Chapter 828
Those few most powerful bug soldiers failed to attack Jia Youcai's group, and started to retreat towards the hall with the rest of the Zerg.

At the beginning, only a few dozen Zergs came in, and Zhu Shunming and the three of them had already struggled to intercept them. Even if the combat effectiveness of the Zergs was not high, and they couldn’t stand up to a large number, they all waved their claws and opened their mouths to bite you, but they could only deal with one with each move. No matter how fast Zhu Shunming's speed was, it couldn't make up for the difference in numbers. Many times, masters were killed by Zerg in this way.

But Zhu Shunming still played steadily, stopping most of the bugs, because he knew there were still flames and the three of them.

Seeing this, Daniel knew that it would not show up again, so Zhu Shunming, Ye Lan and Ye Hao couldn't stop them, and added a dozen more Zergs. The space was too small, and the remaining Zerg soldiers couldn't get in, so they surrounded the passageway at the door. It means that the Zerg surrounded dozens of them, which is a typical Zerg tactics.

Daniu's petite figure ran out from a corner, and in the blink of an eye it appeared to be of normal size. With a roar of "moo", he appeared in front of everyone and started his first battle in the empire, which heralded the formal appearance of the monster race in the empire. on the stage.

Bai Qian's battle didn't count, because Su Qing deleted the memories of everyone on the Shark.

When Jia Youcai and the others saw a miniature cow, which was at most the size of a toy, it grew in size in seconds. It roared loudly, which was deafening.

He said in horror: "What is that? There are also beasts that can change in size in the world?"

The mercenary leader suddenly said: "Could this be their reliance? Since Bai Qian is a monster race, there must be monster races on the Violet. According to ancient legends, strange beasts can become human when they cultivate to a high level. It’s true, that would be a bad situation!”

The captain said with a gloomy face, "Don't worry, let's see what it can do. It's just a cow."

A few people murmured in their hearts, "Have you ever seen a cow that can change in size?"

Everyone agreed that it was bad, maybe the old man's words were not bragging, the owner of the battleship is very powerful, otherwise there would not be two monsters as subordinates.

Jia Youcai observed more carefully. He saw from the surveillance that many people on the other side were also surprised by the appearance of the cow. It seemed that they did not know the specific situation of the cow.

There were dozens of Zergs coming in from the hall, and no amount of them would be able to turn away. Zergs are not stupid, they don't just know how to bite blindly and rush forward blindly, not to mention there are a few strongest Zerg soldiers commanding them.

The sudden appearance of Daniel slowed down the attack of the Zerg, and then all the Zerg became restless, so full of energy!Chong duck, must eat it.

Daniel looked at a group of large worms with disdain, feeling very unhappy in his heart. It was locked in the Su Qing space for several years, and finally saw the light of day again, breathed the free air, and could practice anytime, anywhere, not to mention how happy it was.

It’s only been a few days, and Temo’s is closed again. The place of the battleship is smaller, not as good as the owner’s space, and it’s not like Huomiao and Jiaojiao. It looks petite and cute, and everyone likes it. I can hide in the room to study, watch videos, and practice, and I am bored to death.

Unexpectedly, even such a boring day would never be over. Daniel usually doesn't worry about things on the battleship. Jia Youcai and the others entered the battleship without it knowing.

After Zhu Shunming's broadcast, it also thought it was no big deal, after all, it was difficult for monsters to understand the intrigue between humans.

It doesn't live as long as Bai Qian, and it doesn't have the wisdom of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan. The monsters do things directly, and Bai Qian is considered a wise man among the monster clan.

When Daniel heard the gunshots and smelled a strange smell in the air, he realized that their warship had been invaded by Zerg, and he panicked.

It immediately ran out of the room, narrowed down to find Zhu Xiuyun, saw that Huo Miao and Jiaojiao were there, so it got more at ease,

If something happened to Grandma Zhu, it would be over. Thinking of the way the owner punished it, Daniel shuddered, and he wanted to protect grandma even if he died.

