Chapter 565
Su Qing is very disgusted with their careful thinking. She is not stingy, but she doesn't like others thinking about her own things. .

The two aunts looked honest and simple-minded, but they also had such small thoughts. How much are the two ruined yards worth? I just said casually, let them help look at the house, and clean it up if there is nothing to do.

To Su Qing, the two courtyards are of little value, but the commemorative significance, which records a period of life she has experienced, full of happy memories.

Originally, Su Qing and grandma were discussing whether to give the house and the two planting fields to Uncle Su's family, but Zhu Xiuyun was reluctant, so she just didn't mention it, and she took them all away, at most around the two yards It will take many years for the formation to become ineffective. By that time, the villagers will pass it on as they like. She has already reached the medium galaxy, and Mengyuexing is so closed, it will take a long time to spread it.

I don't care about the scruples I just told my grandma, I just took them all away, not even a handful of soil, just as Zhu Xiuyun's household registration has also moved away, and the fields are gone after the spring, so I took away two yards , and there is no need for Uncle Su's family to take care of him, so it's peace of mind.

Su Qing made several circles in her mind, and quickly decided to move the whole family away. Grandma was reluctant, and she also wanted a place to recall the past.
At that time, I will put grandma's yard house next to the small building of the farm, so that grandma can go shopping in it every day, sit in the house, cook a meal in the kitchen, as if she is still at home, and let her Feel better.

Wang Sanmei was originally here to help pack things, but she didn't mention it when she saw that the sister-in-law was not in the mood to clean up. Anyway, the sister-in-law would leave the house to her to take care of. I just miss the two yards of my sister-in-law.

The two have shallow eyelids. How much is the broken yard in the village worth? In the future, their whole family will move to Fuchunxing, rely on their sister-in-law to live, and throw away everything in the village. Why can't they take a long-term view and only focus on the immediate future? That little benefit.

After Wang Sanmei's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law left, Zhu Xiuyun's face was a little gloomy. The younger brother and sister were quite clear, but the two daughters-in-law were a little confused. Forget it, they were not her daughter-in-law, so what was she worrying about.

Su Qing made up her mind, and told her grandma what she meant. The land at home was gone, and the two yards and the planting fields were taken away. There was nothing left in the village, so I didn't have to bother my second uncle's family to take care of it. Don't worry, don't worry about the two aunts.

Zhu Xiuyun also asked: "Qingqing, have you figured out a solution to the difficulty you just mentioned?"

Su Qing shook her head, "No, but I don't care anymore. I will find a way for people to find that the yard and planting fields are gone within a few years. After a long time, they will think that the yard has been in disrepair and collapsed."

Zhu Xiuyun frowned and said: "The planting field is also moved away, no need for it!"

But Su Qing said: "Move away, just think about it, if you miss home, just look at the yard and planting fields at home, as if you are still living in the village. Before you leave, tell the villagers that the planting fields All the vegetables were pulled out, and the valuable materials were sold, and the leftovers were piled up there, and the house was kept. When you miss home in the future, you will come back to live for a while, just lock it up, and you don’t need Uncle Su’s family to take care of it. gone."

Zhu Xiuyun said in her heart, you have to take them all away, so why do you take care of them?air?In this way, the people in the village don't care, the Meng family and the uncle's family will be a little surprised, and they may be a little confused. Zhu Xiuyun couldn't think of any perfect way to say it, so he had no choice but to let him go.

Since Qingqing has the ability to take away the two yards and the planting field, what else is there to do?
Zhu Xiuyun packed a bag of melon seeds and went out to chat with the old sisters. There is still one day tomorrow, and they will leave the day after tomorrow. Chat more with everyone, it will be difficult to meet again in the future.

But Su Qing started to get busy, found a few array flags of the lowest quality and started to arrange the array. Finally, the entire yard of the house and the planting field were arranged in a magic array. Fake it.

During dinner, Zhu Xiuyun asked why the two cats hadn't come back, and Su Qing remembered that she had brought two pets home, and she was busy all the time, so they almost forgot, and the ancestor also went with them relax,
It's really strange, Mengyuexing doesn't have any relics or secret realms, what did the ancestor go to see?Her divine sense is powerful, and she can know the surrounding situation with a random sweep. When Su Qing first met her ancestor, Luo Zilan said that Su Qing is the only descendant of blood in the world. The moon and stars can check clearly.

At that time, the ancestors didn't say that there were any good things in the mountains. If there were any, they would have gone to explore the mountains a few years ago.

It’s been three days since I’ve been home. Why haven’t the two cats come back? Are they playing wild? Su Qing used the contract to call out, “Huomiao, Jiaojiao, why haven’t you come back? We’re leaving the day after tomorrow.”

In the depths of a distant mountain, Huomiao and Jiaojiao, who kept shuttling back and forth, meowed a few times towards a ray of light,

Luo Zilan said: "Go and have a look first, we found the place, we will go back and let Qingqing wait."

Huo Miao nodded, and sent a reply to Su Qing, "Master, we have something to do with our ancestors, we will tell you when we go back, and we promise to go back the day after tomorrow."

After Huo Miao finished speaking, no matter what Su Qing asked, where were they and what were they going to do?Just don't say it, just say one last thing, if you find it, let her come over and take a look, if not, go back, Su Qing is confused, what are you looking for?
But don't worry about the two cats' cultivation, their cultivation level these years is not low, there should be no particularly powerful monsters in Mengyue Xing that can hurt the two of them, the white flood dragon that lived in the village before was just a different species Otherwise, that monster will come to Mengyuexing to practice,
Mengyuexing lacked aura. When she practiced every day, she felt that there was very little aura. Of course, it was also related to the improvement of Su Qing's cultivation base. Jindan monks needed a lot of aura to practice. When she was a child, she felt that the aura was abundant, but now it is not enough.

Su Qing is not worried about the safety of the two cats, but she is curious about what they are looking for, and Mengyuexing has something good, so she didn't tell her, but it is useless to tell her, she has been very busy these days, and has no time to go together adventure.

Forget it, it's probably not a particularly important matter, otherwise why would the ancestor leave without saying a word.

Su Qing ignored them and arranged the formation in the yard at home. After eating, he went to the courtyard at the entrance of the village to arrange the formation.

In the courtyard here, although Su Qing stayed very little time, her memories are everywhere. The first time she met the Li family, and later rebuilt the wing room, where she and her grandmother dried sweet potatoes and bacon. Live for a few days.

Su Qing stood quietly for a while, and then with a wave of his hand, several formation flags flew out, and began to set up the formation according to the direction, and arranged the yard and planting fields. The protective array disk covers this area.

Only then stood in mid-air, stretched out his hand to summon Luoying, and began to cut the land, just like cutting a cake, first cut the surrounding area, and then used an earth system method to raise the whole land, and swept the sword, perfect , directly sent the yard and planting fields into the jade pendant space, and things can be placed in the house in the future.Can be used as a warehouse.

As for the yard in the village, I will stay there for two more days, and it will be taken away before I leave, and it can be done in a few minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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