Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 555 Shocked the whole village

Chapter 555 Shocked the whole village
"Ahem, Qingqing, I made you laugh. The food you brought was so good that the children couldn't help but be greedy. Don't mind it. It's all because of poverty, and they usually don't have much to eat."

Wu Youde thought to himself that his family's conditions were pretty good, and he couldn't help but swallow at the food, let alone the children.

"Grandpa Wu, it's okay. I know it's all because of my bad mouth. I definitely couldn't help it when I met him when I was young."

Zhu Xiuyun also said that they are all children, what do they know, it's okay if they don't go up to grab something delicious, it's just for the children to eat.

Wu Youde looked better. After Su Qing sat down, he told Village Chief Wu the purpose of their visit.

"Grandpa Wu, I'm here to ask you for two things. When I come back this time, I want to take my grandma away from Mengyue and settle in a medium-sized galaxy. The chances of coming back in the future are slim. I plan to remove my grandma's household registration. Put it under my name, so that my grandma can enjoy many benefits of a medium galaxy, including pensions and free medical services."

Wu Youde nodded, "Well, I've thought in my heart for a long time that you will definitely take your grandma away first, Xiuyun, you will be blessed in the future."

Zhu Xiuyun smiled and nodded, "Yes! We are young, good at studying, talented, and filial. I can also go to the medium galaxy to enjoy the blessings."

Don't mention Wu Youde's envy. Zhu Xiuyun has reached the sky in one step. Don't look at her husband's early death and her daughter running away. She never expected to raise a good granddaughter, so that she will have something to depend on and have a happy old age.

It's not like the grandchildren of his family, all of them have their own brains, and they don't understand anything, they just know how to eat and play foolishly.

Su Qing said the first thing, and then said: "Grandpa Wu, besides moving my grandmother's household registration out, there is one more thing that needs your help."

Wu Youde: "Tell me, whatever, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Su Qing said slowly: "After all, my grandma has lived in the village for half her life, and she is very reluctant to leave. Before she leaves, she wants to say goodbye to the villagers and treat everyone to a big meal. You can help organize it and let the villagers abide by the order. The big hotel in Mingyue City has already been booked, and they will come to the village specially to hold a banquet for everyone on the spot, what do you think we will do at noon tomorrow?"

Wu Youde showed surprise, and was shocked by Su Qing's generosity. The big hotel invited from Mingyue City came to cook a feast for the villagers, and let the whole village have a banquet. It's too extravagant! !

"Qingqing, is what you said true? It's too costly. When we have a dinner together in the village, each family can order food and meat. Don't waste your money."

Su Qing: "Grandpa Wu, you can arrange it with confidence. Find a larger open space. I also found a singing and dancing performance. I need to build a stage."

A look of surprise appeared in Wu Youde's eyes, "There are also singing and dancing, hey, the villagers are not happy now, Qingqing, don't worry, I will definitely make arrangements to prevent everyone from making trouble."

He told Su Qing not to spend money blindly, but he was excited to jump up in his heart, excited for the big meal and the singing and dancing that he would soon be able to watch. Now the whole village would be shaken, and their Shanquan Village would be destroyed Everyone in Shili Bacun was envious to death.

Wu Youde was stunned by Su Qing's generosity, and realized once again that Qingqing, a little girl, is different from them. , cannot be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Wu Youde couldn't help but become more and more polite. He told Zhu Xiuyun that she was blessed, and don't forget to contact him in the future. In the village, the village chief Wu has a communicator issued by the government, so Zhu Xiuyun can only contact Wu Youde. .

Wu Youde's wife, sitting on the sidelines from time to time, inserted a few words. She was so jealous that Zhu Xiuyun was so lucky to have a good granddaughter. It is said that the girl is not a member of the Su family, she is still from the old Li family. Her genes are good, let her pick a bargain.

Look at her daughter, she is so pretty, her little face is as white as milk, as tender as tofu, she stands there so pretty, no matter how you look at it, you can't take your eyes off her.

Look at my granddaughter again, she is a teenage girl, not to mention her dirty body, her face has not been washed, it is really incomparable, the most important thing for a country child is to be in good health and able to work, who will spend a lot of money Money, to supply the children to go to school all the time, Qingqing is good at studying, and the school fees are all free, and their children dare not even think about it.

Zhu Xiuyun chatted with Village Chief Wu for a while, and then said to him: "Village Chief, let's go to the village department first and fill in the household registration application. You stamp me, and we will go directly to the town."

Zhu Xiuyun really couldn't sit still, didn't see the Wu family's eyes looking at the gift frequently, they all emitted green light, and they panicked if they didn't leave. ?

How did Zhu Xiuyun know that although Wu Youde's family is in a good condition, they don't often buy food for the children. Even if they buy food, they are made of synthetic food. Su Qing brings back real energy food. Can the taste be the same?After one bite, it was so delicious that it made people drool.

Wu Youde also found out about his family's disrespect, and wished to leave quickly. Just when Zhu Xiuyun said to go to the village department to complete the formalities, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Su Qing, Zhu Xiuyun's grandfather Sun Gang and Wu Youde walked to the door together, and several children in the room surrounded Wu Youde's wife, struggling to eat candy and snacks.

Su Qing's hearing is so good, there is a faint smile on his face, there is nothing wrong with the children's gluttony, it is not shameful, it's just because the living standard is low, they usually can't eat.

The grandfather and grandson and Wu Youde walked to the village headquarters together to handle the moving out procedures for Zhu Xiuyun's household registration. First, he applied in the village, and the village chief agreed, and then went to the town to handle it.

I met many people along the way, and they asked Zhu Xiuyun and Village Chief Wu what they were going to do.

Zhu Xiuyun didn't hide it, and generously said that she would go to apply for household registration. She would go to live on her own farm in the medium galaxy with her granddaughter. Their family, Qingqing, bought a farm and used robots for farming in the future. Can enjoy Qingfu.

The news spread like a storm, and the entire Shanquan Village was shaken.

Zhu Xiuyun is amazing, she is going to live on an alien planet, her granddaughter bought her a big farm, and there are robots to plant the land, just sit and enjoy the happiness every day,
The old men and women in the village went crazy and began to scold their children and grandchildren for not being up to date. Why don’t you learn from others like Su Qingmengxiao? With the same conditions, how can they learn so well?
On this day, the children and grandchildren in the whole village were very depressed, scolding Su Qing and Meng Hao in their hearts, why are they so good at studying, wouldn't they be as ordinary as them?
Then the village head broadcast the announcement, and the whole village started to blow up their nests, what?Su Qing invited the big hotel in Mingyue City to cook them a luxurious meal and a song and dance troupe performance.

To say that Zhu Xiuyun can live in a medium-sized galaxy, everyone is just envious, and it is not good for everyone, but eating luxurious meals and watching songs and dances, this is a unique and shocking event, which has never happened in a century. It was a sensational event.

For a while, the whole village was discussing about tomorrow's feast and song and dance troupe, what would be delicious, and what programs would be performed.

It's not that the villagers in Shanquan Village haven't seen singing and dancing. There are still a few wealthy families in the village who are willing to pay to open the star TV.

It's not that I haven't watched various shows, but how can I feel the same as watching real people singing and dancing with my own eyes? I can catch up several times in a lifetime. It's both eating and entertainment. The topic of the village for more than ten years can't avoid this time. The banquet is over, and people can't forget Su Qing and Meng Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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