Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 560 Temporary Luxury Hotel

Chapter 560 Temporary Luxury Hotel
After a few words, Wu Youde and Jiang Fei no longer felt strange, as if they were acquaintances, they enthusiastically introduced the situation of Shanquan Village to him.

Wu Youde brought Jiang Fei and his party to the venue for the banquet. Even if it can accommodate hundreds of people, it still looks very spacious.
Jiang Fei nodded, looked at Su Qing and said: "Miss Su, then we will start working, first set up a tent here, the weather is cold, it is not suitable for outdoor dinners, we bring authentic outdoor tents, waterproof and cold-proof It is fully laid inside, and the temperature is not lower than the indoor temperature."

Su Qing nodded, "Well, I'll leave it all to you, I don't understand these things, I just need to pay, and before the banquet, don't forget to arrange a car to go to Huanglong Town Junior School to pick up my teachers and invite them over Go to the banquet."

Jiang Fei: "Miss Su, don't worry, I have made all the arrangements, and there will be no delay."

Su Qing believed in Jiang Fei's ability to handle affairs, "That's good, I'll just wait for the banquet to start. Grandpa Wu worked hard for you to maintain order and let everyone not move around, so as not to affect other people's work. The villagers just listen to you. You help take care of it."

Wu Youde said with a very face-saving smile: "Haha, don't worry, Qingqing, you and your grandma just rest, I'll watch, nothing will go wrong."

Su Qing nodded, the drying yard is close to the courtyard at the entrance of the Su family village, and as the owner, he can't really ignore everything.

Zhu Xiuyun and Su Qing still had to watch and answer various questions raised by the villagers from time to time. It was so cold to sit outside on a cold day. Zhu Xiuyun opened this yard to invite people to come in and sit. Su Qing could go out to watch at any time. Just look at it.

On Jiang Fei's side, with an order, the staff began to set up the tent and the stage for the performance. The height of the tent was only ten meters, and the height of the stage was five meters. It was too low. Fortunately, these tasks are very difficult for intelligent robots. simple things.

The speeding car transported a load of equipment from the battleship. Regardless of how big it is, once it is disassembled and supported, it will be extremely spacious.

Several professional staff commanded the robot, and quickly built a huge venue. The top is still made of transparent materials, sunlight can shine in, and there are windows around. Although it is a tent, it is not worse than a house. The fabrics are made of special materials. Made of high-quality materials, it is no worse than the brick houses in the village in terms of cold and water resistance.

The actors of the song and dance troupe hadn't disembarked from the airship, so they had to build a backstage first, so that they could have a place to put on makeup and change clothes.

Village head Wu stopped the villagers from coming forward to make trouble. The villagers stood in the distance and looked at it strangely. They were no strangers to tents. The army had set up tents in the village before.

But they have never seen such a tall and gorgeous tent. This is not a tent. It can be said to be a luxurious residence. As expected of people from Mingyue City, they use the best things for temporary meals. According to the ideas of the villagers Well, it would be nice to set up a few large earthen stoves in the open air, but what to do with such a luxurious venue, it's too wasteful.

The villagers saw that every year they erected a huge building on the ground where they dried wheat. It looked like a luxury hotel on the outside, with specially installed glass doors and tables and chairs inside. It was a large hotel. Dining room.

At this time, the last flying car brought all the people from the song and dance troupe over. The stage has been installed and is being tuned. All equipment uses energy stones, which avoids trouble. Because it is cheap and affordable, it will be widely used in the original galaxy.

Seeing the group of stylishly dressed handsome men and beauties alighting from the speeding car, the mountain cannons of Shanquan Village opened their eyes wide, exclaimed constantly, and discussed in a low voice. Even the 50 years old aunt was excited and blushed like a little girl. That man is the most handsome and attractive.

Not to mention the children in the village, if Wu Youde hadn't been watching, the villagers would have swarmed up to watch. It was the first time in their life that they saw real live actors.

