Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 554 Country Banquet

Chapter 554 Country Banquet
"Yeah." Zhu Xiuyun nodded and said, "Qingqing, since we are leaving Shanquan Village, but this is the hometown where my grandmother grew up and lived for most of my life, I am very reluctant, should we also have a farewell party? Let me have a lively meal with the folks."

Su Qing agreed, "Of course, we can hold a big dinner for the whole village. This time, no villagers need to do anything. I will invite professional people from Mingyue City to cook a luxurious buffet. By the way, I will invite some people to perform in the village. Make it lively, make everyone happy, and count it as my last good deed for the villagers."

Zhu Xiuyun suggested: "Since you want to invite, please invite all the teachers and Principal Mei who have taught you and Meng Xiao in Huanglong Town together!"

Su Qing: "Grandma, don't tell me I'm going to visit Principal Xiamei and the teachers tomorrow, and I won't forget them. Since I'm going to hold a large party, I'll contact the person in charge of Jiang's Hotel and let them It’s all covered, we’ll just pay for it, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Zhu Xiuyun's frugal nature broke out, and she disagreed and said: "Qingqing, that would be too expensive. Let's buy some meat and vegetables ourselves, and the whole village will do it together."

However, Su Qing didn't want to hold another big village party. What's the point of that? If you want to shock the villagers, you can order some high-end food. The villagers can just eat and let them experience the real food.

"Grandma, since we are leaving, we must leave a banquet that the villagers will never forget for decades. Let the villagers get excited. It won't cost much."

Just invite the whole village to eat and drink, and don’t need special ingredients, as long as there is plenty of meat, it’s fine and delicious. Domestic pork and chicken are not expensive. Let’s find a song and dance troupe to perform and let the people in the closed village open Eye-opening can also be regarded as opening up a chance for the people of Shanquan Village to get in touch with outside information.

Su Qing's idea of ​​a dinner party and Zhu Xiuyun's dinner party were two different things. Fortunately, Zhu Xiuyun didn't stick to his point of view. The grandfather and grandson said a few words before turning off the lights and going to bed.

After a busy day, Zhu Xiuyun was not physically tired, but was also mentally tired, so she soon fell asleep.
After she fell into a deep sleep, Su Qing still used spiritual energy to nourish her body, so that the rich energy contained in the food grandma ate today could be absorbed by the body as soon as possible.

As for Uncle Su and the four old men from the Meng family, Su Qing would leave some Peiyuan pills for them, take a little medicine foam every day, and the body will naturally be strong enough to persist in taking the spaceship to Fuchunxing.

Early the next morning, Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun woke up one after another. Originally, they were supposed to go to Huanglong Town to visit Principal Mei today, but because they wanted to hold a farewell banquet to the villagers, Su Qing planned to make it more grand, so they didn't go to Huanglong for now. town.

Su Qing turned on the communicator to contact Jiang Fei, and asked him if Jiang's Hotel could come to their village for a self-service dinner. She wanted to treat all the villagers to a big meal, and then help invite a singing and dancing troupe for the villagers. Performing, Su Qing said his simple request.

Jiang Fei was very surprised when he received Su Qing's video communication. Su Qing didn't dare to offend him. Since the mysterious incident in the hotel happened, it was obvious that Su Qing was the master of supernatural powers.

Few people knew about this matter, and Jiang Fei didn't tell anyone else, but the shock in his heart can be imagined, this Miss Su's talent is simply beyond the sky, such a young supernatural master, never in the history of the empire Never had.

So when he saw that it was Su Qing's call, he connected immediately, and learned that she was about to leave her hometown with her grandmother, and wanted to say goodbye to the folks before leaving, and asked him to help hold a country banquet. It doesn't require exquisiteness, as long as there is plenty of meat Big will do.

How could Jiang Fei refuse? No one can find a way to do such a good thing. He has a hunch that Miss Su will one day become famous in the entire empire. Do me a favor for the sake of his hard work today.

As soon as Su Qing finished talking, Jiang Fei immediately said: "Miss Su, I understand what you mean, absolutely no problem, you set the time, give me a day to prepare, and promise to help you get things done, all staff Our hotel is responsible for all the ingredients, tools, and you just need to make room for me."

Su Qing nodded in satisfaction, and sent Jiang Fei a deposit first. Jiang Fei didn't say that he would give her a discount. He knew very well that supernatural masters are not short of money, especially for a great supernatural master like Ms. Su. The way of money is easier, it is better to focus on service and let her be satisfied with the reality.

Su Qing talked with Jiang Fei before hanging up the video. Su Qing discussed with Zhu Xiuyun, first went to the village head's house, and told Wu Youde about the household registration and dinner party, otherwise there would be no support from the village cadres to maintain order. Qing was afraid that the villagers would start looting food, and that would turn a good thing into a bad thing.

Wu Youde is also an official, he is in charge of hundreds of villagers, and everyone listens to him.

After preparing a gift, the grandparents and grandchildren went to the village chief Wu Youde's house and told him what to do.

If you want to move Zhu Xiuyun's household registration, you first need the consent of the village head, and then go to the household registration management office in Huanglong Town to go through the moving-out procedures.

They must go to Wu Youde's house, not to mention that there is a dinner party, and the village chief needs to help maintain order.I went to a family reunion yesterday, but the village head hasn't visited yet.

Wu Youde is neither good nor bad. After he became the village head, he took good care of the villagers, not a mean person.

He has been the head of Shanquan Village all these years, and speaking in the village can be regarded as having some prestige.

Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun's visit was enthusiastically welcomed by the Wu family, mainly because the adults could hold back the gifts Su Qing gave to Second Uncle Su and the Meng family yesterday, and the children could not help showing off in front of their friends.

Now the whole village is going to be bombed. They have never seen the clothes, shoes, snacks, toys and game consoles before. They told their parents about the jealousy of a group of friends after returning home, but they got a meal. beat.

All the parents are venting their dissatisfaction with their children, making you not study hard, and you still have the face to envy others. If Qingqing and Meng Hao hadn't passed the exam, would they be able to have the future they are today?If you want to eat well, if you have the ability to pass the test, you can become a supernatural teacher!

The Wu family had heard these things a long time ago, and wondered whether Su Qing would come to visit the village chief. Many years ago, Su Qing would send some gifts to their family when he came back from Mingyue City. Unexpectedly, Su Qing would come here .

Seeing the things in Su Qing's back basket, the eyes of everyone in the Wu family were green. When Su Qing took out the presents, Wu Youde responded politely.

"Qingqing, you're back. I'm very happy to see Grandpa Wu. Why are you taking things? How expensive are you? It's not easy for a little girl like you to earn some money."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Grandpa Wu, I didn't buy anything, just some food, tobacco and alcohol, and a few gadgets. Let you taste the taste of tobacco and alcohol in the outer galaxy. Those gadgets are for younger brothers and sisters to play with. I haven't seen you for several years, and you are still in good health."

"Haha, it's okay." Wu Youde's face that was laughing suddenly froze, because he found that the gifts that Su Qing had just put on the table were taken away by the old woman in a hurry, and his own grandchildren were even more innocent. One of the teachers grabbed a bag, unpacked it, took out the snacks inside and stuffed it into his mouth frantically.

This made him feel very ashamed, it seemed that his children were very uneducated, and they didn't care about ordering food. He glared at his wife, how could he discipline the children.

Wu Youde's wife was arguing, picked up a broom and whipped a child, and they drove them away before putting the things in the cabinet.

(End of this chapter)

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