Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 571 Old Zhang's Misunderstanding

Chapter 571 Old Zhang's Misunderstanding

Su Qing saw that the seeds sown at the beginning had grown. If she was in a hurry to sell them, Su Qing would mature once they were spawned at will.

But she just came back, and she has to rest for two days before picking this batch of spiritual plants and elixir.

The fields of wheat, corn and other grains and various vegetables planted by Lao Zhang and his wife are also growing vigorously, and the patches of green are pleasing to the eye.

Lao Zhang and his wife are working in the field. Holding a small brush, they are pollinating the flowers one by one, otherwise the melons produced by natural pollination will affect the quality.

Seeing Su Qing and Bai Qian approaching, they hurried out of the field to greet them.

"Miss Su, you are back,"

Su Qing nodded and asked, "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, how have you been doing during this time? Is the harvest of vegetables good?"

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "We are all doing well, the yield of vegetables is good, but when you are not around, the energy contained is sufficient. It is better to have a planter in the farm,"

Only then did Lao Zhang know why those large farms hired growers with high salaries. It turns out that growers are really important. Vegetables and fruits grown by growers have several times the energy of ordinary vegetables.

For example, during that time, Ms. Su, the quality of vegetables in their farm was surprisingly good. After Ms. Su left, the vegetables returned to their original level in less than a week. I can't blame the status of the supernatural master, who is very capable.

Hearing what Lao Zhang said, Su Qing smiled and said: "The hard work of the two of you should also be counted, otherwise the vegetables would not grow so well.

Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, my grandma just came here. We had dinner together in the evening and got to know each other. My grandma is very easy-going. She has been farming in her hometown. I hope she likes the current environment. Tell me more about us. farm business. "

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Old Zhang nodded again and again, what can he say, the owner is back, he can only hand over the power, and when the old lady finds out the farm, it is time for them to leave.

Su Qing felt that Lao Zhang seemed to have misunderstood something, but she didn't need to explain. In the future, Lao Zhang would understand that she was the one who brought the two of them to be companions for grandma.

Su Qing walked around the farm and went back. Su's farm is very small and unremarkable in Fuchunxing, so since Su Qing bought it, nothing major happened, and no one would think of a small farm.

On the contrary, Bessie's beauty and the rarity of the big cow spread among the nearby farms, but people were not interested in women and a cow.

There are no ugly people in the interstellar era, especially in the developed galaxies, where the medical level is very high, and people's economic conditions are good, and they may be transformed into handsome men and beautiful women at any time.

Bai Qian looks so good-looking, who knows if it was made out of plastic surgery, so no one will pay too much attention to it.

As for Da Niu, isn’t it just a green-horned ox? It’s the exotic animal meat that ordinary people like to eat. Rich people eat high-energy meat, so outsiders don’t pay much attention to it. Huisai gave it a handful of grass to eat.

It's also fortunate that Fu Chunxing's environment is peaceful, otherwise Su Qing planted so many elixir, Daniel's rarity, Bai Qian's beauty and charm, would definitely cause Su Qing some troubles.

After Su Qing and Bai Qian returned home, they began to prepare dinner for the evening. Jiaojiao and Huomiao had already nestled into their nest to sleep.

Both people and animals are used to the things they use frequently. The two Huomiao brothers and sisters in the nest have been sleeping for several years, and they are a little old, but they just like to sleep there, and they lie in it as soon as they come back.

Su Qing's cooking skills are very good. After Bai Qian transformed into a human form, she learned cooking skills well. The two of them cooked together, and the smell soon spread from the kitchen.

Zhu Xiuyun was incensed by Su Qing, and she would not be able to wake up for a while. Su Qing would naturally wake her up when eating.

When the meal was ready, Lao Zhang and his wife just came back. They went back to the dormitory first, washed up briefly, changed their clothes, and then came over to help with some work.

Unexpectedly, the two girls had already finished cooking. There was a large table full of dishes, which smelled delicious, and they must have been made with high-quality ingredients.

Su Qing greeted the two of them, "Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, you are here, hurry up and sit down, dinner can be served right away, I will wake up grandma, she is tired from the journey and is still resting."

Lao Zhang felt a little sorry, "Miss Su, thank you for inviting us to dinner. We came late and wanted to help with some work, but now we just wait to eat. I'm a little ashamed."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Uncle Zhang, don't be so polite, you forgot that we are still fellow villagers, my grandma is here, why do you have to sit down and have a good chat, she has just left home, she is not feeling well!"

Lao Zhang said with empathy: "Yes, yes, yes, we can understand that it is difficult to leave our homeland. When our family first arrived in the medium-sized galaxy, we missed our hometown. It was hard to adapt to today's life."

Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law felt a little sad, if their son hadn't died, their family would be very happy, how could they be used to work part-time!

Su Qing woke Zhu Xiuyun up and asked her to get up and eat. When she was full, everyone chatted together before going to bed.

Zhu Xiuyun heard that Lao Zhang and his wife who worked on the farm also came from the original galaxy. Although they are not from the same planet, they are still fellows. They also have common topics, so they immediately followed Su Qing to the restaurant excitedly.

When Lao Zhang and his wife saw Zhu Xiuyun coming, they immediately stood up to greet her.

Su Qing introduced: "Grandma, these are Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang who work in our farm."

Lao Zhang hurriedly said: "Hello, old lady, just call me Lao Zhang, my wife's name is Ding Rui, you can call her by her name directly."

Zhu Xiuyun chatted with a group of wealthy people every day on the spaceship, and also learned a lot of scene words,

"Hello, I'm not a big shot. Don't call me old lady. I'm not used to it. I'm a few years older than you two. Just call me Sister Zhu. We all sit down and talk while eating."

Zhu Xiuyun greeted Lao Zhang and his wife with the kind of warmth he treated fellow villagers. His warm smile and enthusiastic tone made Lao Zhang and his wife less restrained and began to chat with her naturally.

The two sides talked quite warmly, nothing more than children, family, livelihood, food and clothing, Lao Zhang and his wife can be considered to have found someone who can tell their bitterness.

Su Qing didn't take a few mouthfuls of the meal that Su Qing served them, and she couldn't delay the meal if they had a happy chat. She could only persuade:

"Okay, grandma, Uncle Zhang, you guys eat first, and then have a good chat after eating."

Old Zhang suddenly said: "Oh, it's my fault. I forgot that Sister Zhu has just arrived home and hasn't had a good meal yet. Sister Zhu, let's eat first, and then talk after we finish eating."

Zhu Xiuyun nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, what you said is too true. From now on, you and your wife will tell me more about the things that should be paid attention to in living in a medium-sized galaxy. We Qingqing never tell me those things."

Ding Rui [Aunt Zhang] said: "Sister Zhu, you are also confused. Miss Su has just graduated from college, and she has never made a living in the society. She knows how ordinary people live."

Zhu Xiuyun nodded proudly, "Yes, our Qingqing has been very good at studying since he was a child, and he took me over just after graduating this year."

Lao Zhang was afraid that his wife would talk endlessly, so he quickly tore off the corner of her clothes. Don't make Miss Su angry, as long as they can please Big Sister Zhu, if it's for her sake, it would be great to keep the two of them up.

Ding Rui used to be a student who graduated from the intermediate class of the primitive galaxy. Either she was an ignorant village woman, or she was in a medium galaxy. People did not agree with the qualifications of the primitive galaxy, so they couldn't find a good job. He also began to please Zhu Xiuyun.

As soon as Lao Zhang talked to her, he immediately understood, so he didn't say much. He took the bowl and started to eat.
(End of this chapter)

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