Chapter 829
When the two saw the Vajra Talisman on Daniel's body, they thought they both had it, and both took it out of the storage container to activate it and put it in their pockets.

Now I am not afraid of getting hurt, so I took a picture of Zhu Shunming by the way. Mr. Zhu has no supernatural powers and cannot activate the talisman, so he needs their help.

With the help of the Vajra Talisman, the combat effectiveness of the three of them went up to a new level. More and more Zergs died in the hall, and the accumulation of corpses made the space for activities less and less.

Da Niu was so angry that he mooed and screamed, and was hit by the Zerg several times on his body, but he didn't dodge it because of the small space. If there was no Vajra Talisman, there would be more holes in his body.

Turning the big bull eyes to look around, there are probably dozens of dead and half-dead Zerg corpses. This thing is too in the way and cannot be thrown out. Now the battleship is occupied by others, and everyone is in the lobby. Who will clean it up? ?
Daniel thought in his heart that although he was a vegetarian and didn't like meat, maybe the owner would like it, so he would keep it and hand it over to the owner, so Daniel put the Zerg corpses into his portable space, half dead Didn't let go.

The portable space of monsters will become bigger and bigger as the cultivation of monsters improves. Daniel is a ninth-level monster, and the space is very large. Of course, it can’t be compared with Su Qing’s, but it’s a hundred times larger than that of the Huomiao brothers and sisters. , bigger than the Violet Battleship, it can hold all the Zerg without any problem.

Watching the Zerg corpses disappear one by one, Jia Youcai finally changed his face, and a look of astonishment appeared on his always leisurely expression.

He just said, how could Captain Zhu be so stubborn? It turns out that there are still many behind-the-scenes. The yellow masks on their bodies can still be found, like a protective shield, but a cow will have such Surprisingly large storage.

A Zerg corpse occupies at least a few cubic meters. At this moment, the cow has taken away more than a dozen of them. How big is its storage container?Who gave it to?
Jia Youcai is known as the richest man in the world. He is indeed rich. He can't even buy a storage device with such a large space. The ability to use a cow shows that its owner is unusual.

Jia Youcai said in a low voice: "It's a little bit capable. Its fighting power is not low, and with that kind of protective shield, it seems that our plan is going to fail."

The captain looked at the remaining Zerg in the passage, all of them were the strongest among the Zerg soldiers, they hadn't entered yet,
"Not necessarily, there are still more than half of the Zerg who have not made a move. Those are the elite. No matter how powerful the cow is, it can't hold back the large number of Zerg. Also, the energy of their protective shields cannot be unlimited, and they must be exhausted."

Jia Youcai felt that the situation was not as good as he expected. There were accidents one after another. A cow is so powerful. I don't know if there are other monsters on the battleship. If there are still warships, it will be a bit difficult to receive them.

As for those subordinates, they all stared straight at it. It's really long since they've seen that cows are so powerful. What's even more annoying is that a cow has a storage device, and when fighting, it also has its own protective cover.

Daniel took away all the corpses of the Zerg, and the hall was spacious, and dozens of them poured in, three people and one beast. There was no time to rest, and they continued to kill. It didn't take long for them to exhaust the aura of the Vajra Talisman.

Jia Youcai said excitedly: "Did you see that the protective cover disappeared, and I just said it? How can energy be consumed? That kind of high-end equipment must be very expensive. How much can they have?"

But soon they were dumbfounded, Danu didn't know where to take out a piece of paper and stuck it on his heart, and the three of Ye Lan did the same, and soon the golden mask appeared again.

Everyone was surprised from ear to ear, what the hell?Such a powerful protective shield is transformed from a piece of paper. It's unbelievable. It's too illusory. Is there really a magic in the world?

Daniel showed his supernatural power, and opened his mouth to spit out green demonic energy to attack the Zerg. As long as the Zerg couldn't avoid it, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Jia Youcai and the others were very puzzled when they saw it. What kind of attack was that?It's like the attack of the alien beast, but it's different. The attack power of the alien beast is not that strong, and it is already on par with the mecha attack.

