Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 853 Zerg Ferocity

Chapter 853 Zerg Ferocity
Ye Lan frowned, "Where can I find a lightning-type supernatural master? There are not many in the entire empire, who will treat Grandma Zhu?"

She suddenly remembered, "By the way, I heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Empire has lightning abilities!!"

Ye Hao rolled his eyes, "Just wishful thinking, you can't even touch the shadow of a person, don't dream, Su Qing is so powerful, there must be a way."

The two asked Dahua what to do about Zhu Xiuyun's injury?
Dahua suggested that the infusion should be done first to replenish the lost blood and nutrition, and find a way to find a wise doctor for treatment.

The two told Zhu Shunming that they would stay with Zhu Xiuyun in the medical room, waiting for Su Qing's return.

Jia Youcai arranged for a few people to hide near the door, and planned to take over Jiang Xiaobai. As long as the people were in hand, it would be up to Jia Youcai how to trick Daniel to obey him.

That mutated Zerg wandered here. Originally, it wanted to escape, but when it realized that it was very powerful, it couldn't bear the desire for energy. coming.

It also knows that Daniel is here, but its rapidly expanding strength makes it feel that it has the ability to challenge Daniel.

The more energy it absorbs, the stronger its fighting power will be. Those human thermal weapons have no effect on it, unless it is a heavy weapon, and the mutated Zerg are rushing in this direction aggressively.

After discussing with Jia Youcai and several people, they began to deploy some troops and decided to test whether the Zerg was really that powerful, and each of them dispatched a dozen cannon fodder.

The selected person showed a bitter face, and ran over unwillingly,

That Zerg is so terrifying, letting them intercept it is tantamount to sending people to death, hum!Go as soon as you go, and if the momentum is not good, run back immediately. They also learned from the mecha master.

A group of people with different intentions lay in wait to ambush the Zerg.

As soon as the mutated Zerg showed up, everyone started to attack fiercely. Those who can survive until now have no waste, and all of them are murderers without batting an eyelid. But killing the Zerg is a bit strenuous, and there is always a sense of fear in their hearts.

They unleashed heavy weapons and unleashed firepower. Unfortunately, the Zerg dodged quickly, and the battleship was not well damaged. Fortunately, this is not the engine compartment or the cockpit, otherwise it would be troublesome.

The foolish people still want to fight this Zerg to the death, and the shrewd ones start to retreat, even if they die, they will die with everyone, let them be cannon fodder!

The firepower of the attack seems to be very fierce, but it does not cause much damage to the Zerg.

This mutated Zerg has unlocked the human gene, as if unlocking the curse, not only the speed, strength, and wisdom have increased amazingly;

It actually formed a brain nucleus. After eating so many supernatural masters, the supernormal energy circulated in its body and gathered little by little to form a strange brain nucleus. As the energy absorbed by the mutant Zerg increased, the brain nucleus gradually grew.

The Zerg themselves don't know, it will use abilities, or a hodgepodge, all types.

It has been using the body to fight before, combining the specialties of Zerg and the dexterity of humans. At this time, facing various supernatural attacks, it found something more interesting, and it coveted it more than those iron shells.

The attack momentum of dozens of supernatural masters is not small, all kinds of energy lasing in the battleship, various attack types, and the roar of hot weapons, just to hit a Zerg, I feel a bit too hard, but I don’t want to be surprised A scene happened.

Most of the attacks were blocked by the Zerg's carapace, and it didn't cause much damage to it. The Zerg would not be able to stand it if it hadn't been advanced. After all, on the battlefield, the imperial army still dared to fight the Zerg.

Jia Youcai's people still have skills, but they all keep their hands, and the supernatural masters don't dare to use up their supernatural energy. It seems that the Zerg are powerful, but they don't dare to fight to the death to benefit the people behind them.

The mutated Zerg struggled with a pair of compound eyes, and suddenly became interested in those supernatural energies, so they dared to swallow a mouthful.

