Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 581 Wasteland Reclamation Fleet

Chapter 581 Wasteland Reclamation Fleet

As for a suitable marriage partner, Qingqing is so good that she will always find a good man who suits her.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhu Xiuyun finally figured it out, even if it's useless to regret, it's better to live the present and love Qingqing doubly, after thinking about it this way, her heart became brighter, and she really fell asleep.

If Su Qing knew her entanglement, she would definitely laugh out loud. No matter her identity or future marriage, it doesn't matter to her. A monk pursues the road of longevity and aims to ascend to the fairy world. Who cares about secular matters, what status gap, family The big clans are all ignored by Su Qing. When her cultivation base is high, it is just a matter of waving a family by one person. Now her cultivation base is not high, and she still needs to dormant.

The distance from Qixing to Fuchunxing is not far, and soon they returned to Su's farm. The family was safe and sound, and the few people managed the farm very well.

Su Qing brought gifts for everyone, Lao Zhang and his wife, Daniel, Jiaojiao Huomiao, and several people showed happy smiles when they received the gifts.

Lao Zhang and his wife were very envious of Zhu Xiuyun being able to go out and have fun, but they could only work hard every day. Even if Su Qing gave them a holiday, the couple would not be willing to go out and spend money.

After Su Qing came back, he bought a lot of spiritual plant seeds and started planting spiritual plants on a large scale in the farm. Lao Zhang and his wife didn’t know how to plant and cultivate, but they had no problem with watering and fertilizing. Besides, there were farming robots, and the host of the robots already had seeds. Lingzhi's program.

After the grandparents and grandchildren returned from Venus, the farm will begin to plant various elixir.

The merchants who came to Fuchunxing to buy goods heard that the owner of this small farm was a cultivator and started to grow spiritual plants on a large scale. They came to inquire one after another and wanted to order a batch of spiritual plants. After all, spiritual plants were more expensive than vegetables and food.

Now that the empire is resisting the invasion of Zerg, it consumes a lot of spiritual plants. After all, there are many supernatural masters in the army, and the war will cause countless wounded, and the various medicines and elixir needed for healing and cultivation have increased dramatically.

As a result, the purchase price of Lingzhi has risen again and again, and the highest purchase price in the market is the various materials for refining medicine and magical instruments.

Su Qing agreed to help Wang Lu and Chen Hongfei cultivate a batch of high-level elixir. The low-priced spiritual plants planted on a large scale can be sold directly to local purchasers. After all, Fuchunxing is their territory, and many purchasers are backed by various forces. , It's not easy to offend.

At this point, the entire Su's farm gradually got on the right track, and Su Qing's life began to be smooth and uneventful. Apart from contacting her friends, she cared most about Meng Yu and Yang Wei. Both of them had no news, and she probably didn't. It's dangerous, but I'm also quite worried. I don't know if they are doing well.

Su Qing also pays attention to the battle ahead, and finds that it is not optimistic. The territory occupied by the Zerg is getting bigger and bigger, and their combat effectiveness will be stronger, and there will be many arms that can target humans.

The front line has been slowly shrinking, and some mineral stars have been abandoned. If this continues, the prospects are not good.

There was no news from Meng Fong for a long time, and Zhu Xiuyun and Granny Meng were both asking why Meng Fong hadn't contacted his family. Even if he was a guard for a big shot, he couldn't have a rest time, and why the communicator couldn't get through all the time.

Su Qing also tried, but still couldn't get through, so she could only leave a message, asking Meng Hao to contact his family as soon as possible, and told him the lie he made up, so that he must not reveal the truth.

On this day, the small building was quiet, only Su Qing was sitting on the roof, quietly listening to the old ancestor's lecture.

There is plenty of sunshine, a large area and a wide view, which is very suitable for practicing meditation. Su Qing will come up every day to practice Jiuzhuan Xuangong, practice and study.

