Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 566 The Ancient Teleportation Array

Chapter 566 The Ancient Teleportation Array
When Su Qing took away such a large piece of land, the fresh soil underneath was exposed, and the bare soil was not good-looking.

With a wave of her hand, she caused the land to rise and fall, and moved some of the surrounding soil to cover it. The seeds scattered by the withered grass turned over a lot, and then performed a growth formula, and the seeds quickly took root and germinated, grew taller, and produced grass. The seeds fell to the ground and continued to grow. Several times in a row, the entire land was covered with weeds, as if the house had been in disrepair for a long time, collapsed, and was covered with weeds.

Su Qing nodded in satisfaction. Even if someone finds out many years later, they will think that this is what they remember. Everyone will gradually forget that there is a house here. As the phantom array gradually fails, it may gradually show uneven weeds. After a long time, everyone will get used to it.

Su Qing activates the phantom array. From the outside, it is still a yard and a plantation field. After the energy of the formation flag is exhausted, it will fail. Scared to death even if it is very powerful.

Take away the yard outside the village, call it a day and go home, activate the phantom formation, take away the protective formation plate, Su Qing leaves lightly, as for what the villagers who stray into the phantom formation will see in the future, she doesn't care, anyway, normal people It's okay to go to a courtyard where no one lives. It's all malicious, and it has nothing to do with her.

At this time, Huomiao and Jiaojiao, who were running wildly in the remote mountains, finally found a cave, and the inside was very deep. The two cats kept running, and ran along the passage to the end. built among monks,

However, it is dilapidated everywhere, without any valuable things. If it takes a few thousand years, it will turn into dust. Except for some stone buildings, there are still some traces of civilization, which may not be human beings, or monsters. After all, monsters Beasts also have wisdom and have their own civilization.

"Old ancestor, here we are, my mother brought me here several times, just to give me a chance to go back,"

Huo Miao said to Miao Miao, wondering how Luo Zilan could understand Huo Miao's language.

She flew over lightly, there is a high platform here, and there is something carved on it, Luo Zilan looked at it, it was indeed a teleportation array, I never thought that there is a teleportation array on a planet like Mengyuexing, which lacks aura, it looks very old The kind, interesting,
Originally, Huo Miao just wanted to come back to pay homage to his mother, and tell her that he and his master were leaving Mengyuexing forever, and the chance of coming back in the future was slim, and he would take good care of his sister.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao's mothers were buried nearby. Luo Zilan heard them muttering in Mingyue City, so she asked curiously. She heard that there was a teleportation array where their mothers were buried, so she followed them curiously to have a look .

Along the way, Huo Miao was too stupid to waste time by walking blindly, and went wrong several times.

Luo Zilan didn't expect that it was really an ancient teleportation array, and it should be able to teleport directly to the Monster Beast Forest. If she had a chance, she would ask Qingqing to see where the Monster Beast Forest was located in the empire.

"Huo Miao, ask Qingqing if she is still busy. Let her come over and get to know the place. After her cultivation is strong, she will take you to wander the Monster Beast Forest to find your brothers and sisters."

Huo Miao has no interest in the clansmen. If the clansmen of his brothers and sisters know that they have become human pets, they will definitely look down on their brothers and sisters.

But it's okay to go back with the master to have a look. With the master, you can completely kill the Quartet, grab more good things and come back, maybe you can even avenge your parents.

Su Qing was talking with his grandmother at home, when the voice of Huo Miao calling him came from his head, saying that the ancestor asked her to go there, and they found a place.

Seeing that her granddaughter was talking to her, Zhu Xiuyun suddenly fell silent and hurriedly asked, "Qingqing, what's the matter?"

"Grandma, I'm going out for a while. Huo Miao and the others found something, let me go there, you sleep first, don't wait for me, I don't know when I will come back."

Zhu Xiuyun asked anxiously, "Where are you going to find them? It's so dark that you can't see the road in the mountains clearly."

"Grandma, don't worry, day and night are the same to me, I can see clearly, I am not an ordinary person, I am leaving, grandma."

Su Qing pushed open the door, jumped up, stepped on the Luoying sword floating in mid-air, instantly lifted into the air, and flew away.

Zhu Xiuyun was left stunned. Where did Qingqing come from with a sword that can make people stand on it? The most amazing thing is that Qingqing can really fly, so high and so fast, Zhu Xiuyun was in a daze for a few minutes , I patted my heart, closed the door, and lay down on the bed, feeling my heart pounding.

Su Qing Yujian flew, felt the location of Huo Miao and Jiaojiao according to the contract, and flew away like lightning. It didn't take long to find a hidden hole, fell down, and walked straight in.

Huo Miao said that there was no danger, and when she saw the ruins, she was surprised to find that the barren Mengyue star also had traces of ancient cultivation civilization.

"Meow meow", Huo Miao yelled, and ran towards the master with Jiaojiao, Luo Zilan's faint figure was still on the high platform,
Su Qing jumped up and stood beside Patriarch, "Patriarch, what is this place?"

Luo Zilan said lightly: "An underground palace built by ancient monks has long been abandoned. Only this teleportation array can be activated as long as there is enough energy. Huo Miao's mother came to Mengyuexing from here."

Su Qing's eyes lit up, "In other words, this teleportation array can still be used, and it can be directly teleported to the monster forest."

"I've checked it carefully. There is no problem with the teleportation array. As long as the energy is sufficient, it can be used. Come here and I will teach you how to know the teleportation array. If you encounter a broken teleportation array, how to repair it."

Su Qing had learned how to use the teleportation array, but it was all on paper, and it was the first time I saw it for real. Luo Zilan happened to teach on the spot, teaching Qingqing how to install the spirit stone, how to start it, and how to repair the broken teleporter.

In the era of comprehension, the teleportation array was a standard equipment for all sects and cities, and it was an important tool for monks to go back and forth over long distances, just like spaceships today.

Su Qing listened carefully to the old ancestor's explanation, and with her talent, she quickly mastered it.

When Su Qing saw the teleportation array for the first time, he tried eagerly, "I will put a few spirit stones on the ancestor to see if it can be activated, and then I will quickly take the spirit stones down."

"Give it a try. If it works, I will seal this place up in a while. When I have a chance, I will go to the Monster Forest through the teleportation array. You have just entered the golden core stage, and your cultivation level is still low. Wait until your cultivation level is up." Go when you are strong, otherwise who knows how many big monsters there are, and you will be miserable if you can't beat them."

Su Qing nodded, took out several spirit stones and started to install them piece by piece. It actually needed so many spirit stones for monks. The spirit stones of the monks were consumed too quickly. They were needed for cultivation, for arranging arrays, and for refining tools and medicines. Indispensable.

Su Qing resigned herself to installing one piece after another of the spirit stones. She didn't dare to stand in the formation. If she was teleported away, she would cry to death, so she just stood outside and watched.

Su Qing waved a wave of spiritual energy and activated the entire formation. The teleportation formation is also a kind of formation, but it is more complicated.

The white light flickered, the formation was activated, and the white light gradually connected the entire formation, getting brighter and brighter. Su Qing quickly picked out a piece of spirit stone, and the light disappeared immediately, and the transmission stopped.
"Old Ancestor, I didn't expect the Teleportation Formation to be really useful. In the future, I will definitely go to the Monster Forest to explore. It must be very interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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