Chapter 567
"Just remember the place. There has been no life here for a long time, not even snakes, insects, rats and ants. There must be a reason. You will arrange some formations to prevent people from being discovered. Although few people in the deep mountains can come in , In case, it’s better to hide it.”

Su Qing nodded in agreement, except for this teleportation array, there is nothing valuable here, otherwise the ancestor would have discovered it long ago.

Su Qing took a casual look, then started to walk out, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao hurriedly followed.

Su Qing arranged a simple formation at the entrance of the cave, and then used the strongest skill to arrange a layer of restriction to prevent people or strange beasts from entering.

After everything was done, the moon was already in the sky outside the cave, and it was not early, so I hugged a cat in one hand, flew up and stepped on the fairy sword and hurried back.

Ten minutes later, Su Qing gently landed in her yard, and found that the light in the east room was still on, and her grandmother was still asleep.

Su Qing knocked on the door lightly, and immediately heard Zhu Xiuyun's voice asking: "Qingqing, are you back?"

Su Qing said softly: "It's me, grandma, I'm back, I found Huomiao and Jiaojiao and brought them back."

Su Qing pushed the door and went in, and the two cats also ran in, meowing.

Zhu Xiuyun sat up from the bed, and Huo Miao and jumped on the bed Jiaojiao happily greeted Zhu Xiuyun. I haven't seen my grandmother for six years, so it's weird.

Zhu Xiuyun patted their heads, "Okay, I still know how to go home, so I'm going to find a place to sleep, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Su Qing took off the coat she was wearing and lay down next to her grandmother, "Grandma, turn off the lights and go to sleep at night, tomorrow we have to get together with my second uncle and the Meng family to talk, and we will leave the day after tomorrow."

Zhu Xiuyun hummed, she was already sleepy, she turned off the light and fell asleep not long after.

Su Qing still uses spiritual energy to take care of her grandma's body. As long as she stays with her, grandma will be fine.

As soon as he opened his eyes, it was dawn. These days, Su Qing rarely had time to practice, and it was all over after a week of meditation. The main reason was that she lacked spiritual energy, and she had to be with Zhu Xiuyun, but she slept well for a few days.

After the grandparents got up, they washed up and made breakfast. After the meal, Zhu Xiuyun went to the Meng family and Uncle Su's house, and invited the two families to have a meal and reunion. Their grandparents will leave at noon tomorrow.

Su Qing prepared lunch at home, and there were a lot of ingredients left over. The unfinished food was divided into two portions and given to the two families. They were originally bought for them, and they would definitely not take them away.

Give everyone another drink of spiritual wine to recuperate their bodies. After dinner, the four old people will be left alone. Fortunately, old man Meng Hong just happened to be on vacation today, otherwise he would have to ask for leave to come back.

The two families soon got together and had a lively lunch. Everyone said a few words to Zhu Xiuyun's grandparents and wished them a safe journey.

After the meal, the young man and the child went back, and Zhu Xiuyun left the four old men behind, saying that he had something to talk to.

Su Qing closed the courtyard door, and a few people sat in the room. Wang Sanmei looked at her sister-in-law's expression, and was the first to ask, "Sister-in-law, what do you want to tell us?"

Zhu Xiuyun said calmly: "Qingqing and I will leave tomorrow, and we don't know when we will be reunited, so I'll just talk about my arrangements after I leave, but there are actually no arrangements.

My household registration will be transferred to a medium-sized galaxy, and the fields outside the village will be gone. The only thing left is two yards and two planting fields at home. At first, I thought, let you take care of them and clean them up often, but then I thought it was unnecessary , just lock the door of the house and leave it there, it’s not worth a few interstellar coins, I took away the energy stones in the planting field, and put all the valuable things,

You must know that Qingqing has a storage device, and it is convenient to take away as many things as possible, so the farmland is worthless, and you don’t have to worry about the two houses. I still want to keep the homestead and pass it on to Qingqing. "

After Zhu Xiuyun finished speaking, Grandma Meng and his wife nodded, thinking that it was nothing, the broken house was worthless, and it didn't matter if he didn't care about it, as long as they rebuilt it later.

After Wang Sanmei heard this, her face changed. It's over, the sister-in-law was really angry because of her two daughters-in-law, and she didn't let them look after the house.

Second Uncle Su said in a deep voice, "Sister-in-law, it's a good house, why just leave it like that? My third sister and I can often go to clean it up. The house is unoccupied, and it will collapse in two or three years if it is not cleaned up."

Zhu Xiuyun waved her hand, "Okay, I've made a decision. The main houses in the two yards, you don't count how many years they are, they should have been rebuilt long ago. There is no need to clean up such dilapidated houses. Let it be like that, my After the matter is finished, let Qingqing tell you the rest of the matter."

Uncle Su saw that his sister-in-law was firm, so he stopped talking. He knew that Qingqing was rich, and if he really wanted to go home in the future, he would definitely have to pay for a new house. The old house was really dilapidated.

Su Qing said with a smile: "You four old people should also remember what I said next, and do as I told you. This is a pill, and each of you has a bottle."

Su Qing first handed each of them a jade bottle with ten pills in each bottle.

All four of them looked at Su Qing with blank eyes, why did they give them medicine?They are not sick!

Su Qing slowly explained to the four people the difference in physical fitness between the people in the original galaxy and the people in the central galaxy, emphasizing that interstellar travel, especially for a long time, people with poor health will not be able to persist, so the four old people need Take care of your body.

"These elixirs are specially refined by me for you to take care of your body, so that you will not have any problems when you take the spaceship in the future."

Only then did the four understand why Su Qing left them alone and gave each of them a bottle of medicine.

Su Qing explained in detail how to take the elixir, a little bit at a time, or mixed with water, and said with a very serious look:

"Uncle, aunt, Grandpa Meng, Grandma Meng, you must remember what I said. Not everyone can reveal the medicine. It's best to keep it secret. You must not take too much. If you take too much, it will be counterproductive. The energy is too much." Many, there will be problems with the body, the most important thing is, don’t let outsiders know what I just said, you can understand it after you go back, and don’t tell your family members too much.”

The four old people are all old men, Su Qing repeatedly told them, how could they fail to see that the elixir Su Qing gave them was very important and should not be seen by outsiders.

All four of them nodded, expressing that they knew and would definitely do what she said.

Can they be disobedient?That is a life-saving medicine. If something happens on the spaceship, whoever has the ability to save them will live a happy life. What a pity that my body has problems.

Su Qing said that young people are in good health, no problem, and they can still make up for it when they arrive at Fuchunxing, but the elderly are too old to make up for it, so they must take care of their bodies in advance.

Because of what Su Qing said, they also ignored Zhu Xiuyun's handling of the two courtyards.

After finishing the business, several old people started chatting all over the world again, and made an appointment to see the grandparents and grandchildren off at noon tomorrow.

Time passed by like this, and at last the moment of separation came, Zhu Xiuyun and Su Qing stood outside the village waiting for the aircraft.

Everyone in the village came to see them off, not because Zhu Xiuyun was very popular, but because everyone had a banquet at the Su family, it seemed inappropriate not to come and see them off, and some people were jealous, Zhu Xiuyun raised a good The granddaughter, now in glory, has escaped poverty and is heading for a happy life, which is so enviable.

All the things that should be said and done have been done. Although Zhu Xiuyun was a little sad, she resolutely took the steps to leave her hometown.

Sitting in the aircraft, watching Shanquan Village get farther and farther away, Zhu Xiuyun hugged Su Qing. From now on, she will live for her children, and she feels happy to have Qingqing around.

(End of this chapter)

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