Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 597 Yang Yu's Change

Chapter 597 Yang Yu's Change

The imperial army is so powerful, why can't they defeat the Zerg, they are just a group of bugs, no matter how powerful they are, they can be as powerful as the tenth-order monsters in the Hopeless Secret Realm, and the Zerg don't know magic, it's just that there are a lot of them, but there are also a lot of humans.

With Su Qing's knowledge, how could he think of the game between the upper class, even in the face of the cruel and man-eating Zerg, the major legions did not forget to preserve their strength, did not eliminate the Zerg, and let the Zerg find an opportunity, but copied the human race's retreat. surrounded them,
Once the power of the Zerg is strong, they will definitely continue to invade the empire. Which planet does not have a population of hundreds of millions, which is easier than besieging these armies. Humans are low.

Not only is the information of the Zerg race recorded in human history, but the memory of the Zerg race's female inheritance is also deeply impressive to humans, a kind of delicious meat.

It's just that every time the Zerg is born, you will find that humans have changed, but it doesn't matter, they will also evolve.

Entering the universe where humans live this time, I found that although humans have mastered many new technologies, the crucial transmission technology has been lost. Such a large universe relies on those flying tools. Even if all spaceships reach the speed of light, they are not as fast as the transmission channel! !
I remember how many generations ago, humans could still carry out interstellar teleportation, and found that humans are not as good as Zerg, which made the nobles in Zerg very happy. It’s good to lose it, otherwise, how could their large troops have reached the rear of humans without anyone noticing, haha ! !
The female worms were singing happily in the newly built worm nest on the wild planet, and all kinds of king worms around them were also happily giving suggestions, and a feast of killing and catastrophe was about to begin.

The human beings are still holding each other back, discussing, and have no idea that the Zerg only left a small number of troops to hold back the humans. The female insects took the leaders of the Zerg and ran away a long time ago. The worm nest is waiting to breed more new types of zerg, lead the army to invade the human planet, make greater brilliant achievements than the ancestors, wipe out all humans in one fell swoop, and occupy the entire universe.

If the human beings can unify their opinions earlier and concentrate their forces to eliminate the remaining Zergs to avoid being surrounded and turn around to deal with the Zergs in the Wild Star Territory, it will not give the Zergs a chance to grow. Delaying time is basically helping the enemy, etc. After these idiots discover the true strength of the Zerg, they will be stunned.

Su Qing definitely doesn't understand these things, she has all the abilities, she just wants to live a life of seclusion, carefree, but unfortunately things can't be done, something happened to Meng Yan, she can't ignore it, she must expose some of her abilities to make people pay attention, in exchange for Meng Yan It's a smooth journey. After the Zerg is eliminated, Meng Hao will achieve his goal. She is watching the situation. If not, she will go to the secret realm to retreat for a hundred years, so that people can't find her.

Now I can only take one step at a time, even if she is exposed, so what, she is a golden core cultivator, she is not afraid of troubles, originally she just wanted to live a simple life, since the reality does not allow it, then face the difficulties and be brave She had to face it, otherwise she kept hiding, and it would be detrimental to her practice. No monk would be bound by those trivial matters in the world.

The sound of the communicator interrupted Su Qing's contemplation, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen.

Su Qing directly clicked on the connection, and as soon as the figure appeared in the opened video, Su Qing's eyes lit up, and she said pleasantly: "Yang Yu, you finally contacted me, it's really not easy to find you."

On the opposite side, Yang Yu said with quiet eyes and a cold voice, "You want to fulfill the promise you made back then."

Su Qing was taken aback by Yang Yu's tone of voice, why did he have such an attitude?

Back then, Yang Yu was not like this. At that time, he spoke politely, was full of sunshine and nobleness, elegant and kind, very intelligent, able to judge the situation, liked to observe secretly, did what he should do silently, took good care of his younger brother and sister, and was a heart-warming person My brother, why is his temperament cold now, his eyes are cold, and there is an evil spirit on his body, what's going on?

Su Qing concealed her excitement, nodded and said: "Yes, Yang Yu, you haven't forgotten, you promised to help me with the three things back then, right?"

"I remember, you just said, what do you need my help for?"

Yang Yu has already contacted his younger sister and knew that Su Qing was doing it for Meng Yan. He had asked his personal guard Li Yi to investigate. As long as he is fine, it should be easy to find him.

Su Qing paused, it seemed that the other party was not in the mood to reminisce about the past, and her attitude was as if she had completed a task. That's right, today is different from the past, time, place and identity are completely different. How can she be equal to Yang Yu as a commoner? She looked normal in her eyes, and it was considered good if she could fulfill her promise.

"The first thing I ask you to do is to ask you to support Meng Hao and give him a chance to show off, so that he can grow up smoothly in the army. Meng Hao is no worse than the students of the martial arts department of the top ten colleges. Talent! And if you help Meng Xiao, we will do our best to help you in the future."

Yang Yu's eyes showed surprise. He thought that Su Qingti's first promise would be to ask him to help find Meng Hao, but he didn't expect that it would be to let him support Meng Hao, and he was promoted smoothly in the army. The skill is high.

Su Qing is very smart. As long as he agrees to this matter, he will definitely find Meng Hao first, and will take care of him from time to time in the future, so that Meng Hao can be promoted all the way and have a smooth career.

Meng Hao's martial arts must be very strong. He knew it in the secret realm back then. Now he can only start as a soldier in the army. The promotion is too slow. Once he agrees to take care of Meng Hao, with Meng Hao's ability, he will surely rise like a rocket However, as long as Meng Hao does not make any major mistakes, he will definitely become an upstart in the empire. After all, he is a talent he discovered by himself.

Yang Yu thought a lot in an instant, should he agree?Meng Hao is indeed a good seedling, with a clean background and not from any family. If he is really going to become powerful, it will be very good for consolidating the imperial power. Maybe he can succeed He Cangming and become the next marshal of the empire. In the past, he has made great achievements in the world,
Seeing that Yang Yu was silent, Su Qing was probably thinking about the pros and cons of the matter. If he didn't agree, she would go directly to the Imperial Capital Star and choose a big family at random to break in. not going out.

If Yang Yu loses this opportunity, he will definitely regret it in the future. On the surface, Meng Hao is just a martial artist, but don't forget that there is Su Qing behind him.

It is necessary to add a master pharmacist and master planting. The most powerful thing is that Su Qing's combat power is also against the sky. Six years ago, she entered the golden core stage, and now her cultivation has reached the golden core. one step away,
Cultivator Nascent Soul was already a great monk in the era of cultivation, moving mountains and filling seas, picking stars and moons is no problem.

Meng Hao encounters difficulties, can Su Qing ignore it?Moreover, Su Qing also has two beast pets with stronger fighting power. If Yang Yu really wants to refuse, it is tantamount to giving his opponent a powerful boost for nothing. Let alone regret, the gall of regret will vomit.

Yang Yu thought about it a lot, thought it over and over again, and thought that this is Su Qing's request, a man promises a thousand gold, not to mention how can his identity break the contract,
After making up his mind, he nodded and agreed, "Leave Meng Rong's affairs to me. If you have anything to do in the future, just call this number directly. Remember non-important things. Don't call me casually. I'm very busy and you'd better leave a message."

Su Qing nodded, "I see, thank you for helping Meng Yan, I will not refuse if you need me to do anything in the future."

Yang Yu said coldly: "It should be, I promised you back then that I would help you with three things, and there are two more things, and the jade talisman will be returned to me at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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