Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 852 Burned to Coke

Chapter 852 Burned to Coke

Jia Youcai has always been like this. He speaks nice words but doesn't promise anything, making others happy and thinking that he will get some benefits.

It's a pity that his tricks are effective for people, and for big cows, he really complied with the words and played the piano for bulls, this guy doesn't like his tricks!

Da Niuxin said, I didn't agree, it's nothing to help resist the Zerg, my task is to protect Grandma Zhu.

There are so many of you, let’s hit it first, and wait for more people to die.

It looked up at Jia Youcai's people, they were either supernatural masters or mecha masters, don't think they are easy to deceive, we also often watch star TV, and know that their combat effectiveness is not bad, hundreds of people with weapons will fight Saying that you can't beat a Zerg is pure nonsense.

The mutated Zerg can kill so many mecha masters, it's nothing more than greedy for life and fear of death, disunity, loose alliance, no one dares to fight hard, and everyone stays behind.

The people who died at the hands of the Zerg at the very beginning were also due to carelessness. In addition, the Zerg was extremely fast, powerful, and lethal with one move, scaring everyone.

Fighting again will be chaotic, and most of Jia Youcai's people gathered are low-level mecha masters. Even if there are a few powerful ones, they are unwilling to sacrifice themselves to save others. At this time, we should save our strength so that we can survive , Do less to act like a hero.

The mecha master's defeat was due to the power of the mutated Zerg, and more because those masters ran away before making a move. In fact, the mecha master's combat effectiveness is not low, and he is not that wasteful.

Jia Youcai didn't know if the big cow understood, how to communicate with a cow?No matter how powerful and capable he is, he can't use it.

I had no choice but to run back. It would be safer to have someone to protect them. The captain and the others had already arranged for defense, setting up a line of defense, and everyone held their weapons tightly.

A few people retreated to the back and tried a fight first. It wasn't just one Zerg. What's so scary, they killed so many Zergs.

In the medical room, Ye Lan and the others didn't know that the mutated Zerg was coming,
Jiang Xiaobai pretended to look at the cases displayed on the light screen in front of the medical cabin, and asked Dahua some questions,
Then he said: "Can the patient leave the medical cabin now? I need to use supernatural powers to treat her injuries, and I can't use supernatural powers across the medical cabin."

Dahua said in a gentle mechanical voice: "Yes, we need to move the patient to the medical bed and connect the equipment for blood transfusion and medical solution."

Jiang Xiaobai acted very naturally, like a doctor, "Alright then, get ready and call me when you're done."

Ye Lan and Ye Hao looked at the communicator at the same time, Zhu Shunming sent a message, and the Zerg came running in their direction.

The two looked at each other and didn't say anything. It's very safe to have a big cow guarding the gate. They don't have to worry at all. The important thing is to keep an eye on this person.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai was also scratching his head. Boss Jia asked him to find a way to take Zhu Xiuyun away so that Daniel would be obedient. He felt that this matter was difficult to handle. How could he take away an injured and unconscious woman? Besides, there were two supernatural masters Staring at him with two cats.

The combat effectiveness of the two young supernatural masters is not low, especially the protective shields on their bodies, which are simply too powerful, making me want to get one, the key is that it can save lives!
Even the two seemingly harmless kittens are not easy. One can turn into a big tiger, and the flames emitted by the other are stronger than a fire-type supernatural master. How does this allow him to complete the task.

And look at the old lady in the medical cabin who is still unconscious, how do I do it, if the hand is heavy, the old lady dies, or it will all be over.

Even if he is cold-blooded, ruthless and selfish, but the conditions do not allow it, could it be possible to go out after robbing the old lady, how will he deal with the big cow at the door?It's terrible!

Boss Jia didn't even think about it. If they didn't get it right, they wouldn't be cooperating, but enmity.

Jiang Xiaobai is not from Jia Youcai, but a bodyguard hired by other people on the spaceship. He is also taking refuge from the planet by boat.

Unexpectedly, Jia Youcai was too successful in his disguise, he had deceived so many people, and his real face was shocking. His employer was dealt with in the first batch.

Because he was useful as a supernatural master, he was left behind. In order to survive, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to join forces. He didn't even know how he changed from an upright supernatural master to a star thief.

