Chapter 569
Zhu Xiuyun nodded, "Don't worry, I understand, grandma is in good health, and I promise to help you take care of the child. After this time, when will I see Gu Rui's child? I have long wanted to talk to him face to face."

Su Qing was stunned. She thought that grandma hadn't mentioned Gu Rui in the past few days after returning home, so the matter was passed lightly. Unexpectedly, grandma had already made up her mind that she would be able to meet him when she arrived in a medium-sized galaxy. What should I do now? ?
Su Qing smiled embarrassedly and said: "Grandma, I'm only so old, you always want me to marry, and besides, no one stipulates that only one boyfriend will get married, what if I meet a better man in the future?"

"Qingqing!!" Zhu Xiuyun's expression became serious, "You have to be down-to-earth in life, don't look at the height of one mountain, you will know what is most important to you after you have experienced a lot, you and Gu Rui are very good , why did you think of something else?"

Zhu Xiuyun was afraid that Qingqing, like her mother, liked handsome young men and was being cheated.

Su Qing had no choice but to change the subject, "Okay, I'll just say that, I understand, grandma, let's go eat!"

Zhu Xiuyun also wanted to say a few more words about her, but also thought that children have a rebellious mentality. The more you object, the more she will do it. Isn't that what Mingjuan was like back then? Juan gradually understands the essence of the Li family, and the subsequent tragedy will not happen.

So it's fine for her to say a few words, Qingqing has always been a good boy, her ideas are right, she knows what's good or bad, and won't make people worry.

Su Qing saw that her grandmother stopped scolding her, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and hoped that after arriving in Fuchunxing, Lao Zhang and his wife would be able to influence grandma well, and she would hint at Lao Zhang, he would understand, he is very shrewd, If it weren't for being an ordinary person, and his family has no foundation in a medium-sized galaxy, he would have made some achievements long ago.

When Zhu Xiuyun and Su Qing go to the restaurant to eat again, many people will greet them. Zhu Xiuyun's personality is cheerful and optimistic, and he can talk to anyone.

I met a lot of people in just a few days. If it was Su Qing, he would just stay in the room during the two-month journey, and no one would pay much attention to him.

Those guests were tentative contacts with Zhu Xiuyun at the beginning. Unexpectedly, the old lady was very easy-going and said everything. As long as Su Qing didn't say to keep it secret, those resumes that made her proud on the surface were often taken away by the old lady. Come out and show off.

Only then did the other guests figure out Zhu Xiuyun's identity. Mengyuexing is a peasant woman from a remote mountain village. Although her background is not good, she has raised a good granddaughter. It turns out that the girl is the one who made a splash a few years ago and was admitted to Qinglan College. Global champion.

Now that her granddaughter is successful in her studies, and taking her to a medium-sized galaxy for the elderly, many people don't know how envious of the old lady's blessing.

The supernatural masters graduated from Qinglan College have a very high gold content. They are the major companies in the empire, and various departments are scrambling for talents. They earn money and get hand cramps. They can't blame the old lady for being able to live in a luxury cabin.

In a few days, Zhu Xiuyun became a celebrity in the luxury cabin, and everyone rushed to get in touch with the old lady, and no one dismissed Zhu Xiuyun as vulgar and ignorant anymore, and they all tried their best to please her.

Most of these people are rich, but not supernatural masters. Although they have a lot of money, their status is almost inferior. To meet a promising supernatural master like Su Qing, they all feel that it is necessary to make friends.

It's a pity that the little girl is very indifferent to people, and she doesn't seem to be enthusiastic about anyone. She only smiles when she sees her grandmother, melting away the indifference all over her body.

Everyone didn't dare to go up and disturb her, because Su Qing's indifferent eyes seemed to look down on them at all, and there was always a feeling of being aloof and looking down on everyone.

