Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 563 It Can Be Packed

Chapter 563 It Can Be Packed
Jiang Fei found Wu Youde and told him that the rest of the ingredients were packed, and each villager could take back a share. They had already calculated that each person could get one share per head and there was still room left over. Delicatessen.

Su Qing had paid for these ingredients, so they didn't need to take them back, just distribute them to the villagers. The hotel happened to be returning empty, even if they brought them back, their hotel would not use these ingredients, and would still throw them away or give them away.

Wu Youde froze when he heard the good news Jiang Fei told him. He looked at the packaged lunch boxes and then at the swollen hearts of the villagers. Does that kid know?I guess I've seen it a long time ago, but I didn't make a fuss about it. Really, it's such a mess, hey!He could only be cheeky and pretend not to know.

If I had known that the leftover meals would be distributed to everyone, would the villagers still be able to secretly pack vegetables and snacks?

Wu Youde remained silent, and finally came to the conclusion that he would still pretend, this was unavoidable, and the people in the village had this virtue.

Seeing that Village Chief Wu had a strange expression on his face, Jiang Fei thought he felt ashamed to pack the food, so he said, "Cun Chief Wu, don't worry, all the food is clean and hygienic, and we can't take back many uncooked dishes. Just throwing it away wasted, and then I thought about letting the villagers take it back to cook and eat."

Wu Youde woke up immediately, with a smile on his face, "Where is it, I was a little lost just now, why do people in our village dislike it, they are so eager to give them a handful of vegetables for nothing, they are also very happy."

Jiang Fei smiled and said, "That's good."

Wu Youde held a loudspeaker and shouted for everyone to be quiet, he had something to say.

Not to mention, the people in the village are very obedient, both adults and children are quiet, except for a few children who are still held in their arms and can't speak, who are still babbling.

Wu Youde said loudly: "Everyone is full, let's drink enough, and the performance is over. On behalf of the men, women and children of Shanquan Village, thank you Xiuyun and Qingqing, grandparents and grandchildren. People are ignorant, so I made you laugh. Well, I’m full, this banquet is over, everyone leaves in order, don’t mess up, before leaving, go to the dining outlet to get a lunch box, one for each person, adults and children It all counts, line up."

As soon as Wu Youde finished speaking, the anxious villagers ran over. When she moved, others couldn't hold back, and ran over with a whimper.

Wu Youde hurriedly stopped him and shouted: "Why are you running? I forgot the order I just mentioned. Whoever is running around will be disqualified from receiving the lunch box. If one person makes trouble, the whole family will be disqualified."

Wu Youde is also used to the management of these villagers, and knows how to make them obedient. When he said this, everyone dared not move. Even the person who ran away first came back lazily.

Then Wu Youde pointed to the table, and the table passed by. The villagers finally lined up, took their lunch boxes and walked out of the shed one by one.

A few hundred people would be fast, and the shed would be empty, leaving only the table of the Su Meng family and the teacher. As a teacher, it is more face-saving. Although it is a pity, no one went to pick up the lunch box, which felt a bit shameful.

The adults were afraid, the children were young, and they didn't think about it. They ran away and passed away. Everyone got a lunch box back, smiling happily on their little faces.

Principal Mei stood up and said to Zhu Xiuyun, "Sister Zhu, we are going back too, thank you for inviting us to this banquet,"

Zhu Xiuyun: "Principal Mei, why are you leaving now? It's hard to come here once. You can sit at my house and then leave."

Principal Mei smiled and said: "No, Sister Zhu, I came with my colleagues, and we will go back together. Besides, we all sat and chatted for several hours, which is enough, Qingqing, we will keep in touch in the future, I wish you Zusu Good luck, hope to see you again in the future.”

Principal Mei stepped forward to hug Su Qing, her eyes were slightly red, this child is a nostalgic person, I hope her life will be smooth.

The Su and Meng families all got up and began to send these teachers back, until everyone got on the flying car, and everyone waved goodbye to each other.

When they entered the shed again, within three to five minutes, all the dining tables had been cleaned up, folded up and packed into boxes, and the efficiency of the robot was high.

The entire greenhouse is vacant, and the stage is being dismantled. Many disposable materials will be destroyed on the spot, and those that can be used will be brought back.

Jiang Fei approached Su Qing to exchange greetings. Based on Su Qing's expression, Jiang Fei observed that Su Qing was very satisfied with their service this time.

She readily paid the rest of the money, which cost tens of millions of stars at once. The ingredients for the banquet were not expensive, but the labor, transportation, various equipment used, and the cost of the song and dance troupe were expensive.

But Su Qing doesn't care. When she returns to Fuchunxing, half of the farm's fields will be planted with vegetables and food for them to eat, and the rest will be planted with spiritual plants, mainly middle and high-level spiritual plants. For a year or so, All money earned back.

You can also refine some potions and sell them through the channels of Chen Hongfei or Wang Lu. They are all classmates, and they will not let themselves lose money. After a long time in Fuchunxing and getting familiar with them, it is also possible to find new buyers. A way to ship goods, so that the speed of making money will not be slow.

Buying a battleship may be in the foreseeable future, and daily life is completely fine. Thinking of such a day, it is like a fairy.It would be even more perfect if there was no Zerg invasion and the two families were taken away together.

The spiritual plants grown by oneself can be used to refine medicine. If you have accumulated a lot of pills and good-looking spiritual plants, you can even take a spaceship to the black market of Venus to ship them.

Other large planets in medium-sized galaxies probably also have black markets, but Su Qing doesn't know much about those markets, and doesn't want to make troubles, so he'd better go to the black market of Venus, so he can save worry if he knows the way.

Su Qing settled the bill for Jiang Fei, Zhu Xiuyun and Su Meng's family divided up all the lunch boxes left by the villagers, and went back first, leaving Su Qing and Jiang Fei to chat and look at the built greenhouse , were dismantled little by little, and loaded onto the battleship.

Su Qing said lightly: "Mr. Jiang, I am very satisfied with your work, but I will rarely have the opportunity to return to Mengyuexing in the future, and I cannot repay your favor. If you need any medicine, I can give you a bottle. As a thank you."

Jiang Fei shrewdly smiled and said: "Miss Su, what are you talking about? I also earn money to serve you. How can I ask you to give me extra things?"

Su Qing glanced at him, "Then it will be considered that I owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, as long as it is not too troublesome, I will not refuse."

Su Qing knew very well why Jiang Fei was so respectful to her in these two gatherings. Courtesy is something that people must ask for. Jiang Shi didn't want to get in touch with her. He would contact her when necessary in the future, because of Jiang Fei's polite attitude. For his sake, the two dinners were very successful, so it's okay to promise him.

Jiang Fei said with a smile: "Then I would like to thank Ms. Su. In the future, if we really encounter some difficult spirit plants that cannot be cultivated well, I hope Ms. Su can help. We, Mrs. Jiang, will be responsible for all expenses."

Su Qing smiled lightly. She was indeed a shrewd businessman. With just two services, she wanted her to promise to cultivate top-quality spiritual plants, and the business was worthwhile.

Fortunately, it is very simple for Su Qing to cultivate spiritual plants. Anyone else would not agree to it. Besides, Su Qing did not promise him to cultivate now. There is no deadline, it is just a verbal promise.

Su Qing originally ignored Jiang Fei. No matter how rich a businessman is, he is nothing in front of high-level ability masters. Jiang also hired many ability masters. Low, no comparison with Su Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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