Of course, there are Zergs that can resist the power of the big bull monster, but not many, and the remaining Zergs can be avoided by dodging, but the hall is too small, and the advantages of both sides cannot be used, and the Zergs suffer more.

The environment of the battleship is not suitable for Daniel to fight, and the attack power must be kept down, unless it can transform into a personal battle. Unfortunately, it is too early for Daniel to enter the tenth rank. Hurry up, now Daniel is at least ten years away from breaking the rank.

So under various restrictions, Daniel seems to have the upper hand, but if there is no Vajra Talisman, there may be many wounds on his body.

The fight between the two sides was very fierce. After all, there is a huge difference in numbers. As a monster, Daniel is powerful. There is no problem. The three of Zhu Shunming will not be able to make it. The old, the young, and the young, such a battle will soon exhaust the three. Physical strength and abilities.

Daniel sent a sound transmission to Zhu Shunming, asking the three of them to rest for a while. It blocked for a while, but the three of them were in the way, and they couldn't dodge or move. There are already many Zerg, so it's better to let the three of them guard the people behind them.

Daniel is really not trying to show off his abilities. If it is in an open area, let alone a hundred or so Zerg, it will not be afraid of any more. On the grassland, their clan is the overlord, which shows how strong their fighting power is.

But the battleship can't show its ability, so Daniel is also anxious. It knows that the master will be unhappy if anyone dies, but the most important thing is Zhu Xiuyun. While Zhu Xiuyun is safe, let everyone live, the master will definitely be more happy to watch arrive.

So seeing that the three were exhausted, Da Niu took over all the attacks, and the green demon power spewed out, causing a lot of damage to the Zerg. With one sharp horn, the four big hooves stomped randomly, making a few clicks , the Zerg lost half their lives, and fell motionless in the hall.

Seeing Daniel's bravery, Jia Youcai felt that the success rate of their plan was not high.

Zhu Shunming and Ye Lan's brothers and sisters withdrew from the battle circle. No one thought that a cow raised in the farm would be so powerful. I can't blame Su Qing for letting the three strange beasts learn to drive a battleship with everyone.

Zhu Shunming was still emotional at the time, but he didn't expect that the three alien beasts were all intelligent creatures, and their IQs were not lower than humans.

For everyone on the Violet, the appearance of Daniel was a huge surprise, and everyone felt hopeful.

But it's not good for the Zerg. I originally wanted to wipe out these dozens of people in the last stage of life, but I didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble.

The Zerg Soldiers didn't know that what they encountered was a monster race, but they could feel the pure energy of the big cow. The tentacles of several strongest Zerg races touched and communicated with each other, discussing how many of them would attack the creature together, and then divided Food, it can't be said that you can advance to the insect general in a short time,
In that case, they might rush out of the battleship if they fight hard, so there are less than a hundred Zerg left, with a crazy, fierce, and no retreat momentum, rushing into the hall. The most powerful insect soldiers waved their sharp claws and opened their mouths wide, rushing towards the bull without hesitation, and attacking when they went up.

Daniel dodged left and right, bumped with horns, and kicked with hooves, but he couldn't break free from the siege of several Zerg. If it weren't for the Vajra Talisman, Daniel would have been injured.

The bull was so angry that he mooed and screamed, and other bug soldiers would give him a bite when they saw the opportunity, and the bull immediately counterattacked, bleeding several Zergs with just his horns. The Zerg's vitality is extremely tenacious, as long as it is not fatal , Continue to fight without fear of death.

All Zergs are besieging Daniu, let Zhu Shunming and the others go for now,
Standing in front of the crowd, Zhu Shunming watched Daniel in the bloody battle, thinking about how to deal with Jia Youcai after all the Zergs were wiped out, and was momentarily absent-minded.

After all, Ye Lan and Ye Hao are still children, young, inexperienced, and they don't think human nature is so bad. They are only in their 20s, and they are children in the interstellar world.

(End of this chapter)

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