, controlled two fruits in the air, removed the core and quickly cut them into small pieces, put them in the basin, and filled a large basin with two or three fruits , enough for everyone to eat, Zhu Xiuyun had eaten a small plate of fruit in the morning, but he didn't expect it to be so big, it was amazing.

Su Qing put the fruit pieces together with the cut ones in the morning, and put them in the space to keep them fresh.

The meat Su Qing quickly turned into meat cubes with just a few strokes, and the remaining vegetables needed to be picked and cleaned.

Put the meat in a large basin first, soak it in clean water, and then wash off the blood.

Su Qing and her grandmother sat on the bench to pick vegetables, the sun was shining brightly at noon, and it was warm on their bodies.

In order to keep out the cold, Su Qing specially put a protective array to cover the whole yard, and opened an exit at the gate of the yard, so that he could go in and out, so Zhu Xiuyun sat in the yard, but it felt as if it was not cold in spring.

Su Qing is now a Jindan cultivator with a high level of cultivation. She doesn't care, she can do whatever she wants, but when she is with grandma, she just wants her to be comfortable and not have to bear any sins.

Whatever ability she has, she doesn't mind displaying it in front of her grandma. At most, grandma will be shocked and face it calmly.

Not long after, Wang Sanmei came with her two daughters-in-law, Grandma Meng and Wang Qian, who came in with them. When there were more women, Su Qing would not have a part in the work, cutting meat, washing vegetables, stewing meat and marinating. .

Because Su Qing brought back the oven, there must be a lot of barbecue. Meng Lin brought all the tables and chairs from his own home, otherwise the tables and chairs in the Su family would not be enough for everyone, and the family would definitely have to sit at two tables.

Su Qing wanted to do any work, but was stopped by two aunts, "Qingqing, we will do these jobs, how can we let you do them, your hands are as white and tender as tofu, so you can give them to us." Tell me something new about you outside."

Seeing that she couldn't get a job, Su Qing quit it altogether. She told everyone interesting stories about her school days, such as Wang Lu's fiery temper, Chen Hongfei's flirtatiousness, their military training when they first started school, and the stories they shared on StarNet. knowledge.

Wang Qian asked in disbelief: "What, Qingqing, you mean, there is a device that can surf the Internet while lying down, and it feels like entering the real world?"

Su Qing nodded, "That's right, after going to school for a while, everyone else has a star network cabin, but Meng Hao and I don't have one. At that time, we just bought a new storage device, and we didn't have much money in hand. We really couldn't afford it. However, I need to use it a lot for my studies, and my brain alone is not enough. I stay up every night, work hard to refine medicines, and then sell them. Finally, I have saved enough money. Meng Hao and I quietly went to the mall to buy them. I have brought back two starnet pods."

Wang Qian asked cautiously: "How much is a star network cabin?"

"It's not very expensive. We bought mid-range ones, two of which cost less than 10 million interstellar coins," Su Qing said lightly.

Wang Qian clutched her chest and shouted, "What, it's so expensive, my God."

Zhu Xiuyun didn't care about the price of the star-net cabin, she just cared about her granddaughter. At that time, Qingqing had just arrived in a strange place, and she still had to worry about these issues. Every penny was a sign of her hard work.

"Qingqing, you don't sleep at night, and you are always refining medicine without exhausting you. You should also pay attention to your body."

When Zhu Xiuyun said this, Wang Qian and Grandma Meng felt tight. When they went to Venus to go to school, Qingqing was only 12 years old, and Meng Hao was a young man in his 20s.

The expenses and study necessities of the two of them depended on the money earned by Su Qing. The tall and tall Meng Yan had no ability at all. Instead, the younger sister worked hard to make medicine to support him and provide him with school.

Even if they are delighted with their son's achievements, they still have to admit that without Su Qing, there would be nothing about Meng Yu. Even if Meng Yu treats Qingqing better than his relatives in the future, they will have no room to comment, because they lack confidence, and Meng Yu was trained by others. After they came out, the whole family had nothing to say.

