Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 850 Jia Youcai Wants to Help

Chapter 850 Jia Youcai Wants to Help
Only Jia Youcai looked gentle and courteous on the surface, but in fact he was more suitable for fooling people than killing them.

The captain nodded, "You can try it. Find a wood-type supernatural master. If you can heal, go and have a look. If you can cure it, treat it. If you don't understand, you have to pretend to be inscrutable, so you can take advantage of the opportunity. Maybe we can get a free one in the future." Bodyguard, after all, the Zerg is still there!"

Half an hour had passed, and the subordinates who stayed in the cockpit in charge of monitoring heard the news that the mutant Zerg had dismantled those mechs, consumed all the energy and people, and were still searching for energy.

Many rooms were broken into by it, and all equipment with energy was destroyed.

Fortunately, the doors of the power cabin and several confidential warehouses were particularly thick, and the Zerg didn't break through. Instead, they were attacked by weapons controlled by the brain, so they could only give up angrily.

Those places are important parts of the battleship, equipped with weapons and equipment that can attack incoming enemies.

Originally, there was also a cockpit, but it was destroyed by Jia Youcai's profiteering, and the door of the cockpit was closed, and it didn't help much. They had heavy weapons in their hands.

The mutated Zerg couldn't get in and was constantly being attacked, so they had to give up and began to randomly search the battleship. Everything that contained energy was demolished, and the battleship was in chaos.

Zhu Shunming didn't care at all, he was just staring at the star map to adjust the course, hoping to speed up.

One after another, they encountered Zergs many times. Fortunately, those Zergs turned a blind eye to the Violet and did not intercept them at all.

This caused all the people in the cockpit to have a false alarm, and those who were dissatisfied at first did not speak.

Although Zhu Shunming saved everyone, everyone is selfish. Earlier, Zhu Xiuyun insisted on saving Su Mingjuan regardless of everyone's safety. They reluctantly agreed and risked their lives to save everyone.

Unexpectedly, a curse was saved and everyone was pushed to the crossroads of death. Just after taking a breath to survive, the captain insisted on going his own way and insisted on picking up Su Qing in the area where the Zerg outbreak was the worst.

It was originally planned to wait for her to come back at the edge, but now not only is there Jia Youcai trying to kill them on the battleship, but they are also threatened by the Zerg outside. Do they still have a way out?
At first everyone was still in shock, and they didn't dare to vent their grievances. After all, without Zhu Shunming fighting desperately with the Zerg, they would have been eaten up by the Zerg long ago.

I found that the trip was safe and sound, and I felt much more at ease.

God bless, it seems that they deserved to die.

The cockpit was full of people on the battleship, and Zhu Shunming closed the door halfway again, just to block the people Jia Youcai left behind to watch them.

Fortunately, those people are very arrogant, they only pay attention to the information of the mutated Zerg on the light screen in the hall, they don't care about Zhu Shunming at all, anyway, the battleship will be theirs sooner or later.

The few people left were very scared. It was dangerous not to be with the main force. If the Zerg came back, they would definitely not survive, but they were all younger brothers and had no right to refuse.

Those who are worried and afraid, how can they be in the mood to pay attention to the problem of the battleship's route? The star field is vast and boundless. If you want to leave the medium-sized galaxy, it will take a few days to sail no matter where you go.

They also made the mistake of taking it for granted, thinking that Zhu Shunming must be sailing in a safe direction, and there is nothing to pay attention to, anyway, whichever direction is fine.

The focus of their monitoring was the Zerg, and suddenly the tense nerves of several people tensed up, and one of them immediately sent a message to Jia Youcai, and the Zerg rushed to them.

Besides, in the medical cabin, Daniel heard all Jia Youcai's mutterings, even though Daniel is a ninth-level monster with a high IQ, he can be compared with anyone else!
Jia Youcai and the others were fine people, and they spoke in code words, and Daniel couldn't turn his head around. On the contrary, he was quite happy to hear that the other party had a wood-type supernatural master who knew medical skills and could help.

Jia Youcai walked over with a gentle face and a smile on his face.

When Ye Hao saw him, he showed an angry expression, and closed his mouth when he wanted to say something, remembering Mr. Zhu's warning not to cause trouble.