If it didn't dare before, the supernatural master is the one who kills the most insect soldiers. If it weren't for the strategy of the sea of ​​insects, humans would have defeated the insects long ago.

Zong Bing saw with his own eyes that his companions who were born in the same batch were directly burned to death, chopped to death, and drowned by human supernatural masters. . .Every ability is so powerful.

After it grows up, it will definitely dodge energy attacks first, but now it wants to absorb that energy with all its heart, because eating people is too slow to keep up with the needs of the body.

A flame was eaten by the Zerg, everyone who saw it was shocked, and some people cheered, "Haha, this idiot, should it be cooked by now?"

Because they have all seen Jiaojiao's little fireball run into the Zerg's mouth, and the Zerg fell down immediately.

Even Jia Youcai and the others showed pleasant expressions, but they soon felt that something was wrong. A flame appeared on the surface of the Zerg and soon disappeared, but the Zerg was intact.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the unbelievers sent out another wave of abilities.

The Zerg felt that they could restore the supernatural attacks of humans, and then absorb them, and their eyes lit up immediately. This is easier than cannibalism. The energy is pure, unlike cannibalism with too many impurities.

Seeing that another wave of supernatural attacks arrived, and swallowed all the fallen ones, it was terrible, and the whole body glowed with colorful light.

Now everyone can see that something is wrong. Dozens of people have not exerted their full strength, and some of them have retreated slowly.

Seeing that something was obviously wrong with the Zerg, the supernatural master first felt the crisis. Zerg who are not afraid of supernatural attacks, how to fight, run!

With the first one to take the lead in escaping, the whole momentum was lost, and everyone started to run back after a whimper.

When passing by the medical room, I saw Daniel standing at the door, and shouted boldly: "Daniu, it's all up to you, the Zerg is here,"

The crowd withdrew like a gust of wind, leaving behind a few corpses in a state of distress.

Da Niu didn't even raise his eyelids, and he said silently, "I am a guard cow, I don't care about saving people, whoever I love, I just die!"Come on buddy Zerg, kill them all, the master won't punish me when he comes back. '

Seeing the bull, the Zerg sprinted to a sudden stop,
It looked warily at this creature that had killed many of its fellow creatures, and the timidity in its heart prevented it from stepping forward. With the improvement of its level, it could sense the pure energy of Daniel even more, and it was more attractive than those supernatural masters. It, but it just doesn't dare to fight against Daniel, and its intuition tells it that it can't fight.

Daniel's coercion is comparable to that of a worm, making him cower and dare not go forward. Daniel is too lazy to look at a worm's ink stains, so he couldn't help shouting, "If you want to go over quickly, get out."

Because the transmission was spiritual power, the Zerg naturally understood.

It cautiously walked over, and found that Daniel really hadn't made a move, so he rushed towards Jia Youcai's men.

"Damn, run."

Those people didn't care when they saw Daniel, and the Zerg didn't fight Daniel, and directly caught up.

The speed of the Zerg is very fast. Although the battleship is large and the interior is not small, it is not big enough for everyone to scatter and avoid. There are only a few passages.

Seeing this, Jia Youcai scolded, "Temo's alien beasts have low IQs. I've tried all my good words, but they don't work. Why didn't they fight?"

The captain has no time to talk nonsense with him, find a place to hide, prepare to block, must not be killed by the Zerg, they have spent so much effort to survive, no conscience, is it easy?

The Zerg had just discovered the benefits of absorbing abilities, so how could they give up, they were not interested in mech masters, and rushed towards those who could use abilities.

Several defenses were defeated one after another, and the flow of people retreated, and then retreated to the cockpit.

Zhu Shunming in the cockpit discovered this situation, and quickly sent a message to Ye Lan and Ye Hao to let them inform Daniel, and take action at the right time, and don't let the Zerg run into the cockpit.

Find a way to make the two sides even, or let the Zerg kill Jia Youcai and the others. He will also kill with a knife, but it is difficult for a Zerg.

(End of this chapter)

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