Su Qing heard the shouts outside and received a message from Jiang Fei that the installation of the venue has been completed, so she is asked to come over and inspect it.

Su Qing greeted grandma, aunt, and grandma Meng who were chatting warmly, and went out to have a look together.

When Su Qing walked to the drying yard outside the village, it really changed a lot, like opening a big hotel to Shanquan Village.

It took less than an hour. Jiang Fei saw Su Qing coming, and invited her to go in. Su Qing called Wu Youde, dragged her grandmother in, and the others had to wait a while before they could enter.

Jiang Fei would tell Wu Youde how to arrange the seats. Su Qing's family must be in the main seat, all of Su Qing's teachers are in the second seat, and the village head and the more prestigious families in the village are next. This is arranged by the village head.

Walking inside, the entire space is arranged according to the model of a restaurant, with tables and chairs already filled, the tables covered with snow-white tablecloths, and basic tableware set up.

Each table can seat about 30 people. Because it is a buffet mode, the hotel brought a batch of tableware, but there are not many, and they can only be reused after temporary cleaning and disinfection. It is estimated that the villagers will not care.

Su Qing walked around and looked around, Jiang Fei explained how he arranged it.

Su Qing nodded, "Mr. Jiang, your arrangement is perfect. I didn't expect many details. Now that everything is ready, let the folks take the seats."

Su Qing looked at the time and it was already 10:[-]. Jiang Fei had already arranged for a flying car to pick up Principal Mei and the others in Huanglong Town. It is not too early to start seating. Some snacks, drinks, and beverages are ready-made. You can start eating before the main meal .

Su Qing asked her grandma to sit at the main table, and walked to the door to let Uncle Su's family and Meng's family go in first. The two of them happened to sit at the same table, and then asked Village Chief Wu to arrange for the rest of the villagers to sit at the same table. , don't mess around, everyone has a place to sit.

The Su family and the Meng family sat in the main seats in the middle, and Su Qing's seat was not full, but they did not arrange for anyone to come and do it. They reserved it first and arranged for important people, such as Wu Youde and Principal Mei, etc. Jiang Fei might also sit at this table and talk to Su Qing from time to time, to get close.

Wu Youde shouted at the top of his voice, "Don't run around, line up according to the family, go in one by one, find a place to sit first according to the arrangement of the family, and then wait, remember not to lose face of our village."

The people in the village wanted to be the first to enter, pushing each other. Wu Youde was impatient. What kind of words did this sound like, making outsiders laugh at it?

He simply started roll call, calling people to go in, and that was the solution, but Wu Youde discovered another thing, every villager who entered had his chest bulging, and he didn't know what he was carrying?
Wu Youde's face darkened, these gangsters didn't take advantage of it enough, they must be carrying the rice bowl at home, and they are ready to eat and take.

But Wu Youde didn't say anything about it, what to say about this matter, if it breaks out, you will lose your face and lose your face, whatever you like, anyway, the people in the village are like this, so it's better to turn a blind eye, anyway, Qingqing paid for all the food, All they took were Qingqing's things, and Qingqing intended to invite everyone to dinner, so she took whatever she had.

Even he himself couldn't help but want to take some back home and save it for the next meal. The life of the villagers is hard, and they can't eat a few good meals throughout the year.

Su Qing also saw the pots and bowls brought by the villagers. She understood what the villagers did, and she couldn't pretend to leave much anyway.

There are plenty of ingredients, but they are not enough. You can also go to Huanglong Town to order. There are many farms in the town, and there is no shortage of ingredients.

Some of the livestock meat was purchased by Jiang in Huanglong Town. The delivery speed car of the Huanglong Town Farm had already arrived and started unloading. It was all cleaned up and divided into various meats.

After all the villagers were seated, a passenger speed car stopped at the entrance of the village, and Su Qing stood at the door waiting to welcome Principal Mei and the teachers.

(End of this chapter)

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