Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 583 Exploring the Wild Planet

Chapter 583 Exploring the Wild Planet
At the end of the day, the team encountered various dangers. The new planet, alien beasts and plants are different from the past. The creatures here are very strange, and their combat effectiveness is amazing.

Plants are also powerfully aggressive, and the strange beasts are strangely shaped and powerful, and they are no worse than the monsters in the hopeless secret realm.

Meng Hao has made a lot of progress over the years, and he can't beat the enemy with one move. Fortunately, their team is all iron-blooded elite soldiers, who adapt to various situations early, and can even drive the mecha into the air if they encounter danger.

They didn't enter the mecha battle at the beginning because they wanted to collect information, and by the way, to gain some benefits, it was not very convenient to drive the mecha, after all, the mecha was not as flexible as the human body.

Meng Yu graduated from a prestigious school. Although he studied in the Department of Martial Arts, he passed the exams all the way. He has a solid foundation. He is not bad at Lingzhi, Alien Beast, and several basic sciences.
Especially those things that Su Qing asked him to memorize by rote, he still can't forget them until now. Later, he started to practice exercises, and his primordial power increased greatly. Although he didn't understand many things, his memory was strong.

During the exploration process, he found many treasures.

Some of them are not even known to the students of the Lingzhi Department of the college. They are all the contents of the encyclopedia of elixir and the map of monsters taught by Su Qing.

Therefore, Meng Hao knew the names and habits of many weird spiritual plants and beasts, and they were useful. Since they were good things, they must not be let go.

In the exploration stage, all the things obtained belong to the individual. Meng Yu is definitely not welcome. These are handed over to Qingqing to be refined into potions and magic weapons, and sold to pay her own debts and money for Meng Shuo's education. up.

Seeing Meng Hao's performance, Zhao Zhiping couldn't help sighing, students from prestigious schools are really good, all-rounders!It's not easy for a martial arts graduate.

The fighters of the mecha regiment are all people with high spiritual power, suitable for driving mechas, but not all of them are supernatural masters.

In the various academies of the empire, the Martial Arts Department is classified as the Ability Academy. In fact, the students of the Martial Arts Department are not considered as the Ability Master. The Ability Master who enters the army will be assigned to the appropriate military branch. The reason why Xiao was assigned to the grassroots team in this way was because Meng Xiao graduated from the martial arts department, and like ordinary fighters, he has no special abilities.

Some of the mecha divisions in the army are trained by the military, and there are also academics like Meng Yu. The land reclamation fleet is basically all iron-blooded soldiers trained by the army, and the academics will be assigned to more suitable positions. Will come this kind of expedition fleet with high mortality rate,

So in the land reclamation fleet, like Meng Hao, there are very few soldiers who have studied all kinds of homework from childhood to adulthood. They are only responsible for collecting information and handing it in. Naturally, experts will analyze it.

Just because they didn't know a lot of good things, they missed a lot of treasures. Meng Hao's performance made Zhao Zhiping very happy. With Meng Hao and his team, they will make a lot of money in the future.

In addition to the monsters killed on the first day, and the spiritual medicine of the light spirit fruit, they found several kinds and a lot of poisons.
Meng Hao said that although those plants are poisonous, they are also good things for refining medicine, and they need to be picked carefully. He took out the jade box from the storage device and put it in, and affixed it with a sealing talisman.

Zhao Zhiping also asked strangely: "What the hell, why are you posting a piece of paper?"

Meng Hao said casually, "It's for keeping fresh."

Meng Hao has learned a lot about the methods of monks in these years, although it is not yet the foundation building period, it will be soon.

His body refining technique has already reached the foundation stage. After all, he has practiced for more than ten years, and his physical strength is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary supernatural masters, so he has the confidence to live.

Anyway, everyone learned from Meng Yan. He said that if you want to get some good things, ten people will dig together.

Through the conversation, everyone found that Meng Yan is a treasure. He knows everything, he can make medicine, he can make weapons, he knows strange beasts and spiritual plants, he is perfect.

