Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 803 2 women meet

Chapter 803
After the woman got closer to the Shark, the spacecraft's detection equipment found that there were many Zerg behind her, and everyone panicked.
"Not good, Captain, I found many Zerg chasing after that woman."

Su Qing already knew that Bai Qian was here, she left the spaceship and went out with Bai Qian to fight against the Zerg together, but the Shark still had to be controlled to prevent any trouble.

She took out a puppet talisman and instantly activated it, transforming into the appearance of Chen Haojiang, while Su Qing herself was invisible, and a trace of her soul was attached to the puppet talisman, so that she could continue to control the phantom array of the Shark, and there would be no trouble.

Chen Haojiang, who was transformed into a puppet symbol, stared at the Zerg that appeared on the light screen, and said calmly: "Stop first, find a place to hide, there are not many Zergs here, it seems that they are chasing the woman, maybe they will ignore it We, wait for them to pass, we continue on our way."

These words sound far-fetched, but everyone is convinced, blindly listening to the captain's words is also because the phantom array has somewhat affected everyone's sanity.

Lying in the corner, Chen Haojiang was furious, did his brothers lose their minds?Do you believe this?
I also blame myself for taking good care of the spaceship. The brothers don't worry about anything, just do things according to his orders, which makes them less vigilant. The most important thing is that the thief is too powerful. Who would have thought that they could change If he looks like him, no one will believe that there are such strange people in the world.

Originally, Chen Haojiang had resigned himself to his fate and didn't worry about it. After all, the thieves had controlled the Shark these days, and nothing happened. Everything was in order, and they didn't even encounter the Zerg. Maybe they were lucky enough to escape.

Just when Chen Haojiang was holding this idea, the reality completely shattered his fantasy.

He could hear and see what happened in the cockpit. What Su Qing said made him almost vomit blood. No one of his brothers suspected that they would run away without turning around when encountering the Zerg, and even hid and waited for the Zerg to pass by. .

This is simply farting, what is the Zerg?The combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the imperial army, and all kinds of biological weapons are not inferior to the high technology of human beings. Where is their spaceship hiding?

Why is it that there are not many Zergs, so it is strange that there are not tens of thousands in that densely packed area?
Chen Haojiang's eyes were irritable, his mouth was whimpering but he couldn't make a sound, he struggled to regain control of his body, and rushed to reason with that person, she was going to lead everyone to a dead end!
Seeing that his face was blushing from anxiety, Yang Wei hurriedly comforted him: "Captain, don't be afraid, don't look at the large number of Zergs, they are not enough for my friend to kill, I will tell you quietly, don't spread rumors, my friend comes from an ancient sect , Their cultivation system is different from ours, anyone who comes out casually can crush the masters of the entire empire, I'm really not bragging, you have seen his ability with your own eyes, the little Zerg really don't have to worry."

Yang Wei has seen Guanglingzi's powerful ability, and he has absolute confidence in the people from his sect. Tens of thousands of Zerg are nothing, Zhao Tianlei will kill them all with a wave of his hand.

Su Qing would be ashamed if he knew what he was thinking in his heart. Tens of thousands of Zergs are really not that easy to kill.

Su Qing controlled the puppet talisman, commanded the spaceship to find a place where a large number of cosmic floating objects gathered, plunged into it, and turned on the camouflage system on the spaceship. It was impossible to tell from the outside that there was another spaceship here, but the spaceship could clearly see the outside Happening.

Su Qing appeared in the starry sky with an escape technique, covering the spaceship with a protective array and a phantom array to prevent her spaceship from being attacked by Zerg during the battle.

After the Shark was safe, Su Qing quickly went to meet Bai Qian. At this time, she had shown her real body without any disguise.

It arrived within a few weeks, when Bai Qian saw Su Qing, she felt a sense of evil in her heart, her speed doubled suddenly, and she flew in front of Su Qing,

"It's finally here, but this girl is exhausted. I haven't experienced fighting for many years, so I'm a bit slack."