Jia Youcai showed a friendly expression, and said to Daniel: "Daniu, I heard that Sister Su's mother has complicated injuries and has not been cured. Do you need help?"

Daniel nodded, looking expectantly at Jia Youcai.

In Daniel's heart, he didn't feel so resentful towards Jia Youcai, because he didn't understand what was going on between the two parties. Jia Youcai and the others were all bad guys, and Huo Miao said that, but if the bad guys could save Grandma Zhu, it wouldn't refuse.

Ye Hao quit on the sidelines, "Don't listen to him, he must have no good intentions, maybe he is paralyzing us, and took the opportunity to attack Grandma Zhu."

Jia Youcai said with a smile: "How is it possible? Sister Su's mother is unconscious. We won't be so bad. I have a wood-type supernatural master who knows some medical skills. I can help you look at Ms. Zhu's condition." hurt."

Just as Ye Hao was about to scold the other party for his lack of good intentions, Daniel said via voice transmission: "Let them try, with Huo Miao and Jiaojiao here, whatever tricks they have will not work, you go in and watch carefully, the most important thing is that Grandma Zhu's injury is healed, I don't care The life and death of other people, as long as Grandma Zhu is fine, I will be fine, don't worry too much about whether Jia Youcai is a good person or not."

After Daniu finished speaking, Ye Hao was right when he thought about it. In fact, he and Ye Lan also thought the same way. As long as Grandma Zhu is fine, no one else cares about it.

Jia Youcai has a lot of people, and they really can't beat them. If those Zergs don't have the big bull flames to stop most of them, the three of them can only protect Grandma Zhu alone in the end, otherwise they will be in danger. Using a big move will definitely blow up the battleship. You can only wait for rescue. If there is no rescue, it will be even worse to wait for the Zerg.

Ye Hao was still worried, "Daniu, why don't I ask Mr. Zhu, if he agrees, let Boss Jia's people go in and have a look."

Daniel nodded. It only transmitted sound to Ye Hao, and did not let Jia Youcai know that it still had the ability to transmit sound. This is the intuition of Daniel Beast, and it is better to hide a little bit.

Ye Hao sent Zhu Shunming a message about Jia Youcai.

Ye Lan has already told him that Zhu Xiuyun's treatment situation is not optimistic, and he is feeling irritable!Fortunately, Zhu Xiuyun's life is not in danger for the time being, and it is estimated that he can wait until Su Qing comes back.

Zhu Shunming was under a lot of pressure when he received Ye Hao's message, and he didn't want to cause irreversible results because of a wrong decision.

What if the wood-type supernatural master could really heal Zhu Xiuyun?He didn't want to miss it, but he was worried that Jia Youcai didn't want to treat Zhu Xiuyun at all, but took the opportunity to control her.

Perhaps Jia Youcai could see that Zhu Xiuyun was the most important person. As long as Zhu Xiuyun fell into his hands, he would obediently obey him. How would he deal with this situation?
In the end, Zhu Shunming still couldn't bear to give up the opportunity to treat Zhu Xiuyun, so he replied to Ye Hao, "You can try, but you must be vigilant, and don't let Grandma Zhu fall into Jia Youcai's hands." '

He calculated that there are three Daniels plus the Ye Lan brothers and sisters, and only one supernatural master should be able to deal with it, just to check the injuries, and let them snatch the person away. Daniel is dealing with the Zerg Hope, Jia You Cai will not mess around.

Even if Zhu Xiuyun was robbed, it was to make him obedient. It was just a battleship. Maybe Su Qing only cared about grandma. The battleship can be given away for nothing, and I just want to grab another one in the future. Anyway, there are so many star robbers.

Battleships are very important to others, but to Su Qing, they are not as important as grandma.

Zhu Shunming understands that warships are not important, but talents are important, so from the moment Jia Youcai entered the warship and the confrontation between the two sides began, he was acting.
One problem is that everyone will die together, and if they really want to resist at all, they will surrender immediately, and Jia Youcai's people dare to silence them directly.

Fortunately, there were many Zergs in the battleship, so Jia Youcai and the others rushed to deal with it first, which became the key to delaying time, but it was very risky. Jia Youcai later used the poisonous plan. If there were no flames and big bulls to take action, many of them would die man, but he had no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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