Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 582 The New Rookie

Chapter 582 The New Rookie

The family had endless things to say, and Meng Yu kept answering questions from grandma and parents.

Grandma Meng blamed Meng Hao for her self-assertion, and said: "Meng Hao, what you did this time is wrong. You have been away from school for six years, don't you know how much your family misses you? Leave with someone, at least give us a letter."

Meng Hao said with a simple smile: "Grandma, parents, I think the opportunity is rare, and they won't allow me to tell you, so they just took me away for training. I am qualified to leave the camp today, do you know?" ? I have already learned how to drive a mecha, the kind of mecha that can go up to the sky and land on the ground."

Meng Yan lost all his aura, he looked similar to when he left back then, and faced the blame from his family with a smile.

What I think in my heart is, parents, grandma, for your safety and for us to live a better life in the future, I will work hard,
Meng Hao chatted with his family for an hour before hanging up the video.

The Meng family's income is limited, and they are reluctant to spend on communication fees. They always wait for the answer and dare not call. The cost will be so high that it will scare people to death. Their son can't make money without Qingqing.

This time, the children have graduated and finally have an income. As long as they support them a little every month, the family will be more relaxed. Especially Meng Shuo is 12 years old. He will graduate from the elementary class soon and start to enter the intermediate class. The family expenses will increase. Supporting them is really overwhelming.

After two college students, Su Qing and Meng Hao, came out of their village, every parent paid special attention to their children's education. Unfortunately, the children in Shanquan Village were not very talented. Dropping out halfway, simply cannot afford the high cost of study.

But many people are still insisting, because everyone has seen the importance of learning. Meng Shuo's academic performance is good, and it is not a problem to be admitted to the intermediate class. Mingyue City's famous schools cannot be admitted, but the intermediate class in AY City is very sure. Therefore, the Meng family hopes that Meng Yu will have a good job and solve Meng Shuo's study problems.

The Meng family knew that Meng Yu still owed Su Qing countless interstellar coins, so they were thinking about the child's salary, which was a bit cheeky, but they really couldn't do anything. Let the younger son stay at home and farm, and prevent him from receiving education?
They can only rely on Meng Shuo. As for the money owed, as long as people pay it back slowly, they will pay it off one day, but Meng Shuo's study cannot be delayed.

The last time Qingqing came back, she didn't mention paying back the money at all, and said that when the situation stabilized, they would go to Fuchunxing's farm to settle down.

After chatting with Meng Hao today, a few people realized that Fu Chunxing's farm was bought by Qingqing, and it was called Su's farm. The Meng family went to work for the Su family?
Meng Hao told his family that the war ahead is not optimistic, so they still don't want to move. After a few years, the situation on the battlefield improves. He saves some money and buys a small farm, and they move there.

The Meng family thinks that's the best. In fact, they think it's okay to work for the Su family. They can work everywhere, and they can earn more money in the medium galaxy.

But there are dangers of Zerg, of course it is safer to stay in Mengyuexing. Speaking of Meng Shuo's studies cannot be delayed, Meng Hao said that he will take care of it, and let the elders rest assured.

Meng Yu said this because he joined the land reclamation fleet and really got a lot of good things. He sent all the things he got from the team and what he got personally to Qingqing, and asked her to make medicine or help sell them, so that he could get some good things. A lot of money, on the one hand, it can repay Qingqing's debts, and the rest is more than enough to train my younger brother

Meng Yu stood in a quiet place in the barracks. After contacting his family, he returned to the dormitory.
He is just an ordinary soldier now, but because he is assigned to the mecha regiment, he is treated very well, and the house he lives in is well-equipped, which is no worse than the dormitory when he was in school.

Moreover, in the army, you don't need to spend any money on food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and you can still earn money. Meng Hao thinks it is very good.

His mech, Black Whirlwind, has never been used. He used the standard mecha in the army. Although it is not as powerful as Black Whirlwind, it is not bad.

There are a total of ten people in their team, only he was newly assigned. The captain took good care of him because he was young and a graduate of Qinglan College. Generally, students who graduated from prestigious schools would join the army as recruits and would never be assigned to the land reclamation fleet. Come on, it's too dangerous to be overqualified.

Squad leader Zhao Zhiping looked at Meng Xiao's information, and he understood, hey, poor baby, this is being targeted, born as a commoner, with no power behind him, even if he graduated from a prestigious school, he will be run out, look at the assignment to their fleet Here we come, the first-line exploration mecha regiment is very dangerous, and the battle damage rate is not low, so we need to take care of this rookie in the future.

How did Zhao Zhiping know that Meng Yu was extremely gifted in martial arts, and his mechs could play tricks, so he had been scrambled by all the major fleets for a long time. Unfortunately, Meng Yu was unwilling to go and insisted on going to the border area to fight the Zerg.

The assigned officer kept explaining that the recruits could not be assigned to the major garrisons on the front line. Those were all ace troops, and the new recruits were not qualified.

The new recruits are not even cannon fodder, but Meng Hao said impassionedly, he joined the army after being inspired by the old marshal. He wanted to defend his home and country, wipe out all the Zerg, and enjoy peace in the rear. He couldn't do it and insisted on going. Fighting, swaying his blood.

The officer can't say clearly that a talent like you can't go to the front to die. If you train well for a few years, you will become a general in the army. Then it's time for you to show your skills.

But Meng Hao pretended to be stupid and frightened, with the excited posture of an angry youth and hot-blooded youth. He said that he would go to the front line. In the end, the chief assigned him to the land reclamation fleet, not far from the battlefield, only ten days away.

Meng Hao was right after thinking about it. I heard that although the land reclamation fleet is dangerous, it is full of oil and water. The soldiers can get a lot of good things. They can sell them if they don't need them.

Sometimes the team goes on missions, and the good things they find are privately owned. What the army wants are large quantities of spiritual plants, exotic beasts, and minerals. Not bad.

Meng Hao thinks that such a fleet can not only experience, but also get good things, which is very suitable for him, just like the situation of several people in the secret realm back then.

So from this day on, their mecha team began to explore new areas of the planet. The empire has a vast territory, and there are countless wild planets in its territory. The country is sparsely populated, and many planets are undeveloped.

Although these land reclamation fleets belong to various armies, they are actually influenced by major families behind the scenes. The military accounts for the majority of profit distribution, and a part of it is also distributed to the aristocratic families.

Walking in the harsh environment and overgrown mountains, Meng Hao seemed to have returned to the secret realm of hopelessness. At that time, his cultivation level was still low, and his equipment was also backward, so he was never afraid, let alone now.

Their team was all wearing special protective suits, helmets, long guns and backpacks, and steel knives in their hands. They walked forward quickly, explored the environment, took pictures, and recorded video with them. They followed an exploration warship in the sky. They can be rescued at any time.

As the first wave of teams to enter, the mecha regiment was divided into several teams to explore the information of animals and plants in the forest in different directions, and record and classify them.
By the way, clear the danger, facilitate large troops, build bases, and develop this area.

Because Meng Fan was a rookie, Zhao Zhiping placed him in the middle of the team so that he would be less dangerous.

When the team started to go deep into the dangerous place and clean up the high-level beasts, Zhao Zhiping realized that he was wrong. Meng Yan was not a simple and honest little milk dog at all, but a ferocious tiger.

Before the others could react, he had already flew up to him with a knife in his hand and killed the strange beast. It was so clean, as if he had done this kind of thing thousands of times.

(End of this chapter)

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