Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 587 Bloody Battle Step by Step

Chapter 587 Bloody Battle Step by Step

The supernatural masters, mech masters and ordinary soldiers in the army began to fight with these bugs. The sound of explosions, screams, and blood splatter made everyone's eyes red.

Humans and Zerg are intertwined, and battleships cannot use artillery fire to avoid hurting their own people. The captain can only order soldiers to escort civilians to retreat gradually, enter the battleship and spaceship and leave the planet as soon as possible.

At the same time, they quickly contacted the military headquarters and reported the situation. A large number of Zerg soldiers were found on the wild planet. They were attacked and surrounded by Zerg.

For a moment, the entire army panicked. What's going on? The army clearly stopped the Zerg. How could there be Zerg in the empire? How did they get in?

Several land reclamation fleets reported at the same time that powerful creatures suspected of being bugs were found on the planet. They were vicious, bloodthirsty, and cannibalistic. Tens of thousands of them surrounded all human beings.

The wasteland reclamation fleet is not low in configuration and has sufficient troops, but when they suddenly encountered the Zerg, they were not prepared at all, and casualties were not small, and they reported to the military headquarters that they needed rescue to break the siege of the Zerg. Otherwise, the entire fleet and countless civilians would be killed. The whole army was wiped out.

All soldiers received an order to let the civil organizations retreat first, and wait for those people to board the spaceship or the warship began to lift off, and then the soldiers boarded the ship and retreated in an orderly manner.

Originally, they thought that they would be safe and leave this galaxy as soon as possible after they took off, but the situation is not so simple.

The fleet commander suddenly exclaimed, "What is that? It's not good that the air is also blocked. This is to destroy us all."

At some point in the air, countless long and huge bugs appeared, which could fly in the air, with a hole in their abdomen, and various Zergs flew out of it non-stop. This made the fleet commander finally confirm that this is definitely a large army of bugs. .

These are transport bugs. Flying bugs, land bugs, bombing bugs, and communication jamming bugs began to appear in the air. . .This is a fully equipped Zerg army. It broke through the blockade of the human army and entered the empire. It is dangerous now.

The commander's heart sank continuously. It seemed that they had no way out. The Zerg's posture was to wipe out all human beings.

The entire fleet's communication with the outside world was suddenly cut off. It should be the Zerg that blocked the communication. All the troops and civilians who collected resources on the planet became entangled. They were surrounded by a group of bugs. They were still three-dimensional on land and in the air. .

The air fleet began to bombard the Zerg in the air. Before they died, they struggled a bit. Humans can't wait to die with nothing to do. If only some of them can get out alive!
Zhao Zhiping commanded the mecha team to intercept the Zerg while retreating. The order they received was to protect the civilians and get on their respective spaceships to escape quickly.

Before everyone was lifted into the sky, the Zerg flying troops who had been ambushing in the air for a long time came out to surround the entire sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. This made many people despair, and they might all die here.

Humans entered the spacecraft and planned to fly into space, but the appearance of Zerg in the air made everyone's plans come to nothing. It is very likely that all human beings will be killed. Except for the soldiers, the civilians began to panic. Weak also felt cold.

An order came from Zhao Zhiping's communication, all the fighters of the mecha regiment went into the air, wiped out the Zerg in the air and opened an escape route for the civilians.

At this time, only the soldiers will be at the front, defending their home and country, and protecting the citizens of the empire. They are not just talking about it. Only when they fight a bloody path will they have a chance to escape.

Meng Hao has been driving the mecha to fight. Although he is powerful even without entering the mecha, as a soldier, it is his bounden duty to obey orders, and it is engraved in his bones on the first day of serving as a soldier. So how dare he not listen to the captain's order? It has nothing to do with the strength of the battle, as a soldier, you must obey the commander's orders.

After Zhao Zhiping received the order, he shouted to the survivors: "Hurry up and get into the spaceship and start to lift off. The air is surrounded by flying insects, and there are many bomb insects. We will open a passage for you, try to escape!" , can live one is one, can't escape and die together."

Zhao Zhiping looked dignified. He drove the mecha and led the team into the sky, regardless of the Zerg on the ground. He had to go into the void as soon as possible to have a chance to escape. Otherwise, staying on the planet would be a dead end, and the entire planet might be occupied by the Zerg. up.

They didn't realize that they were surrounded earlier, and the Zerg race surpassed a million troops and invaded the interior of the empire. This is the end of the day, the people are devastated, and the blood is flowing like a river. They are just the beginning. From then on, the imperial people are in danger.

All five hundred mechs were launched into the air under the leadership of the regiment leader, and the mercenary regiment and people from various groups behind them drove their spaceships to keep up. One person is good, maybe there are interstellar pirates, they are fully capable of beheading those land bug soldiers, and now the soldiers can't take care of them, they have to quickly enter the battleship and lift off.

The entire mecha regiment consisted of 500 people. Five hundred mechas flew into the air and began to guard and clean up the Zerg around the flagship.

The human beings on the planet who have not boarded the ship must be hopeless, and there is a tragedy everywhere. Most of the private warships and spaceships have already been launched, and they are surrounded by mech masters. The strength of the organization that dares to come here is not weak, there must be differences. Ability masters and mech masters are going to do their best at this time, and the soldiers will not always protect them.

It was the first time Meng Hao saw real insect races, ugly, vicious, and filled with hostility among those insects. They were indeed the natural enemies of all life, with an aura that destroyed everything and devoured all life energy. Living things cannot coexist.

Meng Yu has been struggling to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart for a long time. Since he entered the wasteland reclamation fleet, he has been fighting bravely to vent the evil thoughts in his heart. Seeing so many insects, they are killing like crazy All the Zerg in front of you.

The fleet commander gave an order, and the entire fleet and various arms cooperated with each other, and began to rush out of the encirclement.

A series of battleship main guns fired out, and indeed tore a hole, but was soon surrounded, and the belly of the transport bug seemed to have an endless source of soldiers.

The mecha opened the way, the fighter plane assisted, and the warship attacked from a long distance. A round of artillery fire hit the transport bug without any scars, and the transport bug's defense power could not be broken at all.

This indicates that the human side is likely to be wiped out, and the nearest reinforcements will not arrive until a day later. The land reclamation fleets on several nearby planets are likely to be ambushed by the Zerg at the same time.

The [-] mechas of the Mecha Regiment are like a sharp knife piercing the Zerg. Although it is the first time for everyone to fight against the Zerg, in the virtual battlefield of Xingwang, every fighter has experienced the battle with the Zerg. I don’t know how many times. In the battle, even if the appearance of the bugs is slightly different, it is the same. Every fighter bravely moves forward, rushing forward bravely and pouring the weapons in his hands on the Zerg.

Meng Hao waved the mecha sword in his hand, channeled his spiritual energy, and brought out a faint light. With a single strike, he could kill a string of Zerg, no matter what kind he was, just charge forward.

Explosive bugs are constantly being dropped near them, and the unlucky comrades are blown upright before they can dodge. Although the mecha is strong enough to block it, the fighters inside will also be affected. If there are too many times, the mecha will be damaged. Returning to the fleet for maintenance will be very dangerous at this time. If one does not pay attention, the mech cabin will be bitten by bugs, and the people inside will be seriously injured if they do not die. Fortunately, the comrades are strong and protect the injured soldiers to enter the battleship to repair the mecha.

(End of this chapter)

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