Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 802 We are good people

Chapter 802 We are good people
Although Bai Qian landed on the planet one step earlier than the king worm, the distance between the two sides was not far away. If it wasn't for the fear that the little king worm would be killed by Bai Qian by surprise, they would have to bring tens of thousands of insect soldiers to protect the little king worm. Yes, the big and small king worms have already caught up with her.

Bai Qian fell on the planet to adjust her breathing to restore her power. The Zerg quickly found her, and it was only strange that they could calm her down, and kept attacking outside the protective shield.

Bai Qian couldn't get rid of the Zerg, and the Zerg couldn't do anything about her, the two sides continued to fight, Bai Qian threw a handful of talismans to escape, and the two continued to chase in the void.

Bai Qian didn't dare to push her too hard, so she directly fought with a dozen king worms and tens of thousands of worm soldiers. She had a protective vestment, a diamond talisman, a protective formation disk, and various attack talismans and magic weapons. If the strength is not overtaken by the Zerg, the decisive battle will be when Su Qing is found.

Together, the two can kill all directions, and the Zerg is attractive. She is showing weakness now to paralyze the king insects. Otherwise, what if they don't take the bait and run away?

Bai Qian told Su Qing about the situation of the little king worms. They had to wipe out the little ones, otherwise the human beings would not be able to resist the Zerg's attack.

After all, they live in the empire. What will they do if this country is over?
Although Bai Qian is not interested in humans, she likes the comfortable life of humans. She wants to be Su Qing's animal pet for 500 years, and she doesn't want the empire to be destroyed by the Zerg.

As a human being, Su Qing understands the importance of the matter better. When he heard the news, he decided to exterminate a few little king worms, absolutely not allowing them to grow up.

Su Qing on the Shark was silently thinking about what Bai Qian said with a cold face.

The evolution of the Zerg is so powerful that the body can absorb the energy of the world and use the corresponding attack methods. If this continues, the popularity of this new type of Zerg will put humans in danger.

It seems that I have to arrange my family and friends as soon as possible, and then go to Meng Yan. She doesn't care about the low-level zerg, and just leave it to the imperial army. She wants to compete with the high-level king worms and female worms.

It's a pity that my cultivation base is only at the golden elixir stage, and there is still some distance from the golden elixir great perfection, and it is still early to enter the Nascent Soul stage, before the Nascent Soul stage, I may not be able to beat the mother worm.

From historical records, and the war with the Zerg during this period, the analysis of the data collected by humans about the female insect shows that the female insect is a very wise leader who controls all the Zerg. As long as she does not die, the Zerg will never perish .

The worst thing is that the Zerg has mastered the teleportation technology. Once the momentum is wrong, the female insect may escape. It is very difficult to destroy the Zerg. I have no ability to kill the female insect with a sword.

Races that can compete with all creatures in the universe are not so easy to eliminate. Perhaps the decline of cultivation civilization back then was also related to the Zerg race.

Bai Qian left the Violet to intercept the king worm, and the strength on the battleship was much worse. There was no one with high skill to protect grandma. Su Qing always felt uneasy, but she couldn't go through space, so she ran to grandma's side in no time. .

The big cow on the battleship has the highest cultivation level, but it has not yet transformed, so it can't last long in the void. Huomiao and Jiaojiao are too small, and the monsters may not be mature for hundreds of years.

Zhu Shunming's intelligence and experience are not bad, but his cultivation is too low. Except for Ye Lan and Ye Hao who are supernatural masters, the rest of them are ordinary people. Once the enemy breaks into the battleship, Daniel dare not use big moves to destroy the battleship , It's hard to say whether I can protect my grandma in the end.

Thinking about it this way, it’s no wonder that Su Qing isn’t worried. She can only send a message to Zhu Shunming and explain to him that the battleship has been transformed by her. As long as they don’t go out, no Zerg can break through the defense. Find a place to hide and they won’t be found , and wait for her and Bessie to go back.

When Bai Qian and Zhu Shunming contacted Su Qing, they both talked about the Zerg situation. As for Jia Youcai and Su Mingjuan, they deliberately didn't mention it. Her emotions, thinking of a surprise for her when the mother and daughter reunite.

Su Qing would never have imagined that all the chaos started because of saving Su Mingjuan, but now her cheap mother has doubled down, her words and deeds are even more unacceptable than before, and her mindless behavior has intensified, which has been recognized as a mental illness by everyone.

Su Qinghua took the appearance of Chen Haojiang, sitting on the command chair with a gloomy face, always feeling a little uneasy, if he had known, he would have brought grandma out with him, and let her live in the space for a while,
It's not lonely to have Bai Qian to accompany her, and I don't have to be like now, when something happens, I can't do anything, I can only worry.

How did the empire's technology develop?The Zergs can use the teleportation array, and the human spaceship can't pass through two coordinates in an instant. How much time is wasted, otherwise they would have made peace long ago, so I don't have to worry about it.

Yang Wei lay in the corner next to Chen Haojiang, took out the mat to lie down when he was tired, watched videos on the Internet when he was free, took a bigu pill when he was hungry, and gave Chen Haojiang one by the way, so he couldn’t starve to death, They just want to go home, they are not robbing, and they will definitely not kill people.

Sometimes Yang Wei would chatter with Chen Haojiang when he was bored, but he didn't dare to talk to Zhao Tianlei and ruin his good deeds.

"Captain, don't make such a dead face every day, don't worry! We won't hurt anyone, we are good people, and we don't rob you, just borrow your spaceship to rendezvous with your friends, but we paid a lot of money For the boat fee."

Chen Haojiang couldn't speak, but he had scolded the two of them so many times with all the curse words in his heart.

"Fart, it's not a robbery. I've been doing this for several days. I don't know if he can go home alive. Everyone runs to a safe place. Where are these two dangerous? Friends meet up, slap their ass and leave, what about Shark? '

Chen Haojiang was so anxious and unable to speak, he almost suffocated every day.

The young man pretending to be him is powerful, and he is definitely not afraid of the Zerg, but he is afraid. With their brother's ability and the equipment of the Shark, they must not be able to defeat the Zerg, not to mention there are so many ordinary people on board.

Obviously he is doomed, if Chen Haojiang could speak, he would have yelled at him a long time ago, but now he can only stare at Su Qing and Yang Wei with fierce eyes every day.

That's why Yang Wei persuaded him, explaining their purpose, the good people have no malicious intentions.

Chen Haojiang didn't know that Su Qing decided to escort the Shark out of the danger zone and let them circle back to the central galaxy or the original galaxy.

Time passed little by little during what Su Qing felt was a particularly long process, and finally made a contract with Bai Qian through the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and found that she was gradually approaching the Shark, and Bai Qian would be coming soon.

Su Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and finally came. She ordered the Shark to slow down. The reason was to check whether the surrounding environment was safe. Once they found Zerg in front, they immediately changed their course and escaped.

Everyone on the Shark was very convinced by Chen Haojiang. The captain promised to implement it immediately. Everyone agreed to slow down and detect the starry sky ahead, and soon found that something was coming.

"Report to the captain, there is a discovery."

Su Qing looked at the picture in the starry sky outside the light screen, and there was a figure rushing towards him like lightning. When he got closer, he realized that it was a woman, wearing a crimson battle armor, with a graceful figure, and she was a beauty by feeling.

To the surprise of everyone on the Shark, the woman neither piloted a mech nor wore an aviation protective suit. She was only wearing a strange protective armor, which allowed her to fly quickly in the void without seeing the woman's face. There is oxygen equipment on it. Where did this master come from? He has such a cultivation base, and it is a great ability to walk in the void by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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