Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 556 Application for moving out of household registration

Chapter 556 Application for moving out of household registration
Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun didn't care how the villagers were shocked, they got in the car and went directly to Huanglong Town to apply for household registration.

Originally, Zhu Xiuyun said that the road was too far, and he went back to take the tram, but Su Qing waved his hand, "Grandma, don't bother, look at me."

Su Qing took her grandmother's arm, and her steps covered tens of meters, and the magic of shrinking the ground into inches allowed them to rush to the station in three or two steps.

Zhu Xiuyun looked back in surprise, "Qingqing, we got there in two or three steps, how did we do it, it's amazing."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Grandma, your granddaughter is a supernatural master, and a very powerful supernatural master, you treat me like that kind of fairy, I can spell, and grandma, I can also fly, faster than me The battleship is faster."

Zhu Xiuyun rolled her eyes in disbelief, "Look at what you can do, I don't believe it, you can fly, and that pig can go to the sky."

Su Qing: "Hahaha, grandma, you are so funny. Let me tell you, not only pigs can go to the sky, but also snakes, tigers, cows, and foxes can go to the sky. If you forget our flame, he can fly."

Zhu Xiuyun suddenly looked at her granddaughter, "Qingqing, you can't really fly, can you?"

Su Qing nodded, "Grandma, when did I lie to you? Many years ago, I was able to use the flying technique, but I didn't tell you. After these years, my cultivation base has advanced again, and the speed is faster. I'm not lying, not only me, but also Meng Yan can fly at low altitudes, he is far behind me, his talent is in martial arts, and he is only a little bit worse in practicing kung fu."

"Of course, our Qingqing must have the best talent,"

After Zhu Xiuyun was shocked by the fact that Qingqing could fly, she faced it calmly. Qingqing was so good at self-taught without going to school when she was a child, let alone after more than ten years of study, her ability may not be so high. Flying is nothing special, if one day my granddaughter tells her that she can fly in space, it will shock her.

After waiting for a while for the train to arrive, the grandparent and grandson got on the train. Su Qing looked out the window and seriously experienced every minute and every second in his hometown, which he would never see again.

Zhu Xiuyun showed a slight sadness on her face. After all, it was difficult to leave her homeland. Although the conditions in her hometown were not good, she was used to this kind of life, so she didn't know if she would be able to adapt to a different environment?But Qingqing wants to take her out of here to start a new life, so no matter how reluctant she is, she will go. Qingqing is her lifeblood, and only when she is with her child can she have the courage to continue living.

The speed of the train was very fast, and it arrived at Huanglong Town in ten minutes. Su Qing helped Zhu Xiuyun get off the train and walked directly to the office building of the town government.
Zhu Xiuyun came here once when she was divorced with her daughter. This is the second time she walked in more than ten years later. Time flies. In a blink of an eye, Qingqing has grown up, and she is old. Where did she go, without a single letter, Zhu Xiuyun's heart aches when she thinks about it.

The staff of the household registration management office of the town government received them. Zhu Xiuyun took out her own certificate and began to go through the formalities of moving out of the household registration.

The staff saw that the application form that Su Qing helped to fill out turned out to be the Venus who moved to the medium-sized galaxy, and looked at them in surprise.

In the historical records of Huanglong Town, no one has ever moved their household registration to Venus, but there are quite a few other cities on this planet, because there is no information about the head of the household who accepted the household registration, and he does not know that the old lady's granddaughter is a According to the regulations of the empire, the senior planter has the right to transfer the household registration of relatives within three generations to her name.

The household registration application went smoothly, and it was almost noon at this time, so it would be inappropriate to visit Principal Mei again.

Su Qing took Zhu Xiuyun to find a coffee shop in the town, ordered two cups of coffee at random, and took out a box of snacks, as long as he was not hungry after eating. It's not tasty, so eat your own!
Su Qing poured Zhu Xiuyun another small glass of spiritual fruit wine. Drinking one glass every day can restore Zhu Xiuyun's body and rejuvenate her aging cells.

There are many rich people in Huanglong Town, and the business of small coffee shops is not bad. People who have regular jobs in the town will come to drink a cup of coffee and enjoy the atmosphere of petty bourgeoisie in their spare time.

Su Qing has an elegant temperament and high-end clothes, she is not an ordinary person at first glance. She dragged an old woman from a mountain village in, and attracted several people's surprised eyes.

But no one would be bored and stare at them all the time. Seeing that the two of them only ordered two cups of coffee and didn't want any snacks, some people curled their lips in contempt, but their faces became stiff the next second.

The girl took out a box of dim sum from her bag. Just by looking at the packaging, she couldn't buy it in Huanglong Town, and she could smell the sweetness of the dim sum inside from a long distance away.

Everyone knows that this is the place, and they are not used to the rough food here. They bring their own snacks, so what they eat must be good.

Later, I saw that the girl took out a small jade wine glass, poured a glass of wine, and let the old man drink it. In an instant, the aroma of the wine was so strong that even a girl who didn't like drinking felt that the taste was sweet. Feeling refreshed, but don't know what it is?

People who can come to the coffee shop in Huanglong Town to enjoy the coffee, no matter how poor they are, they have some money in their hands, or they are people who hold some real power in various government ministries.

Sun Qi just graduated from the intermediate class in AY City this year, and was assigned to be a teacher in the elementary class school in Huanglong Town. Her supernatural ability has just reached the entry level, and her grades in the graduation examination are average, but it is enough for her to teach in the elementary class in Huanglong Town. students.

As soon as Su Qing came in, she felt that the other party was not an ordinary person. Sure enough, all the snacks they ate were brought by themselves, and she had never seen that brand.

Until Su Qing poured out a glass of spiritual fruit wine, ordinary people would feel refreshed after smelling it, but Sun Qi felt that her abilities fluctuated faintly, which surprised her. What kind of good thing did the girl pour out? Can you let your own abilities be affected?
Sun Qi's family background is not particularly good, but compared with Su Qingmeng's family, it is a hundred times stronger. Her family is in Anyang City. Her talent is not high, her academic performance is average, and it is very good to be able to graduate by the way. She is a teacher in the elementary class. It was the best result, after she stayed in the elementary class in Huanglong Town for a few years, and then dragged her relationship, and transferred back to the school in Anyang City, everything would be smooth.

Sun Qi’s supernatural ability cannot be advanced, mainly because the family does not have so much money to support her all the time. Like many families, parents with many children can only concentrate resources to support the one with the best talent, and allocate less to the remaining children. If Sun Qi had been able to take more marrow-washing potions or practice with spirit-gathering potions since she was a child, her supernatural powers would have improved. Unfortunately, her family couldn't afford to provide the same amount of resources to all children.

Sun Qi regretted not being admitted to Xinghui Academy, and could only work as a teacher in a remote town after graduation. This made her very dissatisfied, and she blamed her parents for countless times.

But she has no choice but to save money to buy resources to practice after work, and strive to upgrade her supernatural ability, which will also have an advantage in finding a job in the future.

I used to spend my parents’ money, but I didn’t think that after I started working and earning money, the salary would not be enough to spend. Not to mention buying medicines for cultivation, it would be difficult to guarantee basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. Just clothes and cosmetics, three meals a day would cost a lot money,

Only now did she know that it was not easy for her parents to support their children, but so what, it couldn't change that she was the one abandoned by her parents, why couldn't she support her more, it would be great to be admitted to Xinghui Academy.

When she saw Su Qing pouring out a glass of wine, the taste alone could make her abilities fluctuate faintly. It must be a good thing. It is too much for such a precious thing to be given to an ordinary old woman. Isn't this a waste of money?
(End of this chapter)

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