Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 585 Silver Wing Thor

Chapter 585 Silver Wing Thor
So everyone started to get busy again and worked until [-]:[-]. Zhu Xiuyun yawned. She couldn't remember how many times they harvested the crops and spiritual plants. She didn't know if a night's hard work would be enough to fill the basement at home.

Su Qing saw that it was very late, the robot was not tired, but the human could not stand it, half of the energy stones of the two planting robots were consumed, and usually one energy stone can last for more than two months!
Su Qing gave birth to the seeds she sowed the last time until the height of the crops grew at the beginning and then stopped.

"Grandma, Bai Qian, let's call it a day. The food harvest is probably enough to fill the storeroom. Grandma is also sleepy, so go back to sleep quickly."

Except that Zhu Xiuyun couldn't keep up, Su Qing and a few beast pets could work for three days and three nights. How could Su Qing ignore grandma's fatigue? broken.

Zhu Xiuyun nodded, it's time to go to bed, and the work can't be done in a day.

"Okay, let's all go back to sleep, it will be dawn soon."

As soon as Zhu Xiuyun spoke, the group of people and the monster quietly returned home, and went to sleep in their respective rooms.

Su Qing returned to the room, and did not sleep, but sat cross-legged on the bed to think, once the Zerg broke through the border defense line, and the imperial army retreated to the medium galaxy, where would they go, return to Mengyuexing?

It's a pity that the imperial army was defeated too quickly. It took only one year for the border area to be so large. It took more than three years for the Secret Realm of Hope to be opened. The time has not come yet, and I haven't got a battleship yet. What should I do?Minsheng supplies are easy to buy, but transportation is a problem.

When the war breaks out, civilian public spaceships will definitely not be able to count on them, and military warships will not pick up ordinary people like them. Maybe they will pick them up for the sake of being a supernatural master.
But we must not expect the government to show kindness. Thinking of them, the competition at that time was money and power. If you don’t have money, you can’t afford flying tools, you can’t navigate in space, and if you don’t have power, you can’t squeeze into public spaceships. You can only wait for death. .

Many people in the entire empire are paying attention to the battle ahead, even ordinary people are not ignoring it. At first, they thought that if the Central Army came out, everything would be fine, and they would definitely be able to counterattack. It is a pity that the Central Army's equipment and soldiers are very powerful, but they have not experienced it all year round. After a large-scale war, the army was inexperienced, and it did not recover the decline in one fell swoop, but was able to stalemate temporarily.

I heard that several generals of the Central Army are very good, all of them are masters of supernatural powers, and they commanded well against the Zerg, repelling several strong attacks of the Zerg.

Especially the head of the mecha regiment, not only has high mecha driving skills, but also a lightning-type supernatural master. Through the mecha bonus, he can release stronger supernatural powers. He almost killed a king-level Zerg, which greatly encouraged the army's enthusiasm. morale.

The battle video was continuously broadcast on StarTV and Starnet. A silver mech slashed the Zerg crowd. He killed a bunch of bugs with a swing of a knife. With a wave of his hand, a purple lightning bolt cleared the void.

The Thunder Department is indeed the most powerful supernatural master, and that person is also a mecha master. Soon, the Silver Winged Thunder God began to become the idol of the imperial people.

It's a pity that Thor has been wrapped in the mecha, and no one knows his true face. The military keeps Thor's identity strictly confidential.

Su Qing also watched the video, but shook his head. Although Thor's attack power is very strong, his skills are lacking. A lot of superpowers were wasted, which made the attack effect much worse. Fortunately, the Zerg didn't know any skills. Press on.

"What kind of Thunder God? It's not even half as good as Meng Yan's. He lacks experience. He just relies on good equipment and powerful abilities." Luo Zilan said disdainfully.

Su Qing also agrees with the old ancestor's words, Meng Hao's fighting talent is very strong, the experience arranged by the school these years is not in vain, and various experiences have accumulated a lot,
Don't look at the fact that Meng Hao couldn't beat the geniuses from the top ten academies when he was graduating. It's because he had limited resources, and he wasn't like those heaven's favored children who were raised by their families since childhood. Their genes were of the highest quality, and their physique was naturally stronger. Coupled with the large amount of resources invested in the day after tomorrow, a pig can become a master.

Meng Hao's innate talent is not top-notch, and his savvy and understanding are not high, and he was cultivated entirely by Su Qing.

Meng Hao met Su Qing when he was ten years old, and only then did he start practicing the Nine Turns Mysterious Kungfu. When he went to school in Mingyue City, Su Qing had the opportunity to refine medicine and help him and Meng Hao take care of their bodies. them.

Although the starting point of the two is lower than that of those geniuses, the skills they practice are extraordinary, and this distance will be gradually reduced.

Su Qing's talent is high, and he has long caught up with or even surpassed those people, but Meng Hao can't, he is also a body cultivator, and his progress is relatively slow, but Meng Hao is determined, moving forward step by step, and sooner or later he will surpass his peers in the same period Those geniuses, Meng Hao's combat effectiveness at this stage is not inferior to those Tianjiao, on the contrary, it is far superior.

Because the First Army participated in the battle, the situation on the battlefield changed little by little. After all, the First Army is known as the most powerful army in the empire, with the most sophisticated equipment and personnel. It was indeed a bit disadvantageous when entering the battlefield at the beginning because of lack of experience. After all The Empire hasn't had a major war in decades.

After several battles, all the generals and soldiers grew rapidly, and some planets were recovered, but the recovered planets were also in jeopardy, and the Zerg might attack again at any time. On several planets, there was a confrontation between the human army and the Zerg. situation, mutual loss.

The empire continued to invest in troops to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army. Many supernatural masters rushed to the battlefield one after another. They were not passionate and dedicated to destroying the Zerg, but to study the Zerg nearby, find out the weaknesses of those bugs, and their continuous rapid development. reason for reproduction.

Although the ancestors recorded a lot of information about the Zerg, each time the Zerg appeared was different, and new types would appear according to the combat status of the opponent, and the previous experience was not 100% effective.

Su Qing also wanted to go to the battlefield when she saw the articles published by those great masters, but when she thought of Zhu Xiuyun and the farm she had finally built, she couldn't leave at all, so she was worried.

At this time, the fleet where Meng Hao was in became more and more dangerous. Once the army in front retreated, Meng Hao and the others would be chased by the Zerg if they couldn't keep up with the large army. How many people would die in a bloody battle.

Meng Hao is about to face the Zerg, and he is thinking excitedly every day, how to deal with it at that time, whether to drive the mecha or fight with his own martial arts first, and then throw out a handful of fire talismans first, or keep it for life-saving.

There are not many soldiers who are as excited as him. The strength of the land reclamation fleet is not low. They are all veterans of many battles. Will shrink back, and will bravely go forward, just like those colleagues on the front line who are succeeding.

Everyone is collecting resources as soon as possible, loading them on transport ships and sending them to the front or rear.

With the stability of the battlefield ahead, it seems that humans have gained the upper hand again, but all commanders feel faintly uneasy.

Meng Hao was still a little disappointed that he couldn't fight the Zerg right away. Looking at the vast forest on the wild planet, he could only drive the mech to keep up with the large army and continue to collect resources.

Those strange beasts they encountered in the past, they would kill them, but now they have changed their strategy, as long as they can beat them away, leave these vicious opponents to the Zerg!They removed as much essence as possible from the entire planet.

The low-strength civilian forces and mercenary groups only dare to follow the army to collect resources. This is a bit of a sense of security. The major organizations have also made a lot of money. It is their turn to do such good things for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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