What's more, both Zhu Xiuyun and Qingqing never took this matter as an excuse, and always babbled in front of them how much Meng Xiang spent and how they would repay in the future.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law showed a guilty look on their faces. They didn't put much effort into raising the child. The child was successful and successful, and the whole family was proud of him. They didn't work hard but wanted to share the results, and they blamed Su Qing for letting the child pay off the debt. How can there be such a reason in the world?I can't blame Xiuyun for not listening.

That is to say, Qingqing and Xiuyun don't care about it, otherwise, anyone would have asked the Meng family to sign a deed of sale and severance of ties, otherwise Qingqing would have spent untold amounts of money on Meng Xiang for nothing, and it was very likely that she would fetch water. drift.

Su Qing smiled lightly, "Fortunately, our supernatural masters are in good health, and we can use practice instead of sleeping. It's just a busy period of time. My grandma is fine."

Grandma Meng said with a distressed look on her face: "It was also very hard, Qingqing, thanks to you, otherwise, even if Meng Yu passed the exam, he would drop out after only a few days in the college, which made you suffer."

Su Qing: "Mr. Meng's two years were a bit hard for us. Later, the school discovered Meng's talent and began to train him vigorously. A lot of resources were provided by the school, and we didn't spend too much money. Many times However, Meng Hao can still make money, which is already very good."

The women got busy in full swing, all the meat was cut up, and even a big pot couldn't hold it. Luo Cuilan took her daughter-in-law and brought two pots of meat home to stew, and Su's earthen stove also stewed a big pot of meat , The two aunts began to wear skewers and put them in the oven to roast the meat.

The smell of stewed meat and barbecue came from the Su family and the Meng family at the same time, but the neighbors were greedy. They all knew that Su Qing had come back, and he had become a big shot. As soon as he came back, the two families began to eat and drink. What kind of meat is it, and why does it taste so fragrant?

At five o'clock in the afternoon, two tables were set up in the Su family's courtyard, two large plates of fruits, several plates of fried vegetables, several types of stewed meat, and barbecued meat. Everyone started to eat and drink with the spirit wine Su Qing had brought back.

The men sat at the table with the old people, and the children sat at the table with several young wives. Su Qing sat at the children's table, and did not forget to fill everyone with wine. Because it was fruit wine, Su Qing mixed some pure water into it, giving the children every Ren also took a sip and tasted it. After all, spirit wine is good for the body.

Adults can drink as much as they like, but Su Qing took out the jar, which is not big enough for one person to drink two glasses, and it will be empty. The men continued to drink the ordinary white wine that Su Qing brought back. Unexpectedly, some big men did not know the goods, and said spirit wine It's sweet, but the white wine is delicious.

The exotic animal meat, vegetables and fruits that Su Qing brought back were all premium products, and even the seasonings were grown by herself. Could it be delicious?
Seeing everyone eating and drinking regardless of reserve, Su Qing showed a faint smile. Although her relatives have no cultural knowledge, no understanding of etiquette, and are all vulgar country people, only when she is with them can she feel relaxed and happy , so the few of them must live happily together in the future.

After the dinner party, a lot of food left over was distributed to two families to take away. You don’t have to be polite if you are from your own family. The two families brought the pots and went home. The pots, bowls, tables and chairs of the Meng family, Meng Lin and Meng Shuo , Moved back after three or two trips.

The pots, pans and pans were all cleaned up, the courtyard and the kitchen were tidied up, it was past nine o'clock when Su Qing and grandma lay down on the bed,
Su Qing discussed with her grandmother: "Grandma, we will leave Mengyuexing in a few days. You have to say goodbye to your acquaintances in the village as soon as possible, and ask the village head to apply for a transfer of household registration. I am applying for the household registration of Venus."

(End of this chapter)

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