Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 572 Settling the Old Yard

Chapter 572 Settling the Old Yard

In fact, Zhu Xiuyun was already hungry, but she was very excited to meet a fellow villager for a while. Lao Zhang and his wife did not speak, and she also took a bowl to eat seriously.

There are two special dishes for grandma to nourish her body. Su Qing keeps adding them to her bowl. The old lady is not picky about food, and she will eat any dish given by her granddaughter.

Su Qing felt sad. Grandma, as a person from Shanquan Village, lived a poor life. How could she have the right to be picky eaters? She has eaten such unpalatable synthetic food for decades. She is not around her grandma, so she must not be willing to eat more energy food.

In the future, I must let grandma eat nutritious food every day to keep her body in good shape.

Lao Zhang and his wife usually eat vegetables and food grown in the farm. They pick some bad vegetables and eat them by themselves. They seldom eat meat. Occasionally, they go to other farms to buy a chicken or two catties of meat. Eat, but also reluctant to eat often.

In this way, the couple are very satisfied. They don't spend much on food every day, and their salary can be saved for their children's tuition. Therefore, the two of them don't want to leave Su's farm, and odd jobs are better than regular jobs.

Today Su Qing made several kinds of meat dishes. Although Lao Zhang couldn't tell what kind of meat it was, he thought it was very delicious. He secretly thought that what Miss Su bought must be high-grade exotic animal meat, not ordinary livestock raised on the farm, otherwise How can it be so delicious?

After the meal, old Zhang's daughter-in-law Ding Rui scrambled to clear the table, wash the dishes and wash the dishes. Bai Qian and Su Qing couldn't earn her money, so they had to let her do the cleaning.

Originally, they only needed to bring the dishes and bowls into the kitchen, a matter of cleaning the dust, and the kitchen hygiene would be solved. Now that Ding Rui is here, Bai Qian has to do it together, helping to clean the bowls with a cloth, which is a lot of trouble.

Su Qing didn't need to take care of the kitchen work, she made a pot of tea, poured it for grandma and Lao Zhang, let them chat slowly,
Later, Ding Rui joined in after finishing her work. Bai Qian didn't like to listen to the hostess and family's gossip, so she went back to her room to watch the drama.

Su Qing didn't speak, just sat quietly and listened to them. Grandma seemed to be back in the village again, chatting with her sisters, and she looked in a good mood.

Su Qing thought to herself, it was really wrong to leave Lao Zhang and his wife behind, and it was worth it just because they could make grandma happy.

After nine o'clock, Lao Zhang and his wife left and went back. They had to get up early and go to bed early every day to do a day's work. Although there were farming robots, it was not easy, after all, they were not young.

Zhu Xiuyun is also a person who is used to going to bed early. When she returned to the bedroom, Su Qing was afraid that she would not be used to sleeping, so she took out the bedding she had at her old house and let her use it first, and then changed to the new bedding when she got used to it.

This made Zhu Xiuyun very happy, as expected, she lay on her usual quilt and slept more soundly with the familiar smell.

When everyone was asleep, Su Qing flew into the air, and Bai Qian, who was lying on the bed, frowned, and murmured: "I just came back and didn't practice, so what are you doing?"

Su Qing didn't call her, and she didn't want to go out, so let's continue watching the series!

Su Qing looked down from the top and found a pleasing place before lowering the height. This location is more than ten meters away from the small building, which is suitable for the old courtyard at home.

Su Qing stretched out her hand and pressed down lightly. It seemed weak, but it weighed tens of thousands of catties. She pushed down the ground to a depth of more than one meter, which was exactly as high as the soil of the old yard she cut.

After Su Qing fell to the ground, he let out the yard of his hometown. It fit perfectly, and just filled it in, as if there was such a yard somewhere.

Su Qing checked with her spiritual sense. There was nothing wrong with the house, except that many places were in disrepair. Tomorrow, someone will come to repair and strengthen it according to grandma's wishes.

The big tree in the yard had a lot of roots cut off. If it wasn’t properly maintained, it would have withered and died. But who is Su Qing? ,

The whole yard was filled into the pit, and Su Qing sent a trace of pure wood spirit energy to the big tree. The roots under the big tree grew rapidly, and took root deep, but they were stronger than before.

Su Qing sees that there is no problem. When she wakes up tomorrow morning, she will bring her grandma to the old house to cook and eat, making her feel like she is in her hometown. After she gradually gets familiar with the new environment and gets used to using those advanced tools, grandma The old house will be abandoned, and it will become the place where grandma misses her hometown.

Settling the old house is not finished. My family is fine, and they won't talk too much about Su Qing's mystery.

Lao Zhang and his wife can't do it, they are outsiders, won't you be surprised to see an extra yard next door when you wake up in the morning?Even if it is built now, it will not be so fast, and an extra dilapidated yard will be created in one night.

So Su Qing had to modify their memories to make them think that the old house was built long ago, just to make grandma feel more at ease, and by the way, made up some memories of the construction team building the house, anyway, it can explain the structure of the house The source is fine,

There are very few residents in Fuchunxing, most of them are busy every day, and they don’t visit each other. The nearest farms are dozens of miles away, so it’s good to deal with Lao Zhang and his wife. In the future, outsiders will get information from them. Yes, the more you say it, the more people will think it's true.

Su Qing landed in the backyard, approached the house where Lao Zhang and his wife lived, and directly used the five-element escapism to penetrate the wall. Where there are no restrictions and formations, how can they block the monks? Of course, not all monks know the five-element escapism , Learning one is considered a good talent.

Su Qing's wood-type escapism is the most powerful, and the other four have only learned the basics, so it is no problem to pass through a wall.

Lao Zhang and his wife fell asleep a long time ago, and Su Qing flicked them lightly, and they fell into a deeper sleep. Su Qing stretched out the power of Yuanshen, entered their brains and began to modify the memory, which was completed soon.

Just like when she came here, Su Qing retreated quietly,
Back in my bedroom, sitting cross-legged on the mat, I can finally start to practice comfortably.

As Su Qing began to exercise and practice, aura formed a storm and swept in. Su Qing absorbed the aura, filtered out the supernatural energy, or pure wood-type supernatural energy, slowly floated out of the room and radiated to the surroundings, no matter what it was Plants all like wood energy, and they all open up to absorb it vigorously.

Su Qing doesn't need to use the ability of a planter at all. Just practicing every day can make the vegetables and fruits in the farm grow fast and full of energy.

Of course, it is only effective for general food and vegetables, not for spiritual plants. The higher the level of spiritual plants, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and the more energy is needed. The energy filtered by Su Qing will have less effect on spiritual plants. ,
Many spiritual plants need to be cultivated for many years before they have sufficient medicinal properties. The biggest role of a high-level planter is to shorten the time to plant and cultivate those high-level elixir. It is not easy to find wild medicinal materials that take ten or hundreds of years to mature. The high-level elixir of the empire depends on those great masters to cultivate them!

Cultivating a few spiritual plants a year is enough for them to live for a few years. If they grow some vegetables, fruits and food at will, they can live a good life all year round. Of course, those are people without ambitions, like Su Qing.

Most of the cultivators will be hired by major groups. Whoever asks them to pay more money will cultivate a lot of elixir in a year. There are many benefits for children and families, and most people will join a big force.

Before Su Qing graduated, he also received invitations from many big companies, as well as from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Empire. It was impossible to work for others, and Su Qing ignored them all.

Although Su Qing performed well in the graduation competition of Imperial Capital Star, compared with the talented students of the top ten academies, in most people's eyes, there are still many shortcomings, and the game where she won the game was very strange and very problematic ,

(End of this chapter)

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