In fact, it was just the momentum that Su Qing showed unconsciously. As a Jindan cultivator, if he didn't pay attention to restraining the momentum of his whole body, ordinary people would not dare to face her.

Most of the time, Su Qing would say a few words to those people for the sake of grandma. There is no need to communicate with those people who are not important.

So when Zhu Xiuyun got used to the life on the spaceship, Su Qing didn't go out much, and kept teaching the two cats in the room, and punished them if they couldn't learn.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao's miserable life began again.

Once, Zhu Xiuyun said strangely: "Qingqing, is there something wrong with our two cats? Why are they listless?"

Su Qing sneered, "Hehe, it's nothing that they are disobedient, I just taught them a lesson."

Zhu Xiuyun said disapprovingly: "You child, what do two kittens know? They are already very good, why are you beating them?"

Su Qing said with a straight face, "Grandma, you don't understand. They are not ordinary cats. They can transform into human forms in the future. Don't you teach them well now and waste time waiting for the transformation to learn? It will be too late. If you encounter What about the Zerg race, what if the two big monsters can't beat the bugs and lost their lives?"


Zhu Xiuyun had a shocked and bewildered look on her face. Although she knew that her granddaughter was mysterious and powerful, and that the two cats she raised at home were also very extraordinary, was it true that she could transform into a human being?
Zhu Xiuyun looked at Huo Miao and Jiaojiao in surprise. They could turn into human beings, just like the stories about gods, ghosts and ghosts in fairy tales, turning into beauties to deceive people.

Huo Miao rubbed against Zhu Xiuyun aggrievedly, and shouted meowingly, "Grandma, please stop Master, she is very difficult to teach, and we don't have her brains, so we won't be able to learn in a while!"

It's a pity that I was blind for nothing, Zhu Xiuyun didn't understand a sentence, but I could see that the kitten was asking her to help intercede.

"Hehe, Qingqing, even if that's the case, you'll be fine. Teach the child to be patient. Why didn't you beat Meng Yan when he was young?"

Su Qing looked at the two pets coldly, "Grandma, how can they compare with Meng Hao? Will steal and play tricks."

"Okay, I don't care, I've made an appointment to watch the series together, Huo Miao Jiaojiao, you all should study hard." Zhu Xiuyun couldn't save the two cats, so she had to slip away with a look of helplessness.

Leaving two cats behind, I continued my painful study life.

Time slipped away slowly like this. Zhu Xiuyun had a very happy time on the spaceship. A group of people accompanied her every day, and she didn't miss home or feel lost. She made an agreement to keep in touch in the future.

Those people have the same idea, the little girl is not easy to get in touch with, just have a good relationship with her grandmother, what kind of knowledge does an old lady in a mountain village have, everyone deliberately pleases her, so she almost treats them as relatives, what will happen in the future It's a matter, if you come to the door, you won't refuse directly.

More than a month later, the spaceship arrived at a planet in a medium-sized galaxy. Su Qing and Zhu Xiuyun had to disembark and transfer to a spaceship on another route before returning to Fuchun Star.

Before leaving, many people reluctantly bid farewell to Zhu Xiuyun. During this period of contact, everyone liked this warm, cheerful and kind old lady very much. Those people who are full of scheming like to contact her.

Su Qing took her grandma, got off the spaceship, and waited in the rest hall for the spaceship bound for Fuchunxing. Because there were few routes, it would take a long time to wait.

There were people coming and going in the hall, and Zhu Xiuyun couldn't take his eyes off of them. Hey, there are so many people in the medium galaxy. The spaceport is full of countless spaceships and warships, large and small, densely packed, which can be regarded as an eye-opener.

Zhu Xiuyun has lived a long time, seeing this for the first time is really an eye-opener.

The grandparents and grandchildren are always sitting and waiting, and it is boring. There are many shopping malls and restaurants specially prepared for tourists. After a short rest, Su Qing takes grandma to the shopping mall and buys what he likes.

(End of this chapter)

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