Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 573 The girl's appetite is not small

Chapter 573 The girl's appetite is not small
Many people think that Qinglan College cheated, although they couldn't find out, so it is not inevitable for some big forces to win Su Qing, so she can live a leisurely life in Fuchunxing, otherwise some troubles will come to her .

In the early morning, Su Qing finished his work and opened his eyes, took a deep breath of energy-filled air, got up and changed his clothes, and waved his hand, his whole body was clean and tidy.

Pushing open the door and gently knocking on the door of the grandmother's room next door, Zhu Xiuyun woke up a long time ago and was sitting on the bed in a daze. The strange environment made her feel like a dream, and her mind was hazy.

Su Qing opened the door and came in, saw her awake and said, "Grandma, you are awake, let's make breakfast."

Zhu Xiuyun looked at Qingqing in a daze, her mind finally cleared up, this is not Shanquan Village, this is her and Qingqing's new home, everything has to start from scratch, she needs to cheer up.

"Okay, wait for me to change my clothes, you don't need to dress so well when cooking at home."

Zhu Xiuyun got out of bed, dug out a whole body of old clothes, went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, Su Qing helped her fold the quilt.

"Qingqing, where are we going to cook?" Zhu Xiuyun asked strangely until Su Qing pulled her out of the small building.

"Grandma, you forgot, we brought the old house. I fixed the old house. It's the same as before. You can use whatever you want. Everything is there. I'll find a construction company to repair the old house later. .”

Zhu Xiuyun showed a look of surprise, that's right, they brought home, she can still go home to cook and eat, all the belongings are there!

"Come on, let's go and see what's going on at home."

Although the building in the farm is beautiful and the room is clean and tidy, Zhu Xiuyun still feels most at home in her own home.

Walking out of the courtyard gate, Zhu Xiuyun saw her own house, where it was as quietly as before, waiting for her to enter, as if she had never moved.

She couldn't wait to run over, pushed open the courtyard door, and was delighted to see that everything remained the same, even the big trees in the courtyard were lush and lush, as before,
Turning around in each room, Zhu Xiuyun showed a happy smile, "Qingqing, that's great, our house is still here."

"Yeah!" Su Qing nodded.

"I'll go and cook something delicious for you. You take out all the collected food and put it back where it was. From now on, grandma will cook for you every day."

Su Qing took out a few bags of food from the space, "Okay, but you have to be willing to put things away, I can't eat dry ones."

Zhu Xiuyun's favorite food is the food grown by herself. She is used to eating it and thinks it is very delicious, but Su Qing knows that there are too many impurities in those foods, and she has to expel them every day, so she might as well not eat them , but how could she bear to discourage grandma's enthusiasm.

Zhu Xiuyun excitedly ran into the kitchen to cook. Fortunately, there was a large pile of firewood piled up in the yard, otherwise Zhu Xiuyun would have difficulty cooking. No one in Fuchunxing used firewood to cook.

The rising smoke from the kitchen attracted Bai Qian. During Su Qing's absence, Bai Qian and Daniu didn't have to cook, and the two big monsters didn't need to eat. They only cooked once in a while because of Bai Qian's feeling If you are interested, Daniel will be satisfied if he has grass to eat.

Bai Qian knew that Su Qing had built a dilapidated yard next door last night, but she didn't care, but she saw them walking towards the dilapidated yard in the morning, and wondered why Qingqing didn't cook for grandma in the morning, why did she go there?

When she saw the smoke rising from the courtyard, she ran over curiously to see what Su Qing and grandma were doing.
"Qingqing, grandma, good morning, what are you doing here?"

Zhu Xiuyun was rolling out noodles, and Su Qing added two logs to the earthen stove to make a pot of marinated tomatoes and eggs.

Seeing Bai Qian coming, Zhu Xiuyun showed a bright smile, "Bai Qian, you came just in time, let's eat together when breakfast is ready, try the noodles I made, it's very delicious, only made in our firewood pot The taste is authentic."

