Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 596 Anxious Waiting

Chapter 596 Anxious Waiting
Silver Winged Thunder God has a cold expression every time, silently listening to the noisy discussions of the legion commanders, and finally asked his opinion hypocritically, what opinion can he have! !

Except for the first army who sincerely supports him, the other armies have different ideas and different forces. They are afraid that their own army will suffer heavy casualties and weaken their strength in turn, and they are unwilling to make any effort to wipe out the Zerg.

Lei Shen sneered in his heart, what time is it, and he still doesn't forget to play tricks, can such an army defeat the Zerg?If it weren't for everyone not being able to work together as a result of being exploited by the Zerg?

He went back to his exclusive battleship in a fit of anger, and his personal guards changed his clothes and served him tea. After hesitating, he said, "Captain, Miss called through the communication and said that there is a man named Su Qing who wants to find Yang Yu to fulfill the promise back then." , take your amulet as a token."

Originally, the guards didn't want to disturb the leader's rest, but the person who sent the letter had a special status, so he really wanted to delay the master's affairs, and he didn't have any good fruit to eat after returning.

The man's handsome face showed doubts, his brain was running fast, and he finally thought of who Su Qing was and what happened to Yang Yu. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Okay, I got it, let me tell you. From now on, my name will be Yang Yu in the army. I will show up as Yang Yu in public. You will equip a potion of disguise in a while."

"Yes." The guard was shocked, it turned out that the head of the regiment was really Yang Yu! !

In Fuchunxing's Su's farm, after Su Qing contacted Jing'an, she was restless waiting for the news. She didn't know if Jing'an would help to tell Yang Yu that she would ask him to fulfill the promise back then.

There was no news of Meng Hao for a day, and she felt uneasy. Although she had a premonition that Meng Hao was not dead, she didn't know where he was, which still made people anxious.

"Qingqing, we were still careless. How could we have imagined that that boy Meng Yu would encounter the Zerg tribe after only half a year in the army, and he would be so dangerous. If I had known that he would leave behind a Yuanshen lamp, and the light would not go out, he would be fine and be at ease. point."

Although Luo Zilan had never been in contact with Meng Yu, she had long regarded him as her disciple, and it was very troublesome if something happened to the child.

Su Qing's eyebrows were gloomy, and she said regretfully:
"Old Ancestor, maybe we are all a little arrogant. I didn't expect a group of bugs to become a serious problem. If I reach the Nascent Soul Stage and use the sword array, I don't know if I can destroy them all at once. What is the specific strength of the Zerg? Detailed battle data analysis, now we can't get any information, contacting Yang Yu is necessary, for Meng Hao, and to better understand the strength of the Zerg, don't wait for us to encounter Meng Hao's situation , I will regret it when I am in a desperate situation."

Su Qing has no intention of cultivating these days. She didn't tell Bai Qian about Meng Yan's matter. Bai Qian might have guessed that something happened to Meng Yan. She also knew that Su Qing had been hiding it from her family, and she would definitely not be with Su Qing in the open. The discussion will be over if Zhu Xiuyun overhears it.

As for Yang Dayong of Mengyuexing, to be honest, when the star network was about to turn upside down, the people of Mengyuexing didn't pay much attention to the event of the Zerg encircling and annihilating millions of soldiers and civilians. They just heard the news when they broadcast the news and knew A dead person, I was amazed at the time, what should I do afterwards.

The original galaxy is too far away from the battlefield, and has never fought. The news lags behind a lot. They really don't realize what it means to die a lot of people. What's more, the videos posted on the star network were all banned and deleted within a day. Meng Yuexing's people didn't even feel it, Yang Dayong didn't know that Meng Yu was also one of those soldiers.

Only some close teachers and classmates knew about Meng Fang's accident, and they would not spread the word randomly.

Now that the matter is coming to an end, Su Qing realizes the disadvantages of being low-key, lack of connections, and no one from a powerful family to help find out about Meng Fang. Where is it now.

Su Qing sat cross-legged and pondered whether she wanted to change her strategy to be more high-profile and gain some fame.

Look at her national teacher, a little foundation-building cultivator, she's so good at it, she's still a Golden Core cultivator!
And she has a complete inheritance, isn't she more valuable than a national teacher, but when she thinks of contacting so many people, she starts to resist again in her heart. She is not the kind of person who is good at dancing, and dealing with people makes her feel apprehensive.

Su Qing doesn't like to meet many people, and she is not good at socializing and dealing with all kinds of people, but the elixirs she refines are good things. No one in the entire empire can refine medicines better than her. With those elixirs, she is favored by big forces easy.

In the past, when she sold pills in the black market, she always reduced the quality of pills to an extremely low level. She seldom sold high-end pills. What she sold were first-tier to third-tier high-end products, and only occasionally sold some high-priced ones. In fact, in the jade pendant space, A lot of elixirs that she has refined are about to pile up into mountains, but she dare not go the way of the black market for fear of being found out.

The black market and the open market are definitely colluding with each other. If you really want to, you can find out, especially how can she have the money to buy those things.

If you contact Yang Yu and provide him with pills and supplies to the army, you can count yourself as an indirect contribution to fighting the Zerg, but many things must be discussed with Yang Yu himself. Acting as this intermediary can also allow Yang Yu to support Meng Hao well.

It is not clear what attitude Yang Yu will have when he knows his request, and will he agree?

Back then in the secret realm, she felt that Yang Yu was the young master of a wealthy family, even inferior to Chen Hongfei, who was a scumbag with extremely talented combat prowess, but he had a good character and could see the form clearly. , calm-headed, good at analysis, and can make prompt decisions when things happen.

I haven't seen him for many years. Yang Yu has graduated from Tianlong Academy for several years. He must have started to participate in government affairs. People who enter the officialdom are all treacherous. How can they be as simple-minded as before? Don't be betrayed by him.

But Su Qing really can't help it. This time Meng Hao had an accident, she had nowhere to ask for help, and only then did she know the benefits of power. She is full of skills, what's the use of being the first in the empire in alchemy, and she can't find out where Meng Hao is?
Su Qing regretted letting Meng Hao's ambition grow, insisting on pursuing power, and even felt that it was a mistake to let him practice the Heavenly Dragon Wuxiang God and Demon Art.
Although Meng Hao can't practice the exercises of Faxiu, he also has the exercises of body-training monks in his hands, but the advancement is slow, and it may take decades or hundreds of years to enter the golden core stage, but for people of their class, It was enough, originally they could live happily, even if the Zerg invaded, the few of them could hide in the secret realm, and let him fight outside forever.

When her family is safe in the secret realm, she and Meng Yan will go back outside again. It is better to save people from insect killers without any worries, than to pursue power with all their heart, and now their whereabouts are unknown.

Meng Yu is with her, she can control any situation, the little Zerg will not hurt them at all,

What should we do now?She is a dignified Golden Core cultivator who is helpless, and has the cheek to beg for help one by one. The ancestors said that they have never seen such a useless cultivator like her.

Su Qing's self-esteem was hurt. She is a golden core cultivator. She can go to the sky and enter the earth, but she can't enter the void for the time being. She should be very powerful!

Thinking about her, she is actually nothing special. Interstellar humans can also do it relying on their technological level. The ability master drives the mecha, and the combat effectiveness is very powerful. A complete fleet, the combat effectiveness of various arms is not low, Jindan Monks are nothing?
(End of this chapter)

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