Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 586 Encountered Zerg Ambush

Chapter 586 Encountered Zerg Ambush
A wasteland reclamation fleet is in charge of one planet, and several planets are collecting resources at the same time. After more than a month of such frenzy, the entire planet is about to be sorted out by the soldiers, which also causes a strong counterattack from the native life.

If it weren't for the major mecha regiments cleaning up in front and the air support, those soldiers would have suffered casualties. How could the wild planet not be in danger.

Even if all the soldiers in the fleet are elite soldiers, casualties are unavoidable. Land reclamation will encounter various dangers from the environment, exotic animals, and plants. Don't underestimate plants, sometimes causing more damage than exotic animals.

The ten members of Meng Hao's team also encountered various dangers, were poisoned, fell into the crevice of the cliff, were bitten by strange beasts, and had broken bones and tendons during the fight.

There is Meng Hao who can solve everything, there is detoxification pill for poisoning, and raw bone pill for broken bones. If you fall into the crack of a cliff and can't get out, and you can't drive a mecha, Meng Hao even took out a big hammer and smashed the gap. Chiseled.

Zhao Zhiping was dumbfounded, "You boy, you have great strength."

But this day was a turning point in Meng Hao's fate. The Zerg had taught the imperial people a lesson, and the Zerg was also wise.

The human army ahead blocked the Zerg's progress, but the void of the universe is so big, wouldn't they go around far?
At this stage, the planets abandoned by humans have been developed for many years, and the remaining energy is limited, which is not enough for the Zerg to develop in an all-round way.
While constantly confronting humans on the frontal battlefield, a Zerg death squad is sent to occupy those undeveloped planets in the empire. As long as a worm nest is built on the planet, the mother worm will quickly teleport there, continuously hatching more worms Soldiers, began to copy the back of the human army, and wiped out all the human troops in one fell swoop.

Meng Fan is not an ordinary martial artist, but a body-refining cultivator. Later, he practiced the Heavenly Dragon Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu, and his spiritual energy can also be stored in the dantian, and some monks' methods can also be used, such as using the divine sense to detect.

There is also a premonition ability for crises. This day their team came out to clean up new areas to collect supplies, followed by a few small mercenary regiments, and when the army finished collecting, they followed behind to pick up some bargains. In the face of national crisis, The army did not stop it either. It is better to let humans take it than to leave it to the Zerg.

This has always been the case during this period of time. Many powerful mercenary groups dare to search an area alone, and they will definitely gain more benefits, but more small organizations choose to follow behind the army to be safer.

Meng Hao's hearing is very good, and the rustling sound from the mountains in the distance made him feel very strange, just like when he encountered a group of snakes in the mountains when he was a child, something was crawling in the dense jungle, could it be a group of snakes or other strange beasts? And the surrounding environment is not right today, it seems very quiet, why is there not even a bird in the tree?
Meng Hao walked to Zhao Zhiping's side, "Captain, there is movement ahead, be careful, I have a bad feeling."

Zhao Zhiping stopped and listened carefully, "No, it's all the sound of wind blowing leaves."

Meng Yan's face was solemn: "Captain, there is really a situation, let's be careful!"

Zhao Zhiping has rich experience in the army for more than ten years, and he also felt that something was wrong. He nodded and said, "Li Ziqiang, Zhang Xingzhi, you two get on the mechas, go ahead and see what's going on, and pay attention to the weapons and keep them on alert at all times."

"Yes, Captain." Two soldiers walked out of the team, released the mechs in the open space, entered the driver's cab, held the mecha guns, and began to explore forward. There was no problem when they walked out 500 meters.

Zhao Zhiping looked at Meng Hao and smiled, "Aren't you kid, you're too nervous, there's no danger."

As soon as the words fell, there was a scream from the mercenary behind him. Zhao Zhiping looked back, because the distance was still far away, and he couldn't see what the mercenary encountered.
However, Meng Hao suddenly clenched the knife in his hand, activated the Vajra Talisman on his heart, and shouted: "The captain has a monster, pay attention."

Meng Hao's voice was full of excitement, he liked the appearance of unknown creatures, so that he could have a hearty fight, his consciousness had already seen that those creatures,
It's not small, with patterns on its body and no fur. It seems to be a crustacean and not a strange beast. Whatever it is, let's talk about it after hitting it.

Holding the standard steel knife issued by the army, according to the shadow, he swung the knife out, and the blade light several meters long slashed at the nameless creature.

The surrounding grass and trees were blown away by the blade energy, revealing a large area, where a strange creature was lying there, watching them carefully, never thought that Meng Hao would launch a sudden attack on it.

Meng Hao slashed at its body with a knife, and a long gash suddenly appeared, and brown blood flowed out, making it let out a miserable cry.

Now everyone could see that it was a big bug. Since Meng Hao had the experience of fighting huge bugs in the Secret Realm of Hopelessness, he was not afraid, so he swung his knife and slashed at it.

He found that there were countless bugs of this kind in the grass in front of him. He tried the abilities of these strange creatures first. At this time, Meng Hao hadn't realized that these were Zerg that sneaked into the empire. He thought they were mutations from the hopeless secret realm. Like insects.

However, ordinary insects are not intelligent and will not surround and ambush them. The two mechas in front were also attacked by several insects. Coupled with the screams of the mercenaries behind, Zhao Zhiping quickly came to the conclusion that they entered the encirclement. , he is not sure whether these are native creatures or Zerg.

The mercenaries in the back are also citizens of the empire, so they can't just leave them alone. Zhao Zhiping quickly issued an order. Two soldiers got on the mechas and ran back to check the situation.
In front of them, Meng Hao and his two companions had already fallen into the encirclement of bugs.

Meng Hao killed a big insect with a knife, and ran to the next one. There were insects densely everywhere. He shouted: "Captain, is this the Zerg? How did they come? There are too many."

Meng Hao has already seen that there are countless big bugs hidden in the dense forest, but his combat power is comparable to that of the blood jade spider. He can deal with it completely, but the knife in his hand is not suitable, and the knife in his hand is stored in the storage container.

Summoned the Nine Suns Treasure Saber that has been stored in the dantian, and unfolded the Fiery Sun Saber Technique, a gust of hot air flowed out, and the blade shone like the scorching sun in the sky. The life of the big bug.

The two mechas were also killing the bugs. Even if they wanted to retreat the bugs, they wouldn't let them leave easily, and surrounded them bravely.

The mechs can still go into the air, but what about the ordinary soldiers and civilians behind them?Not everyone has Meng Hao's combat effectiveness, and not all fighters are mecha masters.

Zhao Zhiping also quickly gave orders, and everyone in the team began to gather in the mechas to eliminate these bugs, and then slowly retreated.

Zhao Zhiping quickly contacted the battleship, sent the video to him, and asked if it was Zerg.

After analysis by the experts on the fleet, it was found that this is a new kind of Zerg, but where did they come from? It is ten days away from the battlefield. Soldiers also have to pass through their transport bugs, but the huge transport bugs are so conspicuous, why haven't millions of troops noticed it?
The battle here seems to have activated something. The land reclamation fleet of the entire planet was attacked by bugs at the same time, even those mercenaries. Many people were killed by bugs carelessly. All videos were sent to the fleet. Experts confirmed these It is the Zerg. Except for the Zerg, there is no such creature that has such a high intelligence and will ambush humans.

Knowing that they were facing the Zerg, all the soldiers began to fight back hard. The Zerg and humans are sworn enemies, and there is no possibility of reconciliation. The two sides will never die when they meet.

(End of this chapter)

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