Bai Qian immediately agreed: "Okay, okay, Qingqing will teach me how to cook with a stove."

She saw the cooking method of the earthen stove, how could she let it go and not learn, this cooking is more suitable for their monsters, those high-tech products need to use all kinds of energy, as monsters, it is impossible to get human beings for a long time Energy and various technological products are not so practical.

The method of cooking with firewood is just right, so you must learn it and give it to the children in the future.

"Haha, Bessie, you still need to learn how to make a fire. Just put the firewood in. As long as it doesn't go out, you can cook the meal."

Holding the kitchen knife, Zhu Xiuyun quickly cut the noodles into noodles, then grabbed one end, shook and rubbed, and a handful of noodles was ready.

Bai Qian's eyes lit up and she really wanted to try it herself, so she stared intently and wrote down every step of Zhu Xiuyun's steps.

Su Qing already knew that Bai Qian would be interested in meeting her grandmother, but she didn't know how to do it. This big monster just likes to do housework.

Seeing Bai Qian watching, Zhu Xiuyun asked her if she knew how to roll noodles?
Bai Qian shook her head, she definitely wouldn't, people in medium galaxies all eat noodles made by machines, who would have the spare time to roll their own noodles.

But this primitive way of cooking makes Bai Qian even more happy. This is what she needs to learn. After leaving the human society, her clan can use it.

Human's way of life is very good, convenient and fast, but it is not suitable for monsters, monsters are not capable of establishing a high civilization.

Zhu Xiuyun was a little dazed when she woke up this morning. At this time, the depressed mood had long since disappeared, and she was in her own courtyard, happily chatting with Bai Qian about the daily routine.

Su Qingsheng brought out tomato and egg marinade, added a pot of water to cook the noodles, and was too lazy to go out to fetch the water, so he directly cast a water spell, and a half pot of water suddenly appeared out of thin air.

When I was in the village, the yard was still connected to water and electricity. When I arrived at the farm, it needed to be reinstalled. After dinner, I just found a construction team to connect the water and electricity.

Zhu Xiuyun and the noodles were already rich, including Bai Qian's portion, the noodles were cooked, the three of them sat at the table in the main room, and with the small cucumbers and radishes from the farm, they poured tomato marinade on the noodles, it was delicious The braised noodles whet the appetite.

As a big demon, Bai Qian can eat or not, as long as she practices and absorbs spiritual energy every day, she won't be hungry.

The noodles made by Zhu Xiuyun are too fragrant, and I don't know what special taste they have, but they are delicious. Su Qing, grandpa and grandson each eat a bowl, and they are full, and Bai Qian will make the rest.

Zhu Xiuyun was secretly surprised, Miss Bai has a lot of food, and there is still room for three people in her cooking, but there is nothing left.

After eating, Zhu Xiuyun couldn't wait to look at the fields at home. The yard couldn't run away here, and the most important thing was to get familiar with her own land.

The three of them happened to be strolling after dinner, and Su Qing introduced to Zhu Xiuyun what was planted in the field along the way.

Zhu Xiuyun felt happy when she saw the green crops. She has been farming all her life. She doesn't know what else to do besides farming. She can't eat or sleep.It's good to have a field, she can finally have something to do.

Su Qing pointed to a large area of ​​crops, "Grandma, a hundred miles around are all for our family's fields. You just came to Fuchunxing, so you should rest for a few days, take care of your body, and get familiar with the environment. When you are fine, you can go to the fields every day as you like." Just do some work, there is no need to work as hard as before, I will feel sorry for you when you are exhausted."

Zhu Xiuyun looked at the crops, "Okay, I understand, I'm not stupid, we paid people to do the work, and robots, what am I doing with my life, I will go to the field to pass the time, otherwise you hire People’s money is wasted.”

Zhu Xiuyun's account is clear, don't look at her having a good talk with Lao Zhang and his wife yesterday, Qingqing gave them money, and free board and lodging, what a beautiful job, how could she help They share and let outsiders take advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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