Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 851 Consent to Treatment

Chapter 851 Consent to Treatment
When Jia Youcai just brought people in, he immediately let go and looked too soft.

Jia Youcai, who was ruthless and ruthless, saw that they were so vulnerable that they surrendered before they even made a move.

Only when he gritted his teeth and insisted not to let go of the opponent, and slowly delayed the time, Jia Youcai would think more about it, and would not act immediately, and would make moves secretly.

He used the Zerg to attack the cockpit, which was beneficial to himself. Although it was very dangerous, he could only gamble at that time.

A few hours had passed since Jia Youcai boarded the ship. Zhu Shunming looked outside, absent-mindedly watching the people watching them.

He told the driver to drive carefully and not to worry about the Zerg. If any Zerg attacked the battleship, they would fight back directly. Their battleship was of a very high level. As long as there were no internal problems, they would not be breached. He also took a special look at Lin Yu who was pretending to be dead.

This master is not only greedy for money, but also selfish. When resisting the Zerg, he leaned back and hid directly under the table.

Zhu Shunming didn't have time to treat him at this time. He probably would be honest when he saw Su Qing's methods. He was quite a terrifying person, and the Zerg at the moment was nothing.

Everyone thought that the reason he insisted on sailing here to meet Su Qing was because Bai Qian was with her.

Everyone has seen Bai Qian's fighting power, that's true, but no matter how high Bai Qian's cultivation level is, there is only one person, can she deal with Jia Youcai and hundreds of them?
But everyone has no good way. Seeing that the Zerg didn't attack the Violet, they were still surprised, but they were much more at ease.

They didn't know that although Bai Qian had a high fighting ability, she couldn't show her real body in front of others. The real big devil was Su Qing, who was a super expert who killed people without blinking an eye.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhu Shunming sent a message to Su Qing, roughly explaining what happened, but did not say that Su Mingjuan was the reason why Jia Youcai and the others broke into the battleship.

At this time, Su Qing already knew that Su Mingjuan was also on the battleship, and Bai Qian told her how she saved her life.

But no matter how the two analyze it, they will not connect Su Mingjuan with the invading enemy. They thought it was grandma and Zhu Shunming who were soft-hearted and lured wolves into the house. They wanted to save people, but they didn't expect to save them. attack.

Su Mingjuan was delirious and spoke inconsequentially. The two could only guess that it might be that the Violet encountered Zerg attacks on the spaceship. Zhu Shunming couldn't bear the tragic death of so many people to save the decision-maker. Unexpectedly, the Zerg took the opportunity to attack the ship as well.

I don't know the specific situation, so Su Qing can only speed up anxiously. For this reason, he sneaks out and puts flying symbols on the Shark, so that the speed of the spaceship can be doubled.

It can shatter grandma's protective jade pendant, which means that she encountered a very powerful attack. Could it be that the Zerg commander in the Zerg made a move.

She didn't know what was going on until she received Zhu Shunming's message. Zhu Shunming didn't say anything about the specific situation. In the end, she only said that Zhu Xiuyun was injured. Agree to the other party's conditions, and in exchange, they will ask the supernatural master to help check Zhu Xiuyun's injuries.

Su Qing asked how grandma was injured, Zhu Shunming only said that we would meet again, there was no danger for the time being, and told them to rush back as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult to continue to delay, once those people forced them to change their course, Su Qing would be farther away from the battleship.

Su Qing knew that her grandmother was injured, but she felt relieved that her life was not in danger. She agreed with Zhu Shunming's actions.

Tell him to hold on to the other party, and you can talk about any conditions slowly, including pills, talismans, magic tools, everything will be settled when she goes back.

Originally, it would take more than a day to meet, but Su Qing secretly used many methods to increase the speed of the spacecraft, and the two sides could meet in about an hour or two.

Zhu Shunming couldn't tell Su Qing about many things on the communicator, so he had to wait for her to come back, especially about Su Mingjuan, which would embarrass her.

