Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 570 Our Home Is Here

Chapter 570 Our Home Is Here
Zhu Xiuyun thought everything was good when she saw it, and she was shocked when she saw the price, and she was reluctant to buy it. Su Qing couldn't help but buy it directly, and it didn't cost much to grandma to like it.

The grandparents and grandchildren had enough shopping and found a restaurant for dinner. After the meal, they sat in the lobby and waited. Finally, they heard on the radio that the spaceship bound for Fuchunxing had arrived. Su Qing put on her bag and dragged Zhu Xiuyun to the security check to board the ship.

Su Qing had sent Bai Qian a message telling her when he would be home, and asked her if the farm was okay?
Bai Qian said that everything was normal, except that the vegetables did not grow as fast as when Su Qing was around, and Lao Zhang and his wife were very anxious about this, and she took good care of those elixir, but they didn't grow, and they were not as good as the vegetables grown by Lao Zhang and his wife. Woolen cloth.

In the past two months or so, Bai Qian may have just started to be an upright person. Everything she does feels fresh, and she even has to experience it every day when she goes to work in the fields.

Miss Bai is not only good-looking, but she also works so hard, with great strength and fast speed, that she can match the farming robots. This makes Lao Zhang very worried. With Miss Bai, the couple will have no way out.

As for Da Niu, this period of time passed happily, running around, and Bai Qian hung a name tag around his neck, which said, the communicator number of Su's Farm and Bai Qian, indicating that it had an owner. It's making trouble outside,
For Daniu, Su's farm is too small, not enough for him to have fun. He must run around a few times to vent out the grievances of several years.

Bai Qian recalled that at school, she had a name tag around her neck. The students saw it on campus and knew that she had a master, and they would not capture her at will. As a strange beast, how could Da Niu run around in Fuchunxing? ?Put a sign on it, explaining that it is domesticated. When people see Su's farm, Daniel, and contact information, they will naturally not do anything. If someone really wants to kill Daniel, he is not afraid of it. , as long as you make some movement, you can arrive quickly.

Bai Qian felt that she was getting smarter and smarter, and she had learned a lot in human society, how to deal with people.

After receiving a message from Su Qing, she knew that Su Qing and grandma would be back soon, so she immediately told Lao Zhang and his wife the good news.

Lao Zhang smiled on the surface, but was crying in his heart. Could it be that Miss Su's grandma has come, and the farm will not need them in the future.

Originally, Su's farm was not big, and the two of them could take care of it, but now the population is increasing. I heard that Miss Su's grandmother was born in a mountain village, and she usually farms at home.

When she comes, can you be free?Be sure to rush to work, let's take a step and see it!

Su Qing was transiting between planets, and took Zhu Xiuyun on board the spaceship bound for Fuchunxing.

I will be home in two or three days. Zhu Xiuyun is in good spirits. Now that I have left my hometown, I have to abandon all the previous things and start a new life. Of course, I have to be happy.

A few days later, an aircraft landed in front of the small building of Su's farm. Bai Qian and Daniel knew that Su Qing was coming back, so they stood at the gate of the courtyard to welcome them.

After all, Lao Zhang and his wife had their wages, and they knew that Su Qing would not delay their work when they came back today.

As soon as the cabin door opened, Huomiao and Jiaojiao rushed out impatiently, greeted Bai Qian and Daniel with two meows, and ran into the room.

Su Qing supported Zhu Xiuyun, pointed to the second floor in the courtyard and said:

"Grandma, our house is here, do you like it?"

Zhu Xiuyun saw the beautiful small building from the aircraft, and when she got out of the aircraft, she could see it more intuitively, and nodded in satisfaction, "It's beautiful."

Looking at Bai Qian, she immediately exclaimed, "Oh, this girl is really pretty, are you Bai Qian?"

Zhu Xiuyun saw a beautiful girl standing at the door, probably the housekeeper Bai Qian that Qingqing mentioned. As for the big green cow, Zhu Xiuyun just ignored it. What's so good about a cow is that it is slaughtered for meat.