Su Qing asked softly: "How is it, how much strength do you still have?"

Bai Qian said arrogantly: "It's no problem to kill a few king worms. I haven't exhausted all my strength. It's time for the decisive battle to preserve my strength."

Su Qing smiled, "Do you want to adjust your breath first, and then I will focus on a few small ones, and the five big ones are yours. I will arrange a sword array around, and all the Zerg that come will stay."

Bai Qian nodded, Su Qing knew that she had been running hard all the way, so she asked her to rest for a while, because the Zerg had a few breaths to arrive.

As soon as Su Qing makes a move, it will attract the attention of the king worms and discover her identity. The energy contained in their bodies is very pure. The king worms will definitely not let them go, so they must have a battle with the zerg.

The two women stood in the starry sky, waiting for the Zerg to approach. Their target was the King Zerg, and they didn't pay much attention to the tens of thousands of Zerg soldiers. If they really wanted to fight, a few rounds of talisman bombing would wipe out half of them.

Before Bai Qian met Su Qing, she didn't dare to waste more magic talismans. Who knows what might happen, it's okay to save more. Now that she meets Su Qing, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Su Qing just met her and threw her a storage bag directly, asking her to replenish the consumed resources.

Bai Qian took it and looked inside, then happily said: "Finally, you can kill all directions. Qingqing, you should pay attention to the small ones, and I will return the big ones. We will kill the rest of the scattered ones."

With Su Qing's support, Bai Qian was so proud that she planned to show her full strength and let the Zerg know how powerful she was.

Su Qing looked coldly at the approaching Zerg, his eyes gradually turned cold, full of murderous intent,
She has a different mind from Bai Qian. Bai Qian doesn't like Zerg, but Su Qing hates it.

These ugly creatures actually eat people. How many human planets in the universe have been captured by Zergs, and countless humans have been reduced to food. Every time Su Qing sees it on the star network, he can't wait to swing his sword and kill all the Zergs.

It's a pity that her personal power is still too small, and the empire is too big. All forces are intertwined. No matter how strong her fighting power is, she can't save everyone. She is not compassionate, so there is no cry of the Virgin to save people.
But as a human being, racially speaking, it is normal to hate the Zerg that treats humans as food. This is an emotion that a person should have, and it is duty-bound to eliminate the Zerg that he encounters.

Now that we meet on the road, we must kill these Zergs, which can be regarded as a severe blow to the Zerg forces. In the future, the high-end combat power of the Zergs will be a shortcoming for a long time. It is impossible for the female insects to come out to fight on their own. It is also very beneficial for the army to recover the Blazing Starfield, and she can also accumulate some merit.

Su Qing drew out the Luoying Sword and swung it into the starry sky. One sword instantly became 36 fairy swords. Su Qing stretched out his hand to hold the main sword, tapped his fingers a few times, and several fairy swords flew in different directions. The killing array was quickly completed Now, since we want to eliminate these Zergs, we must use all our strength to set up a sword array first, and then even a Zerg will not be able to escape.
Although Su Qing's cultivation level is still low, with the help of Bai Qian and the sword formation, it is barely feasible.

In fact, Su Qing was really underwhelmed. King Chong is not so easy to deal with. The monster clan in the wild star field, if all the ancestors hadn't returned, they wouldn't even be able to defend the clan land. It is a bit strenuous to actually want to stop more than a dozen king worms.

A few king worms teamed up and failed to defeat Bai Qian. It was nothing more than being frightened by the monsters, restraining their hands and feet, and not daring to use their lives. In addition, there were too many good things on Bai Qian's body. The five king worms really did not fear death. Desperately attacking, Bai Qian is fine for the time being, but after a long time, she will be in danger when all her belongings are exhausted.

After all, it is a top existence of a group, and it is not so easy to kill. The king worms have their own specialties, and the mother worm also teaches them to use a set of battle formations according to their specialties, so as to double their combat effectiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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