Chapter 598
Su Qing nodded, "Well, find Meng Hao and ask him to call me back. I'm very worried about his condition."

Yang Yu asked curiously, "How can you be sure that Meng Hao is still alive?"

Su Qing smiled arrogantly, "You may have forgotten some things, and you will know later. With the things I prepared for Meng Hao, those bugs will definitely not be able to stop Meng Hao. He must be safe and well."

Yang Yu smiled noncommittally, thinking that Su Qing was talking big, "I will find Meng Hao as soon as possible, transfer him to the ace army of the empire, and pave the way for him, but I don't guarantee that Meng Hao will survive, you know No one can control the battlefield, and if you don’t go to the battlefield, you can’t make meritorious service, and you have no reason to be promoted, and I can’t do anything if you have low personal ability. In the army, military merit is the most important.”

"I understand. I believe in Meng Hao's ability. You should be glad that you met us back then and forged this fate. If the matter is settled, then I won't bother you. I will leave a message for you if there is anything to do. Goodbye."

Su Qing quickly turned off the video. Su Qing was surprised by Yang Yu's changes. She couldn't hold him down anymore. The warm man back then has grown into a handsome man. Sure enough, a lot of experience will make people grow up as soon as possible, but No matter how she grows up, becoming ruthless and cold is still a bit unaccustomed to her.

Seeing Su Qing hang up the video directly, Yang Yu showed shock. Su Qing was the first person who dared to hang up his video first, hehe, it's interesting and has a personality.

It seems that Su Qing is not the kind of dull and good girl, and she is super confident in Meng Rong, facing herself without losing the wind, but subtly suppressing her, this woman is a bit mysterious!

In the secret realm back then, only she nodded and agreed could the brothers and sisters join their team. The real caller in the team was the humble Su Qing, not the powerful Meng Fan.

But with my own observation ability, why didn't I notice Su Qing's abnormality at all, and what did she rely on as the core.

Yang Yu showed confusion, and tried to recall the process back then. It was very simple, but why did he feel something was wrong? Even Jing An could find the problem, let alone Yang Yu, but the real memory was deleted by Su Qing, and he wanted to restore it difficult.

"Report!" A voice came from the door.

Yang Yu raised his eyes and shouted, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and his bodyguard Li Yi walked in.

Yang Yu asked, "What happened?"

Li Yi: "Head, the person you asked me to find has news."

Yang Yu's eyes flashed, "Where is it, are you injured?"

Li Yi shook his head, "Regimental Commander, what a coincidence, Meng Hao is in our barracks now, and he turned out to be the subordinate of that Commander Kong Wei. Meng Hao's body is fine, there is no injury at all."

Yang Yu nodded, "It seems that he is really a general. Go say hello to the military department. Kong Wei's mecha regiment will be merged into my mecha regiment. Let Kong Wei be the team leader, and go through the transfer order and the required procedures as soon as possible. Finish."

"Yes, my subordinate will do it right away." Li Yi saluted and left the room, and went to contact the military department to apply for a transfer order.

Yang Yu said playfully to himself: "Meng Hao is indeed stronger. I don't know if I will give you a chance and you can seize it. Back then, I could only follow behind you. Now I don't know who is stronger."

Meng Hao had been in the frontline barracks with his comrades for several days, and the head of the regiment was called to report to those big shots. They were just resting, and they were not allowed to wander anywhere except a small area near the room.

Even if they were allowed to move around freely, everyone couldn't do it, except for Meng Xiang, everyone was injured, and they must heal their injuries first.

Meng Hao had nothing to do, so he chatted with the soldiers in the nearby barracks and asked about the situation on the battlefield. In fact, he was very anxious.
Something happened to the land reclamation fleet, Su Qing must have known about it, she has no news, she is not in a hurry, and she can't tell others, she has to bear all the pressure, hey, she made Qingqing worry about it again.

At that time, he yelled boldly that he wanted to make meritorious service and become a general, so that Qingqing's life would be unrestrained. Don't always keep a low profile, and dare not even reveal her true appearance. He likes to see Qingqing in the hopeless secret realm, cold, determined, Powerful, free and easy, going forward bravely, killing the corpses of strange beasts all over the field, that is the joy.

Kong Wei was called away by someone from the military department, who said that the order from the military department came down and asked him to see the transfer order.

Meng Hao is looking forward to joining the new legion again. He is fighting the Zerg to the death, not a breakout battle. He must kill more Zerg.

More than an hour later, Kong Wei came back with a serious face, unable to tell whether the new appointment was good or bad.

Zhao Zhiping had Meng Hao give him a little treatment, and the injury healed the fastest. He was the first to run up and asked, "How is the regiment leader, which regiment have we been assigned to?"

Kong Wei said in a deep voice: "Don't call me regimental commander anymore, we are all transferred to the First Army Mecha Regiment, and I will serve as the sub-captain. You are all big soldiers, and your rank will remain the same. We will strive for more meritorious service and promotion on the battlefield." Right! The First Army doesn’t only have one mech regiment.”

Zhao Zhiping showed an ecstatic expression, "That's great, regiment commander, not captain, it's really the first army, my God, the number one ace army of the empire, the first army known as the Royal Guard."

When Zhao Zhiping made such a loud noise, others could hear it, and everyone looked happy. It was very important to them to be assigned to a good regiment. They had a strong background and a strong background, so they would not be treated as cannon fodder.

Meng Hao also knew the origin of the First Army, and he was also happy in his heart, happily hugging and celebrating with his comrades.

Kong Wei's usually serious face also showed joy, "All of them are there, immediately form a team, and we will go to the First Army to report."

"Yes." Dozens of people shouted in unison.

Packed up his things, lined up behind Kong Wei, left here, took a small transport plane, and flew to the star field.

When Meng Hao and the others came, they sat in the transport ship and couldn't see anything. They came down to the military camp. This time, it was a transport plane specially designed to send people off. It was full of seats and windows. I was shocked, there are so many warships! !
After passing through the atmosphere and entering the void, the densely packed space flagships, majestic and full of murderous aura, are definitely sharp weapons on the battlefield.

Several people couldn't help discussing which legion they belonged to according to the logo on the battleship, and which famous generals there were in those legions.

Meng Hao had only been in the army for a short time, so he didn't know much about it, Zhao Zhiping excitedly said to him: "Boy, you can catch up and join the mecha regiment of the First Army, do you know who the leader of the mecha regiment is? "

Meng Hao said naturally: "I know, isn't it Silver Winged Thunder God?"

Zhao Zhiping said in a low voice: "Let me tell you, the First Army is known as the Imperial Guard, and it is the ace army of the empire. He is our future regiment leader, Silver Winged Thor, super powerful. It has been rumored in the army that he was born in the royal family. If you think about entering such a legion, our future is still not smooth. As long as we don’t make mistakes and survive, we can become a general Dang, it shouldn't be difficult, you are young and capable, so you have to work hard."

Meng Yu's eyes flickered, and he nodded vigorously. Of course he should not miss the opportunity, and he was a blessing in disguise, so he said that if he survives a catastrophe, he will have a blessing in the future. Now he finally has the opportunity to show his true ability.

The transport plane docked with the general flagship of the First Army, and the hatch opened. Kong Wei led the soldiers inside, first reported and entered personal information, received new military uniforms and some basic equipment, handed in the old mech, and received the new one. , and then arranged the dormitory area, went to meet the regiment leader non-stop, and got to know all the comrades in the mecha regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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