If Daniu knew that grandma thought of him like this, he would definitely feel a little sad, but he was still waiting to welcome the old lady.

Bai Qian came over to help Mrs. Lai with a smile, "Grandma, hello, I'm Bai Qian, I welcome you home, you've worked hard all the way, Qingqing, grandma, come in and have a break and have a cup of tea."

Grandma Su Qing is only in her 60s and she is so old. In their fox family, they are little monsters who have only practiced for a few years. Human life spans are too short to compare with their monsters.

Zhu Xiuyun happily talked to Bai Qian, and was supported by her into the room,

Su Qing snickered behind her. Grandma definitely didn't know that Bai Qian was an old goblin who had lived for tens of thousands of years. Grandma's age was not even comparable to that of her great-great-grandson.

Walking into the living room, Zhu Xiuyun was amazed: "Oh, this house, you have cleaned it up so beautifully. I am so happy to live in such a nice house."

Su Qing hugged grandma's arm, "Come on, grandma, I'll show you the bedroom, our rooms are next to each other."

Su Qing and Bai Qian took Zhu Xiuyun to the bedroom. Da Niu was poking around the door of the living room, but he didn't dare to go in. It could grow smaller and walk in, for fear that it would scare grandma into unconsciousness, and the master would definitely beat it to death.

Forget it, the old cow doesn't like to sleep in the room, it's more comfortable to live in the open air.

"Oh, the room is not small, and the bed is too soft. What material is the quilt made of? It's slippery."

Zhu Xiuyun marveled, stroking all kinds of things that Su Qing had prepared for her.

Su Qing smiled and took out a few suitcases belonging to grandma. Those were grandma's private items and she needed to clean them up by herself. There were ready-made tables, dressing tables and wardrobes in the room.

In the interstellar era, the houses were built very spacious, so the size of a bedroom was not small, and a family of three could live on Earth.

Zhu Xiuyun liked the layout of the bedroom very much, and Su Qing let her visit Bai Qian and her room, each with its own characteristics.

Zhu Xiuyun secretly sighed in her heart, she couldn't complain that life in a medium-sized galaxy is good, according to what Qingqing said, Fuchunxing is equivalent to the countryside of Mengyuexing, planting stars is like this condition, those metropolises can imagine how developed they are, and people's lives must be very rich .

Su Qing: "Grandma, if you are tired, go to bed and rest for a while. If you are not tired, pack your luggage. Bai Qian and I will go out to see how the crops are growing in the farmland."

Zhu Xiuyun nodded, "Okay, you guys go, if I'm not really tired, I'll go out with you too."

Zhu Xiuyun lived on the spaceship for more than two months. Even if she ate well and slept well, it was the first time she left the land and lived in the void for so long. With the support of spiritual power, it can resist the invasion from the outside world at any time.

When I arrived at Fuchunxing, when I saw my new home, I would relax, and I would definitely be tired. Su Qing also knew her situation, so let her rest at ease.
Zhu Xiuyun lay on the bed and rested with her eyes closed. Su Qing flicked her fingers, and a scent came out, so that grandma could fall asleep as soon as possible and sleep peacefully for several hours.

Su Qing closed the door carefully, and walked out of the yard with Bai Qian, with Daniel following behind them.

Su Qing first checked the field of elixir that was completely covered by the formation. Every plant of elixir was alive and well, and Bai Qian didn't toss to death.

Su Qing waved his hand, and the Spring Rain Jue was cast, and the rain began to fall from the sky. These raindrops are composed of water and spiritual energy, which can promote the growth of elixir and contain more energy.

It has not been nourished by the elixir for more than two months, and each plant is absorbing the spiritual rain vigorously, and the branches and leaves grow stronger.

Su Qing nodded in satisfaction. Bai Qian took good care of her, which is worthy of praise. She has not forgotten what she taught her.

Outside the formation covering the elixir field, all the plants were planted with ordinary elixir plants, about a few mu of land.

(End of this chapter)

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