Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 557 You have a problem with your brain

Chapter 557 You have a problem with your brain
Sun Qi, who couldn't see it, walked over directly, and said with a face of disapproval: "Miss, you can't do this."

Su Qing was telling Zhu Xiuyun to drink the spirit fruit wine quickly. Sun Qi's words made her raise her head and glance at Sun Qi coldly, and said lightly: "Please don't disturb us, grandma, let's drink it, and ignore people who are not related. .”

As soon as Zhu Xiuyun picked up the wine glass to drink, Sun Qi stretched out his hand to snatch it away, and said in a serious manner: "I am doing this for your own good, such a good thing is worth a lot of money, and it is a waste for the old man to drink it. .”

Su Qing was very angry now, where did the bastards come from, a stranger dared to come up to snatch their things, with a single finger, a green light flashed, and instantly bounced to Sun Qi's palm,
"Ah!!" With a scream, Sun Qi covered the back of his hand, screaming in pain, and Su Qing said indifferently: "This is a warning for you, don't stretch out your claws randomly, once again, don't touch your hands!" Keep it."

Su Qing's serious face is still very scary. The majesty of a high-ranking monk cannot be violated. No matter what Su Qing's status is, Sun Qi has no right to shout in front of Su Qing. Qing is a high-level ability master and will not take any responsibility, not to mention that Sun Qi was unreasonable first, Su Qing can sue her for robbery.

Sun Qi's screams caught everyone's attention. The owner of the coffee shop ran over. She saw what happened with her own eyes. She is really not bad for her little girl. Is Teacher Sun mentally retarded? of?

Zhu Xiuyun saw that the spirit wine brought by her granddaughter was a good thing, and someone was robbing it, so she quickly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Su Qing: "Qingqing, let's go, I didn't expect that Huanglong Town still has robbers, this girl sees it." It's not normal."

The female boss quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I surprised you, Mr. Sun, what's the matter with you, why are you robbing my guest's things?"

Su Qing didn't kill Sun Qi, but flicked her hand lightly with spiritual energy to let her stretch out her claws, but it was just a severe pain and couldn't kill anyone.

"I... no... grab, I'm stopping the old woman from wasting a glass of good things."

The back of Sun Qi's hand was red and swollen. At this time, the pain eased, and he said with tears in his eyes.

What's wrong with her, why do you look at her with condemning eyes, the back of her hand is swollen from being slapped by that girl, why no one cares.

Su Qing put away the cups and food boxes on the table, and gave her a cold look, "Is there something wrong with your brain? We can drink whatever I want, can you care? Grandma, let's go quickly, this woman has a mental illness. In the future, this coffee shop must not come, everyone will be there."

Su Qing supported Zhu Xiuyun and pushed the door straight out. The owner of the coffee shop was so angry. Teacher Sun is not really out of his mind, is he?
Sun Qi smelled the aroma of wine in the air, it was really a good thing, but why didn't she drink it?What's the use of an old woman drinking, she just stopped her out of kindness.

The owner of the coffee shop saw that Sun Qi not only showed no shame, but was also thinking about something stupidly, she said angrily, "Ms. Sun, what's the matter with you?"

The boss looked at her way of doing things, and she really didn't look like a normal person. Fortunately, her son was not taught by her, otherwise there was a crazy teacher, what could her son learn?
Sun Qi absorbed all the smell of wine in the air before he realized that his behavior just now was a little rough, so he immediately touched the redness and swelling on the back of his hand, and said with an excuse:

"That lady, she has such a bad temper that she hit someone as soon as she raised her hand. I just had good intentions."

"Ms. Sun, I didn't see your kindness. I feel like you are trying to steal someone else's wine. Why did you offend my guest somehow?"

When Sun Qi saw the owner of the coffee shop, she felt vaguely accusatory, and suddenly became unhappy, "Boss, what do you know, you, an ordinary person, can't feel the fluctuation of energy at all, and that glass of wine is a good thing."

Sun Qi was very angry. An ordinary person dared to blame the supernatural master. It was quite courageous.

The female boss didn't show any weakness either. To be able to do business in the town, she also had connections. Her relatives must be officials, so the boss wouldn't be afraid of a teacher from a junior school!
Hearing Sun Qi's words, she immediately said mockingly: "I don't know if that glass of wine is good or not, but I understand that no matter how good the wine is, it's not yours, and you have no right to criticize others."

After finishing speaking, the female boss ignored her and went back to the bar directly.

Sun Qi stood there angrily, attracting a lot of whispers from the guests, which made her feel very embarrassed. She glanced around with sharp eyes, bullying her one by one, isn't it because of her low level of abilities and looked down on her? ?Just wait and see, she will take care of these people in the future.

Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun walked out of the coffee shop, went directly to a store selling stationery, and asked them to help print about 20 invitation cards to invite Principal Mei and the teachers who had taught her to come to Shanquan Village for a banquet.

Jiang Fei said that their hotel is responsible for arranging the pick-up and drop-off, and Principal Mei and the others just need to wait at the school gate.

The staff in the store were very fast, and they might not have printed the invitations that Su Qing needed. Su Qing took out a pen and wrote his name on each invitation in person.

Putting Principal Mei's card first, the grandfather and grandson walked to Huanglong Town Junior School.

They went directly to the door of the principal's office. It was said that Principal Mei should be resting at home at this time, but Su Qing felt that she should still be working. Sure enough, as soon as they knocked on the door, Principal Mei's voice let them in.

Zhu Xiuyun pushed open the door, walked in first, and said loudly with a smile: "Principal Mei, I'm here to see you, are you busy with work?"

Principal Mei looked up and saw Zhu Xiuyun, smiled, got up quickly and said: "Sister Zhu, why are you here, come in and sit down, we haven't seen each other for a long time, I asked you last time, Qingqing graduated, when will you come back?" ? It's been several months, and she's coming back soon, right?"

Zhu Xiuyun smiled mysteriously and said nothing. Su Qing, who was at the door, rushed in, "Principal Mei, I'm back."

After speaking, he gave her a warm hug, which almost scared Mei Ying.

When she saw it clearly, the girl in front of her was the little girl Su Qing from back then, and immediately took her hand, "Su Qing, you are finally back, the last time I contacted you, you were still in Fuchunxing, when did you get home? "

Su Qing said a little excitedly: "Principal Mei, I miss you so much. I have been back to Mengyuexing for a few days, and I stayed in Mingyue City for a few days to meet friends and teachers. I just got home the night before yesterday. Why do you have gray hair, did you not take the elixir I left you?"

When Su Qing saw Principal Mei, she babbled a lot,

Principal Mei made fun of her and said: "Okay, you still talk about me, you have grown into a big girl, but you can talk about it. When you were young, how could you cherish your words like gold? Six years have passed, can I not grow old?"

Principal Mei was very happy to see Su Qing, and asked the grandparents and grandson to sit down, poured three glasses of water, and the three of them sat down and chatted together.

Su Qing talked about some of his own experiences. Principal Mei listened and nodded from time to time. He was very pleased that his students graduated successfully. Not only did they have their own farms in the medium galaxy, but they also brought the whole family there. If it wasn't for the invasion of Zerg, This time, Su and Meng's family moved out together.

Principal Mei agreed and said: "Qingqing, what you did is right. Don't take all the family members over rashly. You have to see how the war on the front line is going. If the human race is defeated, you should bring Big Sister Zhu back quickly."

Su Qing nodded. At that time, she didn't bring her grandma back to take refuge, but took all her relatives and friends to hide in the hopeless secret realm for a while, where it is safe.

(End of this chapter)

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