Chapter 558
"Principal Mei, if there is any danger in the future, I will come back and take you away."

"Okay, I'm alone, and I will definitely go with you when the time comes." Principal Mei agreed jokingly.

Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun chatted with Principal Mei for a long time before finally getting to the point.
"Principal Mei, I will take my grandma to leave Mengyuexing in two days. Before leaving, my grandma wants to say goodbye to all relatives and friends. In addition to visiting you today, I also want to invite you and All the teachers who have taught us go to the village to get together, and we sit and have a meal together, and the chance of seeing each other in the future is slim, and it is also our grandchildren saying goodbye to everyone.”

Su Qing took out the invitation card and handed it to Principal Mei.

Principal Mei finally agreed, "Okay, I will definitely go."

I don't know when will be the next time we meet?She cherishes the opportunity to meet Su Qing very much, how could she not go.

Su Qing took out three bottles of pills from the storage container, "Principal Mei, these bottles of pills are newly refined by me, the effect is better and I leave them for you to take. Let's see if the students' refining skills have improved?"

Su Qing brought gifts and put them on the table long ago, only the pills were put in the storage container.

Mei Ying was never courteous to Su Qing, every time she gave her a gift, she happily accepted it. Now that Su Qing graduated from Tsinglan College, she has become an existence beyond her reach, and being polite to her is hypocritical.

Su Qing thinks that no matter how high she is, she is still a student of Principal Mei, and there is no need to be hypocritical about presents given to teachers by students.

Principal Mei put away the three bottles of elixir directly. Recently, she has been feeling unwell in her body, which means that as she gets older, her health is getting worse and she is gradually aging.
The potions and elixirs refined by Su Qing are very useful. The few pills given back then have strengthened her body for several years. This time Su Qing gave her three bottles of elixirs, which are really important to her. Continue to engage in the profession you like, and train batch after batch of students.

After chatting with Principal Mei for a while, Su Qing's grandparents couldn't sit still, so they proposed to go to the teachers' big office and send out the remaining invitations.

Principal Mei: "Let me go with you. Some teachers have retired and are not in school. I will send invitations to you. Tomorrow I will organize everyone at the school gate and wait for you to send someone to pick them up. Don't worry."

Su Qing said happily: "That's great, please trouble Principal Mei, there will be no problem if you come forward."

The three walked out of the principal's office and came to the big office of the teachers. Not everyone was at work at this time, after all, it was during the holiday.

The arrival of Su Qing made all the teachers very excited. Su Qing, a little girl who graduated from Qinglan College and has become a high-level ability teacher, would even come to visit them. It was so touching.

Principal Mei took a stack of invitations and sent them out by name, telling them that those who got the invitations would go to Shanquan Village to attend a banquet tomorrow.

The teacher who received the invitation was grinning from ear to ear, making the teacher who didn't receive it extremely envious. Unfortunately, he had never taught Su Qing and Meng Hao, so he had nothing to do with Su Qing.

There are a few teachers who are not there, and Principal Mei will send invitations to them. Anyway, they all live in the same community, not far away.

Su Qing came to send invitations to the teachers, and she couldn’t empty-handed. She took out several large bags of candies, snacks, and fruits from the back basket, and piled them on the desk in the office. She didn’t say who she gave them to alone, but let everyone taste them. There is something for everyone.

This made all the teachers smile. It’s okay to have no fish and shrimp, and it’s not bad to eat the candy sent by Su Qing. Who told them not to be Su Qing’s teachers?
Su Qing chatted with a few familiar teachers before leaving. After all, Su Qing only attended the elementary class for one year, and he had limited friendship with these teachers. It was already very nostalgic to be able to buy them gifts and invite them to a banquet. The school graduates so many students every year, that person can be like Su Qing, who will come to the school to visit them whenever he comes back.

Principal Mei sent Su Qing, grandparents and grandchildren to the school gate, and waited for them to go far before walking back. On the way, they met a girl with a gloomy face, it was Sun Qi.

Sun Qi leaned against a house pillar, as if hiding from something.

When Principal Mei walked in, he showed his figure and stopped Principal Mei, and said softly: "Principal, who is the person you sent away just now? Why haven't I seen it before? They aren't the parents of the students?"

Principal Mei frowned when he saw Sun Qi who suddenly leaned forward, "Why are you asking about these things? Prepare your lessons carefully. You will be teaching a third-grade class next semester. You have to be ready."

Sun Qi said disapprovingly: "I know, principal, I just want to ask, who was your guest just now?"

Principal Mei looked down on Sun Qi's demeanor. Although he was a supernatural teacher, his talent was not high, and his eyes were high and his hands were low. Because he was born in Anyang City, he looked down on other teachers. I didn't have much patience, so I didn't want to talk to her, and walked straight forward.

Not wanting Sun Qi to give up, he caught up with Principal Mei and continued to ask, "Principal, just tell me who is that girl. I met her in the coffee shop and was beaten by her."

Principal Mei stopped abruptly, and looked at her sternly, "What did you say, Qingqing hit you, why?"

Principal Mei didn't believe that the cold Qingqing would hit a stranger for no reason, and Sun Qi didn't look like he was beaten, his whole body was intact, he didn't look like a beaten person.

After hesitating, Sun Qi talked about how he met Su Qing in the coffee shop, and then emphasized that he had good intentions.

Principal Mei looked at her sharply. He used to think that although Sun Qi was a bit of a master, his teaching was okay. Even if his personality had minor flaws, it was not a major problem. Who doesn't have a little temper? Young people are slowly being beaten by the social environment. If you have more, you will learn how to behave.

Unexpectedly, she still has the problem of jealousy, jealous of other people's good things, what is good intentions, Su Qing's own things, do you need her to preach?It's not that you are greedy for other people's things, and you go forward to grab some benefits.

"Okay, I see. Su Qing is my student. After what you said, I don't think there is anything wrong with Qingqing. On the contrary, it is you who came to him for no reason and made nonsense. It is very rude. Lead by example, have an upright heart, don't think of crooked ideas every day, and be greedy for things that don't belong to you."

After speaking, Principal Mei strode away, leaving Sun Qi behind, aggrieved, what's the big deal, isn't he just a student in the elementary class?

But when she walked into the office, saw the bustling scene inside, and found out who Su Qing was, she was shocked. It turned out that the girl was Su Qing. Principal Mei said it once at the time, and she just thought it sounded familiar. Watch out.

Hearing the teachers' comments, I remembered that six years ago, Mengyuexing's intermediate class graduation exam had a major event that caused a sensation all over the planet. The object of worship of the fresh candidates, she had just entered the intermediate class at that time, and it turned out that the girl she met in the coffee shop was Su Qing.

I can't blame her for having so many good things. This is the scenery she graduated from and returned to her hometown to show off. Huh, what kind of banquet is she going to have? Look at her, the little flame of jealousy in Sun Qi's heart is whistling.

Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun bought some things in the town to take back to entertain the guests who came to the house, that is, candy, peanuts, melon seeds and so on.

There are still many good things in Su Qing's space, but Zhu Xiuyun is reluctant to use them to entertain the villagers. The ones bought in the town are very good, and not every family is willing to eat them. The meeting will see the bottom, who can manage enough to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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