Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 564 Take away the whole yard

Chapter 564 Take away the whole yard

None of Mengyuexing's students who can pass the exam will return to Mengyuexing, and all of them will find good jobs in developed galaxies and stay for development.

There is no supernatural master like Su Qing in Mengyuexing. Her promise is very important to the Jiang family. Once the company has a difficult problem in the future, and ordinary supernatural masters can't solve it, Su Qing can be asked to do it once.

Changed to other masters with superpowers, no matter how much money they gave, they would not come to the original galaxy. Su Qing was different. She was born in the original galaxy and had a good impression of Jiang. The purpose of flying has been achieved, and I feel very happy.

Soon all the equipment was dismantled and the venue was restored to its original state. Jiang Fei notified Su Qing, and before leaving, he said: "Miss Su, if there is anything that needs us to do in the future, contact Jiang directly. Although you are a little far away in the medium-sized galaxy, But Mengyuexing is your hometown after all, your relatives and friends are all here, they can contact me if they have difficulties, and I will never refuse to help."

Su Qing nodded, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, I will contact you if necessary."

Jiang Fei boarded the battleship, closed the hatch, and the battleship lifted off and left Shanquan Village quickly.

The banquet was over, and their grandparents invited the villagers to a big meal. They had done enough for everyone. The next step was to pack things. Zhu Xiuyun was reluctant to part with many things. don't go.

Su Qing waved his hand, "Grandma, please clean up. We will take everything you like. You forgot that Huomiao and Jiaojiao both have personal space, and I still have storage. Most of the presents I bring back are given out and freed up. You have been to many places, you can pretend to be whatever you want, and you can bring everything that is rare, and you can pretend to be everything.”

Zhu Xiuyun was happy to hear this, but in fact she was reluctant to use the things she was used to. There was everything in the farm, and she didn't need the rags at home, and she couldn't use them when she took them away.

The clothes I wear, the quilts I cover, and the furniture at home are all outdated, but they all have the atmosphere of my life for decades, and I am very unwilling to throw them away.

Seeing grandma's embarrassed look, Su Qing thought of a way, since she was reluctant, she should take them all away, the whole yard.

"Grandma, or I'll just take the whole house away!"

Zhu Xiuyun's eyes widened, and she said angrily, "Jing is talking nonsense, how can I take the whole house away?"

Su Qing smiled and said: "Grandma, you have forgotten your granddaughter's ability. Others can't do it. It's a piece of cake for me. I think you like everything, and I like it too. I like the bed I sleep on, and I like our family. I also like the big tree in the yard, which reminds me of the feeling of sitting under the tree and reading. Without these, how could it be our home, we will take it away.”

When Su Qing said this, she felt a little bit reluctant to part with the yard she lived in for a long time, the place she came to as soon as she opened her eyes, how could she not take it with her to start a new life from here.

It's really not a problem for her to take the whole yard away.

It’s just that how to tell the whole village about taking away the entire courtyard is a problem. After all, even if you can use magic to cut out a large piece of land in the courtyard and take it away directly into the space, why can she take it away? Can't explain, can't think of a good reason.

Nowadays, even the largest storage containers in the empire cannot hold the entire yard. There may be such storage containers, but she can't have them in her hand, and she can't afford them at all.

This is difficult, Su Qing frowned and thought of a way.

Otherwise, set up a phantom formation. Su Qing looked at her expectant eyes and said, "I have the ability to take the whole yard away, but the only difficulty is how to explain to the villagers that our yard is gone."

Zhu Xiuyun was very happy when she heard her granddaughter say that she could take the whole courtyard away, but she was puzzled by the difficulty Qingqing said, and asked, "Why, can you just say it can't be done directly? You are a supernatural power teacher, very powerful." , What’s so difficult about taking away a small courtyard.”

"Grandma, it's not difficult for me to take the yard away. It's rare to give a reasonable explanation to the villagers. Once it gets out, it will be a little troublesome. Grandma, you don't know, the largest storage container in the empire is only more than 100 cubic meters, and it can't hold us at all. In the courtyard of our house, once we pretend to be gone, and the ignorant villagers tell us about it, we will always attract attention."

Su Qing can't tell her grandmother that she is not a supernatural master but a monk. She has an ancestral space that is so big that it is boundless. Let alone a yard, the entire Huanglong Town can be taken away. Grandma is an ordinary person. Grandma It's better not to know.

Zhu Xiuyun was also at a loss when she heard what her granddaughter said, yes!Qingqing really wants to take the entire yard away, maybe it will cause a sensation in the whole village, and when the word spreads, what will happen if Huomiao and Jiaojiao are exposed again?How did she know that Su Qing had a bigger space?That's the biggest secret.

Originally, the grandparents and grandson wanted to pack up the things they had taken away, but now they were in no mood, and they kept thinking about what to do.

The courtyard door was pushed open, and Wang Sanmei walked in with her two daughters-in-law.
"Sister-in-law, Qingqing, let's help pack things. If we need to bring something, we'll pack it together."

"Third sister, you guys are here, come in and sit down, don't pack up, I haven't decided what to bring yet,"

The two nephews and daughters-in-law called aunt, and looked at the things in the house with grumbling eyes, thinking about what they could get for their own family. The yard would be theirs in the future, and their parents didn't agree. After the aunt left, the two sets No matter how the yard is divided, both of them think this house in the village is good.

The two nephews and daughters-in-law were wondering whether they should move into this house when the aunt moved out. Who knew that Su Qing wanted to take the whole yard away, not even a single tree.

Wang Sanmei looked at the things at home, "Let me tell you, sister-in-law, bring some personal belongings and important things as you like, and leave the rest. It's not worth a lot of money. Look at the bed and the cabinet. How much have you used?" After ten years, when we arrive at our farm, they have not all been replaced with new ones."

Zhu Xiuyun said in embarrassment: "Sister, you don't understand my feelings. Although they are all things that I have used for decades, there are traces of my life everywhere. When I go to a new place, I will definitely miss home and you. , if I can bring a few more, it will also give me a thought."

Wang Sanmei nodded, "That's right, then you can choose slowly, Qingqing, have you decided to leave that day?"

Su Qing: "It's fixed. The aircraft at noon the day after tomorrow arrives in Mingyue City. There happens to be a spaceship that can reach the medium-sized galaxy."

Wang Sanmei took sister-in-law's hand, "Sister-in-law, I really miss you. I hope we can meet again in a few years."

Zhu Xiuyun nodded sadly. If it wasn't for Qingqing, she wouldn't go to some medium-sized galaxy to enjoy happiness. Whether to enjoy happiness or suffer, it depends on where she lives more comfortably.

"Yeah, when the time comes, our family will be able to get together and live a peaceful life. The children will also have a good educational environment, and they will be able to find a good job in the future. We can't let them stay in the mountain village for the rest of their lives farming."

When the two old ladies chatted, Su Qing's two aunts asked Su Qing about this and that, inquiring secretly about how to deal with the house and how long it would take for their family to move to Fuchunxing.

Houses in the village are not worth much. You can buy a small courtyard with a few thousand interstellar coins. If it is expensive, you can build it yourself. You can collect stones in the mountains, log logs in the mountains, buy some building materials at will, and ask villagers to help with work. Just take care of the food, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. The two aunts hope that the two properties of the aunt's family will be distributed to them, which can be regarded as an industry, not to mention the farmland.

(End of this chapter)

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