Luo Zilan was explaining the layout of the mountain protection array, because Su Qing wanted to set up a protective array for the entire farm, and it didn't have to be activated at ordinary times. Once there was danger, it could protect the entire farm from persecution and give them time to escape.

Suddenly Su Qing's communicator rang, and Su Qingyang lowered his wrist and saw that it was Meng Rong's name, and immediately said with surprise: "Old Ancestor, stop first, Meng Rong is here to communicate."

Luo Zilan nodded, stopped explaining, she was also curious, what happened to Meng Hao after he entered the army after so long?
"Qingqing, my recruit training period is over, and I can finally contact the outside world. I saw your message. Please tell me how you went back, so that I don't accidentally slip through."

Meng Hao appeared in the video. He was quite handsome in a military uniform. His skin had turned darker, and his whole body looked stronger. There was a look of determination in his brows. He looked like a qualified soldier, but he was short of going through the baptism of a war. .

Su Qing first recounted her experience from leaving school to the time she left Mengyuexing with her grandmother and returned to Fuchunxing's farm.

Meng Yu nodded, "Well, when I communicated with my family, I knew what to say."

Su Qing hurriedly asked: "Meng Yan, what fleet have you been assigned to, is it dangerous?"

Meng Hao said slowly: "We are all new recruits, and it is impossible to be sent to the front line directly. I was assigned to a mecha regiment of the wasteland reclamation fleet, mainly going to those undeveloped wilderness planets to investigate resources, collect information, and clean up the land. Out of a safe range,

The task of the entire fleet is to provide a large amount of high-level elixir and exotic animal meat for the imperial army. Some of them are close to the border area, and there is not much danger for the time being. Once the major legions in front are defeated, there is a high possibility that we will encounter Zerg big. "

Su Qing's face changed, "How is it possible, you are a recruit and a master of martial arts, how can you be assigned to such a dangerous fleet."

Meng Yu said calmly: "I applied on my own initiative. If I don't come here, when will I have a chance to rise up? You also know my ability. Don't worry, I won't die. You gave me so many treasures for self-defense. The Vajra Talisman will help me." I keep it close to my body all the time, as well as various pills and the knife."

Su Qing understood that it was useless to say anything, it was Meng Hao's choice, so she had to say:
"Send me your detailed address, and I'll send you a new batch of talismans and pills. If you run out of anything, tell me, and I'll make it up for you in time."

Meng Yu nodded, "That's fine. I will send you back any good things I come across during the land reclamation process. You don't want to take the interstellar express, it's not safe if it's too slow. I'll give you a contact information. You can go to the army as a family member." logistics system."

Su Qing nodded. Meng Xun had his own ideas when he grew up. He had already made up his mind to go to the front line.

The two talked about some more things. Meng Hao went to contact his family first. He happened to be wearing a military uniform, and he could also pretend to be the uniform of the royal guard. Anyway, his family had little experience and couldn't tell the difference.

Su Qing turned off the video, and felt more at ease. Meng Yan finally got news, and she was very happy, but after all, Meng Yan insisted on following the path he chose. The child he raised by himself could only try his best to save his life. , Those kinds of life-saving panacea should be refined as soon as possible.

Luo Zilan continued to give lectures, but in her heart she approved of Meng Yan's approach. As a monk, one has to fight constantly, to comprehend the Dao between life and death,
Meng Hao's practice requires fighting more, venting the devilish energy in his heart, otherwise he will be in danger if he breaks the balance. Of course, it is not Meng Hao who is in danger, but the people around him. If you kill people, you will be attacked by groups, and you may not be able to escape in the end. Thermal weapons are still very powerful.

Zhu Xiuyun heard that there was news about Meng Rong, so she quickly contacted Meng Rong, said a few words, and seeing herself, she finally felt relieved, otherwise she had no news at all, and she was also very anxious, afraid that something would happen to the child .

On the other side, after Meng Hao hung up the video with Su Qing, he contacted his family. His grandma and parents looked at the child in military uniform in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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