He calculated that the speed of the Violet was very fast. Now that Jia Youcai and the others are afraid of the Zerg, this is a good opportunity, otherwise Jia Youcai would have attacked the cockpit long ago, and they have no power to fight back. They are still Zerg in comparison. easy to deal with.

How did he decide if he really wanted to go there?They are not reconciled to being caught without fighting. Only a few of them can resist, and the others have no strength to fight back. The final situation must be tragic.
Fortunately, at the very beginning, Jia Youcai wanted to use the Zerg to kill them in order to cover up the robbery.

But it bought them precious time, and the appearance of the mutated Zerg was even more unexpected, and it could delay for a while.

Although Zhu Xiuyun's accidental injury made him feel heavy, the mutated Zerg helped them avoid the immediate crisis, and caused Jia Youcai's mecha to suffer heavy losses, weakening his strength, but it was of great benefit to them.

Since Jia Youcai wanted to help treat Zhu Xiuyun, he agreed, no matter what happened, Qingqing had his back, because no matter how complicated the situation was, it was vulnerable to absolute strength.

Zhu Shunming will always remember that with the power caused by Su Qing's swing of the sword, people fell to the ground one by one as if they wanted to cut wheat. That Zerg is a fart, can it withstand Su Qing's palm?

Ye Hao got a reply from Mr. Zhu, looked at Jia Youcai and hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Where is your wood-type supernatural master, let me take a look first, don't you just lie to me?"

"How could it be! We do business with integrity."

Whenever Jia Youcai wants to accomplish something, he has a very good attitude and is not angry, which makes people feel very sincere.

Ye Hao is a boy and a half, how can he tell the truth from the fake, since Mr. Zhu agreed, let's try it.

"The rest of you can't go in, let the supernatural master go in and have a look."

Jia Youcai nodded, "No problem, is Jiang Xiaobai here?"

"Here we come, Boss Jia,"

Along with the voice, a middle-aged man ran up, no more than 70 years old, interstellar people have a long life span, 40 years old is considered young, and less than 100 years old does not appear to be obviously old.

Jia Youcai pointed at him, "This is our wood-type supernatural master, Jiang Xiaobai, who is also our doctor. He is especially good at all kinds of internal and external injuries."

Ye Hao looked at the other party, "How high is your ability, which one graduated from the academy?"

Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, "The eighth level of the wood department, you don't even know the college I went to, even though I didn't go to a prestigious school, my level is not bad, let alone any injuries caused by supernatural abilities, no matter how serious I am, I can save you." return."

Jiang Xiaobai brags vigorously, anyway, his main task is not to heal the wounds, so it's not a joke to fool the two children.

Ye Hao pretended to be mature and said: "Let you go in and have a look, don't be too careful, Grandma Zhu is old and seriously injured and can't stand it, if you force it, you can't afford something to Grandma Zhu. "

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, "Understood, he's quite thoughtful at such a young age. Boss Jia, let me go in and have a look!"

Jia Youcai agreed with a smile, and quietly signaled to his subordinates.

If you have a good brain, two children and three strange beasts can't play with this group of cunning scum.

At this time, Jia Youcai received a message from his subordinates that the mutated Zerg had arrived, what a f*cking time it was.

If there is no matter of helping to heal the wound, it is better to trick Daniel to help, don't look at what the old man said is very good, who is Jia Youcai, he can see through Zhu Shunming's plan at once, he is nothing more than just going down the slope, then As long as the Zerg is immortal, they don't want to deal with the people on the battleship properly, they must first be consistent with the outside world, who is more stupid than the other!
He looked at Daniel who was guarding the door, and flatteringly said: "Daniu, we are allies now, and we want to deal with that mutated Zerg together, it is coming soon, and it's up to you to deal with that Zerg. Brother, my ability is limited, as long as you can kill that bug, you can negotiate any conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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