In the past, college soldiers like Meng Hao would never be assigned to the front line to die. The assigned officer was also angry with Meng Hao and wanted him to feel the danger, so he would take the initiative to apply for transfer back in the future.

Meng Hao's talent in martial arts and mechs is extremely high, and he has already been spotted by several legions. Just because everyone competes with each other to restrict him, the chief doesn't know which legion he should assign to, and he doesn't want to offend any of them.
Meng Hao made a fuss about going to the front line again, and finally the officer in charge assigned him to the land reclamation fleet, the most dangerous first-line mecha regiment,

Aren't you clamoring to defend your home and country?Land reclamation fleet is not much safer than fighting Zerg, let this hot-blooded boy who has nowhere to vent his anger go calm down first.
Unexpectedly, the crooked strike was just right, and according to Meng Xing's intention, the planets that opened up wasteland were all places where human beings set foot for the first time. Over the years, he had accumulated a lot of good things. It was full, and it couldn't fit, so I stopped.

Their team ended today's mission after dark, and reluctantly drove the mecha back to the battleship.

After Zhao Zhiping came back, he also said to Meng Hao: "Meng Hao, let me tell you, those ordinary spiritual plants and strange beasts can be sold to the military department later, and they can be exchanged for some pocket money. The really valuable things should be kept. Now, when we have a holiday, send it to family members, take it to a big place for auction, and sell more interstellar coins, if you have no way out, come to me."

Meng Yu nodded, "Well, thank you Captain, I will send these back to my sister directly. My sister can refine them into potions and weapons, and it is more cost-effective to sell them. The pills she has refined will also be sent to me. Come back, my sister has a very high talent for refining medicine, which is even more effective than the potion issued by the Legion, didn't the pill I gave you today heal the injury immediately?"

Zhao Zhiping nodded. Today, after some comrades were injured, Meng Hao took out a bottle of elixir and gave it to several people. The curative effect was surprisingly good, several times stronger than the elixir given to them by the army.

Meng Yu had a lot of rejuvenation pills in his hands, so he was willing to take them out and take them, also in order to integrate into the team faster.

Zhao Zhiping smiled and said, "You're fine, you have a wonderful younger sister, so she is a pharmacist."

Meng Yan shook his head, "No, she was admitted to the Lingzhi Department of Tsinglan College. It is too expensive to go to the Department of Pharmacy, but she is a fellow practitioner in both departments, and the minor of Pharmacy is better for her."

Zhao Zhiping was a little confused. He had been admitted to the Department of Spiritual Planting and also had the ability to also study in the Department of Pharmacy. How good is Meng Xiao's sister? Was it really his sister who made that kind of elixir?Isn't that higher than the level of the master pharmacy master in the army, that's impossible.

Forget it, maybe Meng Yan is bragging, how big his sister is, maybe he just made it by chance. After all, Rejuvenation Pill is not a precious medicine, and ordinary pharmacists can make it.

Zhao Zhiping ignored this topic and handed Meng Hao a bag, "Meng Hao's elixirs were given to you by everyone, and your Rejuvenation Pill is not for nothing. Even if it was refined by your sister, Lingzhi is not You have to buy it yourself, people can’t use your things for nothing.”

Meng Hao nodded, took the elixir and put it in the storage container. He planned to borrow the alchemy room of the base after returning to the base to concoct the spiritual plants he could handle first, so as to save some banning charms.

It's more than a month's journey from Fuchunxing here. Some spiritual plants can't be processed, and their medicinal properties will be lost. Therefore, many soldiers get good things, they will be sold directly to the legion, and they will not be sent back to their families.

If you want to send it to your family, you have to pay a pharmacist in the army to help prepare it, which is not cost-effective.

When Zhao Zhiping heard that Meng Hao was going to use the medicine refining room to concoct spiritual plants, his eyes rolled, and the opportunity to make a fortune came.

From this day on, Meng Hao's team has been traveling non-stop on this undeveloped planet, exploring where it is suitable for building cities, where it is suitable for planting, and where there are minerals. Once the detectors find high-grade energy mines, the entire army will get rich.

(End of this chapter)

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