Chapter 559
The grandparents and grandchildren were carrying big bags and small bags. As soon as they entered the village, they were stopped by enthusiastic villagers and asked them if they really wanted to treat the whole village to a luxurious dinner tomorrow.It was still specially invited from Mingyue City to do it.

Zhu Xiuyun's affirmative answer made the villagers ecstatic when they heard it, that's great, what the village chief said is true, Xiuyun is going to treat the whole village to a big meal.

It took Zhu Xiuyun and Su Qing almost an hour to walk from the entrance of the village to their home, and villagers came to inquire about the news along the way.

When they arrived at the door of the house, there were a few old ladies who usually got along well with Zhu Xiuyun, who followed them all the time, saying that the old sisters were leaving and wanted to talk to Zhu Xiuyun more, but they would not see each other from now on. He didn't forget to look at the bamboo basket on Su Qing's back.

Zhu Xiuyun knew in her heart what the old ladies were up to, but she wanted to talk more with the folks. It was just something to eat, not worth a lot of money, so come on.

A group of old ladies sat in the room talking and laughing, all of them envied Zhu Xiuyun to go to the developed galaxy to enjoy the blessings,
Zhu Xiuyun sat there, her face flushed, enjoying everyone's envy and compliments.

Su Qing put the melon seeds and peanuts he bought from the town on two large plates and put them on the table for them to chat while eating.

Then they stood aside and listened quietly. Several people talked about the time when they were girls decades ago, and then talked about the children of each family. In the end, they all praised Zhu Xiuyun for raising a good granddaughter.
Some people laughed and asked Su Qing such and such questions. Although a few old ladies sat together and talked to each other, it was very noisy, but Su Qing felt more cordial and comfortable than attending a high-end banquet.

After leaving Mengyuexing, grandma may never have the chance to chat with the villagers again. Thinking of the old Zhang and his wife in Su's Farm, the couple are nice people, and they can be with grandma in the future.

After seeing off a wave of guests, another wave came after a short while. This time Grandma Meng and Sanmei Wang also came. They heard that many people came to Su's house to visit, and they also came to join in the fun. They all knew that Zhu Xiuyun would not be at home for a few days, so they were reluctant She left, so she could only come to her house for a while and talk with her.

Zhu Xiuyun was reluctant to part with these old sisters, and talked warmly to each of them, thinking about the past for a while, and talking about the future, Zhu Xiuyun and Grandma Meng might still have a chance to meet, but it was difficult for other villagers to say.

The folks who have lived in the same village for decades are definitely not used to leaving suddenly, but she has to leave, because wherever Qingqing is, she will be there, so she can only cherish the present and talk to everyone more.

After drinking pot after pot of tea, he ate up a large bag of melon seeds, leaving a thick layer of melon seed shells on the ground.

Fortunately, Su Qing knew that there must be a lot of people who came to visit, bought a lot, and almost filled up the stock of selling melon seeds, how many big bags are there in the space!

It's enough to eat whatever you want, anyway, she can still buy it after eating, and she doesn't even take a car, and she will arrive at Huanglong Town in 2 minutes.

Zhu Xiuyun was very happy to be surrounded by a group of old sisters talking, the feeling of being surrounded by stars, and she will never have such a situation again in the future. She must cherish the time with everyone.

The chatting time passed quickly, seeing that it was time to make dinner, several people said goodbye and went home, Zhu Xiuyun asked Wang Sanmei to stay for dinner, but she didn't agree, the old man was coming soon after she stayed.

The two of them ate well at sister-in-law's place. If they couldn't think about their grandson, it would be endless. There is a large group of people in their own family, so don't bother Su Qing and sister-in-law.

Everyone got up and left one after another. Su Qing waved her hand, cleaned up the messy room, and asked grandma what would she like for dinner?
Zhu Xiuyun thought about it and said: "Qingqing, grandma will make you noodles. I want to eat more meals from my hometown. When I get to Fuchunxing, the taste is not pure if I want to eat it. Only the wheat flour we grow The noodles, the rolled noodles are the taste."