Jia Youcai refused to admit that his behavior was no different from that of a star thief, and what he did was more ruthless than that of a star thief.

Jiang Xiaobai had seen the methods of those people, he didn't dare to resist and could only be obedient, he didn't know how to get here for a day or two, his nerves were already numb, killing a person is no different from crushing an ant, you can only give If you brainwash yourself, those are not human beings, but livestock like chickens and ducks, let them die as soon as they die!
As long as he doesn't die, it's fine. He is a wood-type supernatural master, he can heal wounds, and he can also give birth to plants. He is a talent that is especially needed in interstellar voyages.

When Jia Youcai heard that Zhu Xiuyun's injury was not curable, he thought of him and told him to play by ear, and others would meet him at the door.

There is a big cow blocking the door of the medical room to prevent extra people from entering. If you want to take Zhu Xiuyun away, you also want to lure away the big cow.

Jiang Xiaobai can't do it if he doesn't want to. He is really afraid that he will be more willing to do immoral things and suffer retribution, but if he doesn't do it, those people really dare to kill people. He watched tens of thousands of people, and the few hundred people left are all useful person.

"Doctor Jiang, the patient is ready. You need to treat it as soon as possible, because the wound is bleeding without bandaging, so there is no time to waste." Dahua's voice interrupted Jiang Xiaobai's meditation.

"Oh, okay, I'll treat it right away."

As he approached the hospital bed, Ye Lan, Ye Hao and the two cats stared closely, afraid that he would mess with him, even if he wanted to kill Zhu Xiuyun, he would die first if there was a flame, and the power of the flame was not something ordinary people could bear.

In addition, Ye Lan pasted a Vajra Talisman on Zhu Xiuyun's body, which was already in an activated state, and would start to defend when attacked.

Jiang Xiaobai approached the medical bed and looked at the old woman on the bed. Her hair was gray, her face was pale, and her abdominal wound was not big but hadn't healed.

He also couldn't see where there was a problem. Wood-type supernatural masters did have the ability to repair injuries. He didn't know much about medicine. He tried it first, and then took people out foolishly. Only with outside accomplices would he have a chance.

Jiang Xiaobai protruded a green supernatural power attached to Zhu Xiuyun's wound, Ye Lan and Ye Hao stared at it intently.

The wood-type ability is a kind of energy with vitality. The wound will heal as soon as it is touched, but it arouses the resistance of the power of the thunder disaster. Although the thunder disaster is only a little bit, it is of high quality. Even Su Qing's aura is not as advanced as Lei Jie's.

Feeling the energy full of vitality from outside, that trace of thunder immediately furious, who dares to show off its power in its territory, is it on the same level as me?
With a scream, Jiang Xiaobai's entire palm was as black as ink, and it was still smoking, causing him to jump on the spot in pain.

Zhu Xiuyun's wound was not only not healed, but also serious, Ye Lan and Ye Hao screamed, "Da Hua, Da Hua, come quickly."

The medical robot, Dahua, walked in quickly, applied the medicine to stop the bleeding in one go, and wrapped the bandage by the way.

He didn't have time to worry about Jiang Xiaobai whose palm was smoking, Jiang Xiaobai was going to die of pain, and felt that the whole hand didn't belong to him anymore.

He found Xiaohua in misery, and was sent to the medical cabin for repair, because after the examination, it was found that the entire palm was charred and the nerves were burned to death. Jiang Xiaobai couldn't feel the pain afterward.

Xiaohua had his limb amputated, because he couldn't feel his whole arm after being anesthetized, and could only wait for a new palm to grow.

Ye Lan and Ye Haocai didn't care about Jiang Xiaobai, and worried around Zhu Xiuyun.

Ye Hao glanced at the miserable Jiang Xiaobai and said: "It seems that Grandma Zhu's injury is still related to the lightning-type ability. Unless a lightning-type ability master can be found, the doctors will not dare to see a doctor for grandma."

The little lightning energy left in the wound scorched Jiang Xiaobai's hand, which was too scary. Fortunately, neither he nor his sister have wood-type superpowers, and they didn't dare to use supernatural powers to check Grandma Zhu's wounds, otherwise they would It's about to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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