Chapter 584
Life is thrilling and exciting, and at the same time fighting the frontal battlefield of the Zerg, human beings have repeatedly failed, and the Zerg has occupied one planet after another.

The Zergs are still fighting on two fronts, and the two human nations can't beat a group of bugs.

Several major legions lost one after another and suffered heavy losses. Under pressure from all parties, the emperor finally agreed to send the first army of the central galaxy. With everyone's expectations, the most powerful army in the entire empire went to the battlefield.

Meng Hao is paying attention to the war ahead every day, and the fleet will also train soldiers on how to fight against Zerg. Meng Hao has experienced these trainings before leaving the new barracks, but the battlefield ahead is changing rapidly, and there are more and more types of Zerg. Be updated at all times to learn about the latest ways to fight Zerg.

The fleets of all legions are ready to face the Zergs, even the Planetary Guard, they must study hard, because no one can say for certain that one day they will face those countless bugs.

As time went by, the major land reclamation fleets received orders from above to step up the collection of resources, and the whole army was dispatched to try to take away all the good things, and the front line was about to retreat again.

If they retreat again, they will not be far from the administrative planet of human beings, and the galaxy where the wasteland planet is located will be dangerous. After they have collected the good things on the planet, they will also retreat.

Everyone knows that leaving less resources can reduce the Zerg forces by one point. Many mercenary groups, garrisons and even civil organizations have also joined the team of collecting resources.
In the past, the empire would not allow forces other than the military to go to undeveloped planets. The danger is one reason. The main reason is that a huge empire needs countless resources to support the army and the entire government. Artificial planting alone is not enough. , so the land reclamation legion of the military department is designed to collect resources for the empire. The empire has not won the big head first, and it will definitely not let the civil forces intervene.

But now the situation is urgent, the Zerg's offensive is fierce, and the losses on the battlefield are unstoppable. It is cheaper for the Zerg to keep these resources, so they began to let go of the control of all undeveloped planets, as long as you have the courage Star thief, the imperial army will not stop you, as much as you can get back.

Now all the forces in the entire empire are going crazy, there are plenty of people who are not afraid of death, and even ordinary people dare to come here to make a fortune.

Countless spaceships and warships shuttled between the border area and the empire. Meng Hao sent a large package to Fuchunxing every day. Su Qing received the package softly. Meng Hao got so many good things.

These were sent to Su Qing after Meng Hao sorted them out. The slightly more common ones were sold directly to the legion. There is no need to waste limited space. The military has restrictions on personal items sent by soldiers. served alone.

Su Qing also sent out batches of pills and talismans through the military's logistics system for Meng Yu to save his life.

Many of the things Meng Yu sent were extremely precious, and there was no such thing in the spiritual plant market in the empire. They were all good things recorded in the Comprehension and Spirit Medicine Encyclopedia, and they were indispensable for refining high-level spirit medicines.

Su Qing happened to be short of several of these elixirs, otherwise several of them would not be able to be refined.

Although she still has a spatial picture scroll of the Qinglian Sect, she has only refined a half of the picture scroll in recent years, so she might come up with something, and besides, the things in the picture scroll need to be less, and the resources sent back by Meng Yan are just for emergency.

When Meng Yu communicated with Su Qing, he never mentioned the tension in the army.

However, the price of living materials and strategic materials has risen, the market of people's livelihood products has fluctuated, and some news on the Internet and star TV, Su Qing also knows that human beings are retreating step by step, the strength of insects is greatly increasing, and human beings on the battlefield are not optimistic, so it is impossible to start a war to a year.

Su Qing is not the kind of cold-blooded and ruthless person. In the era of cultivation, although monks treat ordinary people like ants, and hundreds of thousands of people die, they don't care. That's because human beings generally kill each other. Of course monks don't Will manage.

But now in the face of the catastrophe of genocide, monks are also human beings, ordinary people are all dead, and there is no basis for the existence of monks, so Su Qing will take action to protect some people when necessary while preparing the way out for his relatives and friends ,

But her strength alone is limited, once the imperial army is defeated across the board, she will not be able to stop all the Zerg army.

If she wants to defeat the Zerg, everyone needs to work together, but at this stage, she can only take care of Meng Rong first. In the future, with the help of the military through Meng Rong, her combat power should not be exposed too early, so as not to become a fighting tool of the empire, no matter what. She will assist Meng Hao in attacking the Zerg when Meng Hao has a certain amount of power.

At this stage, she must first ensure the safety of her relatives and friends, so that she can fight without any worries. Facing the Zerg invasion is not the responsibility of one person, but the responsibility of the entire human race. force.

Although Fu Chunxing has a small population and a peaceful and peaceful environment, relying on the developed information network, some news quickly spread throughout the empire. People like Zhu Xiuyun and Lao Zhang, who are not so concerned about this war, also found that Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the merchants who came to the farm to purchase told them that the price of goods had been rising, and advised them to grow more grains and vegetables and store some to prevent sudden disasters.

Zhu Xiuyun discussed with Su Qing to store a variety of food and vegetables in the basement.
Su Qing nodded and agreed after thinking about it for a while. With her here, they will not be short of food. It is better to take precautions. The jade pendant space should also be tidied up, and some food and vegetables, especially various seeds, Su Qing is decisive. Start to scan the goods on the star network.

That night, after Lao Zhang and his wife fell asleep, Su Qing gave them some incense to make them sleep more soundly.

Cai, Zhu Xiuyun, and Bai Qian are fully armed and ready to fight. Even Daniel, Huomiao and Jiaojiao can't be idle.

Su Qing stood above the field and cast the wood system method. A layer of green light centered on her and spread to the surroundings. The spiritual plants and grains below touched the green light and began to grow crazily.

Bai Qian could still see it normally, but Zhu Xiuyun opened her mouth wide in surprise. It's not that she has never seen Qingqing's effect on the growth of vegetables, but it took a night to grow. She witnessed with her own eyes that in a blink of an eye, the food is ripe enough to be ready Harvested, too shocking.

Su Qing landed in front of several people, "Grandma, why are you in a daze, hurry up and control the robot to harvest."

Only then did Zhu Xiuyun wake up, "Oh, ok, ok."

Only then did the robot go down to the ground to harvest grain. Su Qing, Bai Qian, and Jiaojiao, Huo Miao, began to harvest the spiritual plants. The farming robot harvested grains well, but it was almost impossible to harvest the spiritual plants. Generally, high-level elixir still needs to be harvested manually. Only when it is collected will it be completely undamaged.

Fortunately, they have a lot of human and animal pets, Huomiao and Jiaojiao can also use monster power, and their claws are also very powerful. They can dig out a spiritual plant in a few strokes, and then the big cow bites one by one and puts them in fresh In the box, after taking it back, Su Qing has to clean it up before refining the medicine. Even if it is going to be sold, it needs to be cleaned and tidy.

Soon, the grain and Lingzhi's front and rear feet were harvested, and it took less than half an hour. At this speed, ordinary people would have to work for two hours.

The harvested and threshed grain was quickly bagged. Su Qing waved it away and put it in the basement. There was no need to waste time running back, and all the boxed spiritual plants were also put away.

Under the control of Zhu Xiuyun, one of the farming robots began to plow the ground and fertilize, and the other planted the seeds, and the work was completed almost at the same time. Then Su Qing continued to let the newly planted grains take root and germinate, grow and mature. Natural growth takes several months. Su Qing gave birth in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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