The Ling Noodles brought by Qingqing are really delicious, but Zhu Xiuyun has been used to the taste of the thick noodles in his hometown all his life, and he likes that taste. Ten years ago, he didn't have the condition to eat two extra meals of noodles.

Su Qing nodded, grandma would eat hand-rolled noodles if she liked, Zhu Xiuyun was happy to go to the kitchen to make noodles, Su Qing went to the planting field to pull a handful of vegetables.

Early the next morning, just as Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun had breakfast, the gate of the courtyard was slapped. Su Qing ran to open the door, and it turned out that Wu Youde had come.

"Grandpa Wu, you are here, come in and sit down for a while."

Village head Wu waved his hand and smiled slightly, "No, no, Qingqing, I'm here to see you. When will the people from the big hotel you invited arrive? I think the location will be the drying yard in the village during Maiqiu. , where the land is big and clean.”

Su Qing nodded, "Yes."

She also thinks the drying ground is good, it is located outside the village, the place is spacious, it can accommodate as many people as Jiang Fei brings, enough for hundreds of people to have a banquet.

Wu Youde said with a shy expression: "Then you didn't ask them what time they will arrive. Since there is a banquet, they should come early in the morning, right?"

Wu Youde didn't want to come over to urge Su Qing, but his family members and villagers kept nagging him, asking him to confirm with Su Qing whether there was really a banquet, why there was no movement at all, it couldn't be that Zhu Xiuyun was reluctant Spending money, cheating everyone, right?

When everyone said it, Wu Youde was also vague, yes, what time is it, and there is no one, can the people from the big hotel that Qingqing invited come?No, he had to ask, so Wu Youde came to the door after seven o'clock.

Su Qing said with a smile: "Grandpa Wu, don't worry, they will rent a military warship, and they will come here very quickly. They will bring all the people and ingredients in one trip, and we will guarantee that the lunch at noon will not be delayed. Let's enjoy the meal while eating." programme."

Hearing what Qingqing said, Wu Youde was relieved, as long as he could come, otherwise it would be bad if he said big things and let the whole village down, and he would feel ashamed as the village head.

Su Qing and Jiang Fei had agreed long ago that the banquet would start at 11:9 noon, and they would arrive at Shanquan Village after [-]:[-], set up a stage, install audio equipment, and set up a tent as a venue for dining and a temporary kitchen.

Because of Su Qing's generosity, Jiang did not show any weakness, and directly rented a military warship, which could hold hundreds of people and several tons of cargo.

Moreover, the speed of the battleship was fast, and it took two hours to reach Shanquan Village from Mingyue City. Jiang Fei promised that they would definitely arrive after 2 o'clock, so Su Qing was not worried, but the villagers didn't know, and they were impatient because they didn't see any movement.

According to their ideas, when making a big meal or holding a banquet, they have to clean up the stove, cook the pot, tables, chairs and benches, all kinds of things, all kinds of meat and vegetables, all have to be cleaned up, so many people’s meals, not a few hours in advance Prepare, how come.

Villagers who have never seen life in a big city, how would they know that big hotels have intelligent robots to work quickly without getting tired, and there are various high-tech equipment, so cooking is convenient and fast for them. As long as the ingredients are good, robots can also make delicious food.

So Jiang Fei only brought more than 20 staff members and ten intelligent robots, and the rest were all kinds of automation equipment and tools, plus more than 100 people from the singing and dancing troupe, the space on the battleship was more than enough.

When a medium-sized warship landed on a flat place outside Shanquan Village, the people in the village went crazy. When Su Qing really invited people from the big hotel to cook them a big meal, it was great. of.

Jiang Fei led people off the battleship, and everyone behind him was holding things in their hands. The warehouse of the battleship was opened, and two speeding cars drove out, which were filled with various ingredients and tools.

Su Qing led the village head forward and introduced each other to each other.
Jiang Fei is very good at talking, no matter what status he is facing, as long as he thinks it is necessary to make friends, he will compliment him very much.

(End of this chapter)

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