Daniel turned into the size of a cat, successfully hid in a corner and waited for an opportunity. He didn't understand the verbal confrontation of human beings, and stared at Zhu Xiuyun with all his attention. Once she was in danger, Daniel would be the first to strike.

He also discussed with Huomiao Jiaojiao how to fight. Although Huomiao was young, his brain was more flexible than him, so he made a plan. The big cow resisted the enemy's attack, and the two cats protected Zhu Xiuyun closely, making sure nothing would go wrong.

You are not afraid of fighting the big bull, but you will have no idea when to fight the big bull. Huo Miao told it that there are too many people on Jia Youcai's side, and there are mecha masters. Can't use it.

It might be too much for Daniel to fight against a mecha master with only black magic and body strength. Huo Miao remembered the star TV series he had watched, so he discussed with Daniel about a beheading action.

Huo Miao said angrily: "That Jia Youcai is the worst, he started all the bad things, and the rest are thugs, kill Jia Youcai first, and then kill those heads, we will win."

Its thinking is very simple, it is like that in the drama, once the leader of the Star Bandits dies, the others will scatter, run away or surrender, it thinks it is not difficult, and it is complacent, the strategy of human beings is quite simple!

With its simple thinking, how could it have imagined that the beheading action in that episode was completely different from the situation on the battleship at this time. The army hit the star thief's lair, and the head died, and the remaining youngsters must run away.

Now the situation is that Jia Youcai and the others are desperate, their spaceships are all gone, and everyone is on the Violet.

Even if Jia Youcai is dead, the robbery plan must go on, and those people will be more dangerous without Jia Youcai's restraint.

Jia Youcai still wanted to go to the central galaxy to live a good life, so he had scruples. Once he died, the rest of the people would panic and lack targets, and they would probably attack ruthlessly, and then flee in a battleship.

The plan of the three big cows has been completed, and Zhu Shunming may not be able to deal with any troubles.

He didn't want Jia Youcai to use the Zerg to kill the people on the battleship, but let the three big cows be exposed in advance.

The big cow turned into the size of a normal cow, roared loudly, shocked everyone and the Zerg, and then saw a cow suddenly appearing.

The people on Jia Youcai's side sneered and said: "What the hell, I frightened me, I thought there was some kind of ferocious beast coming out, it's not just a cow, yelling, killing me and eating meat."

Many people can't see how miraculous the big cow is, and they echoed it loudly. If it grows bigger, it's still not a cow. None of them can't kill it, it's just a trivial matter.

A few heads look serious, and I feel that it will not be so simple. If it is an ordinary cow, whoever flees will bring it to the battleship, slaughter it and eat meat, and the body can grow from a young age. Temo’s is definitely not an ordinary cow, but a fine cow.

With a loud roar, the cow ran towards the Zerg with all four hooves, and rushed forward, bowed his head at two right angles and sent two holes in a Zerg with a puff.

As soon as he raised his hoof, he was kicked out, seeing that the Zerg could not survive.

With Daniufu joining the battle group, the three of Zhu Shunming can be regarded as relieved of the heavy pressure.

But Daniel looked ferocious, but the space in the hall made him restrained, unable to exert his true strength.

Daniu is the overlord of the prairie. How big is the prairie? When it fights, it takes several miles for a hedge. The hall looks quite big, but it is very narrow for it, which greatly affects its performance. It allows it to speed up and dodge. All a bit difficult.

Fortunately, it really can't dodge the attacks of those bugs. It also has the King Kong Talisman given by the owner on it, and a layer of golden light shield protects it, so it's so cool to kill bugs.

When Ye Lan and Ye Hao saw the big cow, they came out to help, but they were a little surprised. They didn't see that it had grown from a miniature cow during the fight, so they ignored the strangeness of the big cow.

(End of this chapter)

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